Richard Day's picture



    I typed the word google into Google. Guess what came up?



    George Carlin



    It takes a worried man to sing a worried song
    It takes a worried man to sing a worried song
    It takes a worried man to sing a worried song
    I'm worried now, but I won't be worried long

    10.8% unemployment 1982!

    9.0% unemployment 2011/06/10

    I went across the river and I lay down to sleep
    Went across the river and I lay down to sleep
    Went across the river and I lay down to sleep
    When I woke up, put the shackles on my feet

    58,212 American Soldiers dead in Vietnam by 1975

    4,460 American Soldiers dead in Iraq

    1496 American Soldiers dead in Afghanistan

    It takes a worried man to sing a worried song
    It takes a worried man to sing a worried song
    It takes a worried man to sing a worried song
    I'm worried now, but I won't be worried long

    Dow Jones Average 6800 in 2009

    Dow Jones Average 12000 2011

    Twenty-nine links of chain around my leg
    Twenty-nine links of chain around my leg
    Twenty-nine links of chain around my leg
    And on each link was the initial of my name

    National Debt as % of GDP 117 % 1949

    National Debt as % of GDP 83.9% 2009

    It takes a worried man to sing a worried song
    It takes a worried man to sing a worried song
    It takes a worried man to sing a worried song
    I'm worried now, but I won't be worried long

    Life expectancy 1900: 49.2 years

    Life expectancy 77.9 years

    I asked the judge, what might be my fine
    I asked the judge, what might be my fine
    I asked the judge, what might be my fine
    Twenty-one years on the Rocky Mountain Line

    Sarah Palin Approval rating 2008- 80%

    Sarah Palin Approval rating 2011 37%

    It takes a worried man to sing a worried song
    It takes a worried man to sing a worried song
    It takes a worried man to sing a worried song
    I'm worried now, but I won't be worried long

    But of course, a good cigar was a nickel in 1890!

    And it's always worse in Philadelphia


    Previous draft @ http://onceuponaparadigm.



    Dick. I believe I have espied a career opportunity for you. 

    You could do this all day long, I bet.

    Maybe have Dagbloggers over as special guests.

    Then - assuming they can play the banjo - you could sing these here songs you make up. 

    Whaddya say?

    Great idea.

    Just as an aside and not to get to personal haven't been twittering this lady your junk or anything?


    Crazy? Yeah sure pal. That's what they said about Jargon Scott and his Legless Dogs.

    They're more like cats! hahahaha

    I swear I am watching a Montreal comedy fest on CBC.

    It sounds fairly recent (that could be 2 years ago of course)

    This thin aussie with an artificial leg is doing his riff--mostly concerned with his coverage of the Para-Olympics in Australia.

    There was this swimmer with no arms. And he came in second in one of the events--he lost by half an arm. Some guy with half an arm beat him by less than half an arm1



    Excellent blog.

    Some things I learned in the blogosphere:

    1) Many people expect too much. From politicians yet. Surprised

    2) Many people romanticize the past.  And when the present doesn't live up to the imaginary romantic past, they get mad at other people who aren't mad, yelling "where's the outrage?!"

    3) More people then I ever imagined give politicians money! And "support" them! Gah! I wasn't raised that way. My dad worked for the local gummint and was always saying what jerks politicians were. For crying out loud, don't give em your money. All the politico really wants is your vote. The only reason he/she wants the money is to convince lazy people to vote for him/her through manipulative means like TV commercials and rallies. And then when these people who gave money don't feel they have gotten their money's worth, they get mad at everyone else because they're not showing enough outrage. I ain't going to get mad because you were a fool expecting pie in the sky for your donation and put all your hopes and dreams in a politician or pollitical party instead of voting for the best available person applying for a job who probably won't turn out any better at his/her job than most people are at their jobs.

    4) Chicken Little lives and breathes every day in the blogopshere.

    Politicians take bribes today in one form or another...kind of a custom since the days of Andy Jackson.

    Just saw an interview with an author who wrote a book on the 1918 flu epidemic.

    The Newman song about the Flood of '27--one of my favorites.

    Yeah we shall survive--but I aint got no money to give a politician. hahahaha

    Not to rain on your "Chicken Little lives and breathes every day in the blogopshere" thingie, but uh...the sky is falling.  As far as the unemployment stats seeming worse in 1980, it only takes a couple seconds to disabuse anyone that it in fact was worse than now: it was short, and likely more fairly computed than now, and Volcker managed the monetary supply to help the unemplyed, not the bondholder screaming MOTUs.

    A complicated mess, but not like now, and with no hope on the horizon, unless you believe in Obama's prayers and...whatever.

    Arta: "I ain't going to get mad because you were a fool expecting pie in the sky for your donation and put all your hopes and dreams in a politician or pollitical party instead of voting for the best available person applying for a job who probably won't turn out any better at his/her job than most people are at their jobs." And: Chicken Little lives and breathes every day in the blogopsher"
     Maybe we did vote for the best available. Tell us who that was so we can know if we were fools or if maybe we were as wise and informed as you.  With all due respect, and in my own case that is a fair amount, I am fucking sick of the "chicken Little" metaphor you throw out so often and so indiscriminately. I wish you would find a new cliche' to insult people who think there are very big problems in the world that will either be dealt with successfully by our country's lousy government and other countries' lousy governments or else there will be very harsh price to be paid by millions of people worldwide. Shit is happening whether you can smell it or not. So, whether we foolishly put all our hopes in a politician and are disappointed or if we are as wise and informed as you and so know in advance that they are going to screw up, there is reason to worry and there is evidence to support thinking that things could get real bad.

    This is priceless LULU!


    And I will not attack Artappraiser!

    forget about being angry for a moment.

    You and I get angry. hahahahahaha

    Sometimes I think anger is the only shot of adreniline I really feel the effects of anymore!

    Some talk about the necessity of the middle class to participate in the election process more than just with the vote.  And note that there must be some effect from liberal blogging (whateverthatis).

    I mean I sign the petitions.

    ten good intentioned blog sites ask me for money every week.

    I have no money. And that is not some easy 'putaside'. I mean I am triple under the poverty line--whatever that means.

    I am just saying, stand back from the canvas.

    We had 60 full fledged senators categorized as dems and we are behind in our nomination process.

    I mean the Prez nominates and the Senate gives the Advise and Consent and ....shite!

    There was a time when the senate could have okayed every single damn nomination of this Administration.

    And it CHOSE not to.

    I am a little down on the process right now.

    Why were not all nominees confirmed during that one particular point in time when it would have been possible to get around the rules and just confirm!

    On the other hand, the most single evil thing that could happen to this nation in my humble opinion would be for the repubs to have Congress and the White House.

    I mean why do I believe this?

    Just look at what happened in the states where the Governor and the full legislative bodies were repubs!

    Hell broke loose.

    I'm not going to go back and document what I have been writing about all year.


    Alabama just enacted a law that would make anyone helping an 'illegal" in any manner whatsover a felon; and they have slave labor picking all the cotton and tobacco and whatever....

    The look on this Alabama Governor signing this NAZI  law is incredible, incredulous and inane.

    I get so goddamn mad at these racist oligarchist pricks, I cannot handle it any longer.

    The rich farmers in Alabama need 'off the books' labor to continue to screw Alabama.

    And yet this fascist racist prick of a Governor is doing God's work.

    There is no redemption here.

    If I lived in Alabama, Black or White, i would either bomb the governor's mansion or move.

    The rage I feel is incredible.

    It takes me back to the days of Medgar Evers....


    Would you vote Republican if they promised you a packet of voucher(s) for use at GOP supporting corporations, an upper end tax cut if you were to hit it big (over $250K) in the lottery, deficit and teacher/public worker elimination, morning in America, safety from 'the spores/skies are falling' Drones of Death, or said they love America and support the troops more than anyone and we just need to: unfetter banks, unleash more free $peech, support the surge and all carry loaded guns?

    I do not know whether to laugh or cry sometimes. hahaha

    Your stream of consciousness comes right out of my head for chrissakes.

    It is kind of a shorthand for my former governor's new plan...

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