by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
You know, we always hear about the travails of the slaves; but what about the travails of the slave owners?
(me) hahaahahahah
CHUCK TODD: But right here, during the shutdown, a breakout here: eight points. It was the largest lead we'd shown in four years. Now, an eight-point lead looks big, and you think Democrats have a shot. But let's remember, this is a gerrymandered House. Democrats actually won the generic ballot in 2012. More people voted for a Democratic member of Congress than a Republican one in 2012, and yet there are more Republican-held congressional seats, 234. Democrats only have 201, even though they won a majority of the vote in 2012. There are a few vacancies there, by the way. We know some folks will say that.
CARSON CITY, Nev. -- CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) — A Nevada assemblyman came under fire Monday after a YouTube video surfaced in which he told a Republican gathering he would vote to allow slavery if that is what his constituents wanted him to do.
"If that's what they wanted, I'd have to hold my nose ... they'd probably have to hold a gun to my head, but yeah," Assemblyman Jim Wheeler told members of the Storey County Republican Party at a meeting in August.
I just finished a post concerning racism.
I am White. Why the hell do I care?
I don't know except it has something to do with my upbringing; it has something to do with the propaganda I received on the 'networks'; it has something to do with Thomas Jefferson who ended up as racist as John C. Calhoun.
I don't know.
But when Louis Armstrong saw that little girl being escorted to school by Federal Agents, he said:
If they do not let that little girl into that school, I will move to another country and renounce my citizenship!
I do not promise that this short post will be properly cited but I have to get something off of my chest.
I have written before about my experience doing title work as an attorney many decades ago.
I came across a series of documents related to suburban (Mpls and St. Paul) properties and discovered the restrictive covenants in deeds related to suburban properties.
And damn! The deed would announce:
The buyer agrees that at no time will this property be sold to any member of the Negroe Race or the Jewish Race.
And, as I have blogged many times before, the language contained in those deeds (original deeds which I read) had been blocked out with a black marker. Except and I mean EXCEPT the person who supervised those black-outs of these documents in the Register's Office and the Registrar's Office made sure that the words 'blacked-out' could still be read by the examiner.
To me, that person, whoever she or he may be, really impressed me!
Yeah the Supreme Court (Minnesot & US) directed us to comply with the NEW RULES. Except he or she decided that the 'new rules' would not mean that we should obliterate the past!
I shall hold those opinions in my heart forever!
The Minnesota Supreme Court held those restrictive covenants illegal and the United States Supreme Court held those restrictive covenants illegal.
This all occurred in the late 1950's.
But I am posting this to discuss hypocrisy.
And I feel that hypocrisy is relevant to our current racist mess that we refer to as Red and Blue states; as well as those issues related to secession and conservatism and....whatever.
The matters involve those things said as well as unsaid but intimated.
You can read certain speeches of John C. Calhoun or his minions or Jefferson Davis or his VP or Lee for that matter (following the Civil War) and you cannot but conclude that the primary reason for the Civil War was racism or slavery or whatever you wish to call 'it'.
Here is the only defense I have come up with as regards the 'it'.
And I will edit this rant with $%^#@$ or whatever, but this is my rant:
Prior to the election of Abraham Lincoln as POTUS, Illinois made it illegal for any 'Black Person' (read N*&^*er) to even enter the state.
Prior to the Civil War the 'North' always discriminated against Negroes.
There is an entire history here, I mean 1/3 of all sailors involved in mercantile delivery of goods per the Atlantic Ocean were Blacks.
Hell, Columbus claimed that Blacks were here when he arrived.
But suffice it to say, that as long as our forefathers reached North America, Blacks have always been with us.
At any rate, the South said:
You hate the n*&^%$rs too, as much as we do and we are stuck with the most n*&^%$ers and so fuck you too, we are doing the best we can.
I feel that this obscene statement sets the stage for what we witness today in this racist mess we find ourselves in.
This is what Strom Thurmond was attempting to communicate when he formed the Dixiecrats.
You are hypocrites you goddamnable Northerners; you hate the N*&^%ERS just like we do, you have discriminated against this lower class of human beings by word and deed and law and intention all along.
See, the South's defense has always been:
You are racists too! We just have so many more of 'them' than we do and that is the reason that you could use legal means like restrictive covenants and other legal niceties to hide the same racism you know that we know.
You know that 'they' are animals that must be controlled in one way or another and you just do not like our ways of doing so.
I could get into Bloomberg's Stop & Frisk policies—and Bloomberg is a millionaire or billionaire who really thinks he is getting into the right way of doing things.
I could get into our prison system which seems to adore Black Felons over White Felons.
I could get into our ability to keep 10% or 12% of our population in poverty.
Well, liberals like me might say:
Well, conservatives might say:
We all discriminate so FUCK YOU!
Life is more complicated than I have demonstrated, but damn; I mean there is no other explanation for this North/South rift than this explanation, as far as I can figure.
I just reviewed ten percent of my rants that Mike kept and all I can figure out is that the South has hung onto this hypocrisy crap as its only defense over the last three hundred years.
We had slaves in the North. As well as the indentured service system.
Way back.
And we have had discrimination going on in the North until the mid 19th century and beyond.
We certainly had committed sins in the North.
Talk to Morgan Freeman or Louis Armstrong or MLK or Jackie Robinson or Chief Justice Warren's chauffeur or Hank Aaron or a thousand other famous Black Folks...
Not all of the anecdotes are funny. As Justice Marshall, Mr. Jones tells a story about Earl Warren, who became chief justice of the court, and his awakening to the everyday outrages of racism in the United States. On a trip to visit Civil War battlefields, he rose on the first morning and found his chauffeur sleeping in the car. The driver hadn't been able to find a hotel room anywhere in the area that would allow him to stay there.
It was worse in the South and it's worse in the South today!
Voting rights?
Well, the voting rights and the strength of the 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution have hit a new bottom.
Affirmative Action has been de-balled by the Supreme Court.
In other words, the South has been maintaining that the world is relative; that Einstein is right; that everything is relative so why not go fuck yourself Northerners.
I also have this other situation which I used to think 'clouds' the racism issue into current thought.
This lady, who stood out in the feminist counter-terrorism movement in Texas just demonstrated that the new Texas laws concerning voting rights, kept her from voting; FOR CHRISSAKES!
Now the 15th Amendment came before the 19th Amendment for Chrissakes, but damn, Texas legislation would not allow half? of all women in Texas to vote?
And fuck Texas and fuck Wisconsin and fuck all those states who would do anything to deny folks the right to vote!
We, (we the Northerners) constantly attack the South with the sin of hypocrisy.
The South sees nothing but hypocrisy with regards to the North.
The South has a stupid argument when you think about it.
And we, the North, have a stupid argument calling the South Hypocrites.
The fact is that the North has attempted to ameliorate the situation and the South says:
By the way, and this has nothing to do with nothing, but the next time you are making pancakes, just throw in some fresh grapes, I mean fresh grapes from the grocer's unless you live next to some grove
You have to de-stem them and all, but for some reason I find little 'stems' of grapes available for a buck or so and I play with them.
I just never threw twelve of the little buggers into my pancake mix! Just add water the package says but I add some grapes.
I know this sounds weird.
But forget strawberries and raspberries and black berries...throw in some grapes, when they are on sale as they say!
Really, the best fruit I have ever put into my pancakes.
I have no idea but they contain their water and they keep their faith (read taste).
Really, the best pancakes I ever ate!
The end
The south has always been afraid of people that don't look like them or act like them. Florida is changing fast and you can even see the difference in the younger people and older people. Most of the older African Americans sound like Al Sharpton here in Florida but the younger ones are loosing their ethnic accent because of education. Al went to black schools before intergration. Historians are going to look back at the ending of Jim Crow as one of the most important mile stones in the 20th century. We are seeing the end of southern racial backlash politics play out now. The politicians in Texas see what is happening now in Florida and it has them scared. The organizers that got the ball rolling in Florida 6 years ago are now in Texas working for Battle Ground Texas. They are scared to death that their wives, sisters and mothers will vote them out of office.
The series that is on PBS about the how African Americans helped build this country. They really had a important roll. It is good series. I hope you are watching it.
OT: Alex Sink is going to run in the open FL-13 seat that Bill Young had for 43 years. The seat was always hers if she wanted it. I saw a interview last spring were she was asked if she would run again for Gov. or go after Young's House seat when he retires. Her husband Bill Mcbride had died last Dec. She had told the interviewer that she was down sizing her home and was not sure yet if she would move to Clearwater but was thinking about it. Her husband was a partner in a big law firm in Tampa and was also in politics. Bill McBride ran against JEB for Gov. Election will be sometime in the spring. GOP in Florida is worried that they will take a blow in the state house also next year. They want all their state legislators to have 50 grand in the bank by the end of the year for next years campaign. Money isn't going to be easy for them this time.
OT: Here is an easy pan cake recipe for you. It tastes better then mix. Just as easy to make. It is also cheaper to do.
3/4 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup of whole wheat flour or buckwheat flour( you can use all purpose flour)
2 tablespoons of sugar
2 teaspoons of baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/3 cup of milk
1 egg.
Mix together. Heat griddle with a little oil. Drop 1/4 cup of batter on hot griddle. Make just a few at a time. Don't turn over until the bubbles on top break and the sides look dry. Flip and let other side get golden brown. You can't make them with all whole wheat or all buckwheat because they will be dense and tough. My family loves the buckwheat pan cakes. A bag of buckwheat flour is a little expensive but it lasts a long time because it only takes a half cup. It makes about 20 pan cakes if you stick to a 1/4 cup of batter. They freeze well and all you do is warm them up.
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 10/31/2013 - 3:50am
You know what I discovered even before I found my method duplicated on the Food Channel?
I found that coating a solid cast-iron frying pan with olive oil and then adding some real butter, the pancakes just became a wonder to behold.
I do not know why this is, but it works.
And like I said, the Food Channel approved my method. Hahahahah
I certainly make pancakes from scratch with a method pretty close to your recipe; it is just that after 7 years of practice and with a touch more money, a two dollar box of Mrs. Butterworth complete, really does the job. And remember I am alone. So I can be selfish. Hahahah
The box lasts me for at least two months; unless I am greedy but damn it is so simple.
I was just amazed at how olive oil and butter work so nicely together. And how my pancakes (whether made from scratch or from the box) really fried so nicely.
I bake the sausage for twenty minutes (cheap brats) and then cut them up and throw them on the plate.
One sausage when I am alone and two when Seany shows up.
I throw the mess into the oven while I fry an egg or two; over easy, very easy.
I might add a touch of peach jam ($2.00 a jar) and syrup. I don't know why but this dish, which I eat three times a month, is the best meal I ever make. hahaah
And I am in heaven with my favorite dish which is better than I would get at some pancake house.
Sean really looks forward to breakfast when he appears.
I just cannot achieve the wonder without Mrs. Butterworth. Hahahah
Why am I writing this?
by Richard Day on Thu, 10/31/2013 - 5:16am
When you started talking about pancakes, I thought for sure you were going here: or here: to tie everything together.
by MrSmith1 on Thu, 10/31/2013 - 1:19pm
I enjoyed the links. I have always been able to taste the corn flour in Aunt Jemima pancakes. It is nice to know it is equal parts. Like I said up thread, African Americans helped make this country's society and culture what it is. A much bigger part then they have been credit for.
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 10/31/2013 - 2:28pm
This is my other pan cake recipe that I like to make. You cook it in the oven. It is the most popular recipe from the New York Times ever. Since you heat the oven for sausage you might like to give this a go. I don't use the lemon juice but fill them with apricot jam. They are a real treat.
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 10/31/2013 - 3:07pm
Oh I love that apricot jam but I just picked up some peach jam on sale for two bucks (which will last months by the way).
If I hit on one of my scratch offs I will purchase some real maple syrup that costs as much as gold. hahahah
Baking pancakes?
I am going to try this method real soon!
by Richard Day on Thu, 10/31/2013 - 4:19pm
I make my own apricot jam every year. When the apricots show up at the market I buy 5 lbs and a bottle of Riesling Wine. The other ingredients is a bag of sugar, certo and dried lavender blossoms. I spend the afternoon making this ambrosia of all jams. A little jar of this cost about $9 on the internet. The left over wine I save for me. I have had my jars for years and other equipment. It is an old recipe that was handed down to me I updated for pectin. My aunt made it with Blue Nun wine. I was surprised to see it on the internet.
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 10/31/2013 - 5:06pm
Just an afterthought, but there are always muffin recipes on these cheap mixes and all they wish for is an egg maybe (again, I am the only diner) and a little oil--which I never add but I will add some sour lean.
And, of course, we bake muffins.
So a big muffin in the oven as they say makes sense.
by Richard Day on Fri, 11/01/2013 - 8:46pm
Instead of drinking the wine you could use it to make a simple but very good chicken dinner. Use skinless chicken pieces of your choice. I use breasts and thighs. Melt half stick of butter with 3 flattened garlic cloves to extract the garlic flavor in heavy pan. Remove the garlic, turn heat up to high and brown the chicken along with salt and pepper to taste. Carefully add 1 cup each of your white wine and chicken broth. Add a bay leaf and simmer covered on low heat one hour. When done remove the chicken to a large bowl, thicken the liquid to make a nice gravy nod pour over chicken. Serve with mashed potatoes. Reheating the rest of mine tonight.
by Tom on Sat, 11/02/2013 - 3:13pm