The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


    File:Delacroix barque of dante 1822 louvre 189cmx246cm 950px.jpg
                                          The Barque of Dante

    We sit in the car outside your house, whoah
    I can feel the heat coming 'round
    I go to put my arm around you
    And you give me a look like I'm way out of bounds
    Well you let out one of your bored sighs
    Well lately when I look into your eyes
    I'm goin' down...

    We get dressed up and we go out, baby, for the night
    We come home early burning burning, burning in some fire fight
    I'm sick and tired of you setting me up, yeah
    Setting me up just to knock-a knock-a knock-a me down
    I'm goin' down...

    I pull you close now baby, but when we kiss I can feel a doubt
    I remember back when we started
    My kisses used to turn you inside out
    I used to drive you to work in the morning
    Friday night I'd drive you all around
    You used to love to drive me wild, yeah
    But lately girl you get your kicks from just dragging me down

    I'm goin' down down down down
    I'm goin' down down down down


    Upon realizing that he'd been overheard by a reporter, Terry started talking about his kids.

    Also reportedly in the crosshairs was Missouri Congressman Sam Graves, captured on camera by a Kansas City blogger dining at D.C.'s divey Brickskeller, known more for its beer menu and dark corners than cuisine or quiet conversational opportunities.

    Some Republican congressmen have been warned to keep their distance from the female lobbyists who prowl Capitol Hill.

    Sources say House Minority Leader John Boehner has told GOP congressmen who partied with lobbyists "to knock it off." His spokesperson said, "Boehner has always told all our members that they will be held to the highest ethical standards."

    While there's no evidence of anything more than friendly flirtatious behavior, the lawmakers have been told to keep partying to a minimum in this midterm election year.

    Read more:

    Republicans win control of the House in November, which Boehner said is "doable," Boehner stands to become the next Speaker of the House.

    The Ohio-lawmaker pledged to work on breaking down the "scar tissue" of partisanship that has grown over the last several years in the nation's capital.

    Even though Republicans have been dubbed the "party of no" during the past 18 months for their overwhelming opposition to most Democratic initiatives, Boehner pledged to reach out to Democrats if his party wins back the House.

    "If Ted Kennedy and I can find a lot of common ground on the several dozen bills that we moved together, there isn't any reason why other members can't find common ground in order to move the ball down the field," Boehner said.

    The comments referred to his time as chairman of the then-Education and Workforce Committee, when he worked with Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.) on the No Child Left Behind education overhaul


    Former Nevada state Rep. Sharron Angle, the Republican nominee for Senate against Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid, is still getting the hang of holding a "press conference" with the media. At an event Wednesday, Angle spoke for three minutes on cutting taxes -- and then quickly left when the assembled reporters tried to ask her questions.

    The funniest thing, as shown in tracking video from the Nevada Democratic Party, is that Angle's host seemingly invited the reporters to ask questions -- then Angle suddenly walked away without saying anything.


    In the warehouse of a family-owned clean diesel manufacturer in Sparks, Angle delivered a three-minute speech on her desire to permanently repeal the estate tax. When invited by the final speaker to stay and answer a few questions, she turned on her heel and rushed out a back door with a small cadre of staff members.

    Reporters, including one who is six months pregnant, chased after her, calling out questions on unemployment benefits and other topics she has largely refused to address.


    Candidates like Rand Paul, Mark Kirk, David Vitter are grabbing headlines and raising eyebrows for self-made controversies that have sometimes plagued -- and sometimes boosted -- their candidacies. What else separates the three candidates from the rest of the 2010 pack?

    So far, they're all outraising their opponents.

    Controversy-plagued U.S. Senate candidates from Nevada to Kentucky are experiencing significant fundraising success, according to campaign finance disclosures for the second quarter of this year.

    Just days after claiming victory in Kentucky's GOP primary, Paul found himself under fire for comments he made about the Civil Rights Act. But despite those remarks and subsequent gaffes, the Tea Party-backed candidate managed outraise his Democratic opponent with a $1.1 million haul in the second quarter.

    In Illinois, Kirk took in $2.3 million -- more than double the total raised by his Democratic rival Alexi Giannoulias. Kirk enjoyed fundraising success even though he spent the better part of the last few months explaining why he embellished his military service record.

    As for Vitter, who is seeking a second term as a U.S. Senator from Louisiana, not even a prostitution scandal and subsequent controversies involving a top aide, could stop him from raising $1 million on top of the hefty sum he already had in the bank. That's more than double what Democratic Senate contender and Louisiana Congressman Charlie Melancon raised.

    The fundraising prowess of some of the most controversial candidates on the midterm election circuit is just one of the many surprises the Huffington Post unearthed in the latest campaign finance filings. Here are the top 10 things you may not have guessed about the candidates and their campaign war chests:


