by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Now I hate to think sometimes how long I've been around and paying attention to national politics but it has been one helluva long time. I've seen a lot of water go under the bridge. I've seen politicians pull just about every trick in the book and as a result I've developed a pretty damn good nose for when I'm being hornswaggled, bamboozled and otherwise lied to by the braying asses we send to Washington DC to look out for the nation's interests. Now is one of those times. But this is a time that will stand out because it is a pivotal moment for the nation. Many will not see it as that for quite a while but it is. This rotten deal Obama is pushing is right up there with the TARP deal which many of us recognized as being a con from day one. We screamed and yelled and told people not to buy the lies they were being sold, yet our politicians rolled over and played dead once again for their masters on Wall Street. Among those rolling over was then Senator Obama. What he voted for in that deal stunk to high heaven. There was no merit to the proposal which was clearly a massive giveaway to the big banks. So too is this deal a rotten one that is yet anothe rmassive giveaway to the very same element and if it isn't stopped the negative consequences will be more and more difficult to reverse with each passing day.
It comes as no surprise really that the President caved in to the Republicans but he has compounded the problems his lack of political fortitude has produced by lying about the "compromise" he's trying to stuff down the throat of the nation in alliance with a political faction that is run by a pack of authoritarian sociopaths without the slightest interest in protecting this nation or it's people. That alone is reason enough to oppose the President's rotten deal but over the past couple of days the President himself and his operatives have been boldly lying to the nation about this deal, what it means to the nation, how it is not negotiable, and how without it the nation's economy will plunge back into recession. It is important to speak plainly at times such as this and no mince words so that the debate focuses not on the distractions the calculating liars wish the public debate to focus on but instead on the reality of what the deal portends.
Not only are the President and his men lying to the nation about all this but it is increasingly clear that they are completely out of touch not only with reality but with the sentiments and desires of the American people. The biggest lie of them all is that the only way we can get what Obama, the swine Larry Summers, and Goolsbee characterize as the good stuff in the deal is to agree to doing something that is morally offensive, completely inexcusable and bad for the nation. That is extending the tax cuts for the rich. Nothing can justify that. It's a deal killer under any circumstances. Period. There was a time when Obama understood this. We know because he was recorded on video and audio tape saying so hundreds and hundreds of times.
Obama specifically campaigned on letting that obscene tax bonanza for the wealthy expire. He wasn't equivocal on that promise he was as clear as could be. Why was he so clear about that? Well, as we all know, everyone including the Republicans knew that tax cut for the rich was unnecessary and blew a gigantic hole in the federal budget, that it was totally unjustified, unfair to the average American, and wouldn't do a damn thing to help the economy and create jobs. The only reason the Republicans didn't push through a tax cut solely for the rich was because they knew they had to sweeten the deal a bit in their usual way by making "across the board" cuts which always means the biggest pieces of pie go to those who need them least and the smallest slices to those who need it most. They throw crumbs to the morally flexible Democrats to justify their perfidy and then get what they want. This current deal is no different except this time the hustler trying to sell us on this steaming pile of filth is allegedly a Democrat.
Here's what Obama and his cowardly, out of touch posse just don't get: those tax cuts for the rich are unacceptable. Let me repeat that in case it isn't clear: those tax cuts for the rich are unacceptable. Period. There is no circumstance under which those tax cuts become acceptable. None! There is no deal that can justify continuing that immoral ladeling of boodle upon the predator class for another second let alone two more years! Again, no deal, not the one Obama so foolishly agreed to or any other, can make extending those tax cuts for the predator class acceptable. This is the fundamental concept that Obama used to but now doesn't get, that Summers doesn't get, that Goolsbee doesn't get. Furthermore, this is precisely the sort of morally corrupt dealmaking Obama campaigned against and upon which his hollow campaign claim of changing the way Washington works rested. Some things are deal killers and if those tax cuts for the rich aren't deal killers then there's no such thing. If Obama won't fight those then it becomes obvious there is simply nothing at all he will ever fight for.
Obama and his cowardly crew think that it's more important to have some kind of deal, any kind of deal than to just tell the Republicans to go to hell, that we will not ever agree to their outrageous and morally offensive demand. Period. And yes, it's okay to tell them to go to hell and then let all of the tax cuts expire on January 1st. the nation won't fall and that won't cause a double dip recession. For Christ's sake, the only morons that think the depression is over are those that were never impacted by it anyway! For the millions of normal Americans out there it is clear the depression has never really abated. Numbers schmumbers! We still have tens of millions who can't find work. The depression is ongoing except on paper for wonks and Wall Streeters!
Anyone with a lick of sense knows that if those pathetically small (and truth be told offensively small) tax cuts for the nonrich expire nobody will hardly notice. My paycheck isn't going to be much affected by having that tax cut expire and if I have to pay twenty bucks a week more and those rich bastards are paying twenty thousand bucks more a week then all the better! Go for it! Show some balls by refusing to do something you know is wrong! What is so God damned hard about this that these supposedly smart guys in DC just don't get?
It is wrong to do something you know is bad for the country, that never should have been done in the first place and that is even more wrong now than ever. Doing things you know are wrong is wrong. It's just that simple and you don't have to agree to do wrong things. You can fight those who want you to. You can resist. Or, as Obama always chooses to do, you can crumple like a tissue at the distant sound of the first shot being fired on the battle field, raise the white flag and ask the enemy how you can be of service.
But Obama, et al are so used to cooperating with evil, so used to agreeing to do things they know are wrong they simply don't get why it's such a big deal for all us "sanctimonious", "purist" idealogues who complain because they didn't get "everything" they wanted. Well, those boys in the White House are making themselves feel comfortable by only listening to themselves and hearing what they want to hear as groupthinkers always do until the disasterous consequences of their bad decisions explode out in the open for all to see as this bad deal will surely do if allowed to go through.
The problem here is that this isn't simply a matter of a difference of opinion or perspective or degree. This is a matter of fundamental principle. It is also a matter of common sense. Nobody thinks the President and his people did a good job of negotiating this bad deal. Nobody. This deal just on the tax cut for the rich should be defeated but there are other concessions the President made that are also just as wrong, constitute very bad policy and are just flat out bad for the nation. The President and his yes men clearly just do not get that this isn't merely a distasteful necessity that some of us don't like but something that is fundamentally against everything the Democratic Party has stood for since Franklin Roosevelt saved this country from the very same chaos and ruin the Republicans and Wall Street created the last time. It just isn't okay to proceed down this road of bad deals for the nation and our people. That's the losing strategy that got us into this mess to begin with! There is an alternative: refuse to give in.
At his death knell press conference the other day, Obama, with a straight face, and his surrogates since then have actually tried to sell people on the idea that despite having caved in without a fight of any kind this time, in two years in the middle of the next election is when Obama will finally fight and refuse to let the tax cuts be extended again or made permanent. No kidding. They are really peddling that line to the people and to the Democats in Congress. How stupid can they really believe people to be? Now this, is simply one of two things. Either it is a bold faced lie by the capitulator in chief or it is a serious delusion on his part to think that anyone would believe that somehow he'll suddenly grow a pair and become willing to stand up for something. That assertion, given his dismal reocord of capitulation thus far as Presdient simply has no crediblity at all and anyone who buys that line of crap deserves what they get. It won't happen. If he won't fight now when conditions are far more in his favor there isn't the slightest possibility he'll all of a sudden find courage to do it while running for re-election If these tax cuts are allowed to metastasize for two more years they are as good as permanent. Anyone who would believe otherwise is either deluding themselves or is hopelessly naive.
"No really, this time I mean it! I really, really will stick to my guns two years from now! I pwamiss" sounds an awful lot like elmer Fudd to me or good ol Wimpy's line from the Popeye cartoons: "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today!" I ain't buyin it, apparently at least for today the House Dems ain't buyin it and nobody else should either. If he won't fight now then he won't ever fight the Republicans. We need to force the President to be a man about this and not run away which is very clearly what he's doing.
Now that's the central issue but there are others that make this horrendous deal even worse and in a nutshell they are the following:
Making the inheritance tax even lower than Bush proposed. What the fuck? Really? Really? This is so stupid and so inexcusable it isn't even funny. This is nothing more but another undeserved, unnecessary shower of largesse upon the people who need it least. Totally unacceptable. A deal breaker. Nothing justifies this. Nothing. It's fundamentally bad policy, it's fundamentally in opposition to Democratic policy for the past 70 years. Not even Reagan or that creep Bush the second went here. Agreeing to this must make the Republican just laugh at Obama as possibly the worst negotiator in the history of the world!
"Temporary" elimination of part of the employee payroll contributions to Social Security. What the fuck? You're kidding right? No? Really? No way! So let me get this straight, for the first time ever you are using the retirement money of our nation as a "temporary" economic stimulus? Who was the genius that came up with this idea? Any third grader can predict that when it comes time for this to expire the Republicans will shriek to the heavens about how the Democrats are raising your taxes and crucify the gullible Obama with it just as they did all his foolish concessions to them in the faux healthcare reform. This will go right along with them making the very same argument about the egregious tax cuts for the rich. This is a total loser. A deal killer if ever there was one. There is no other program that is more representative of the greatness and courage of the Democratic Party and its legacy to the nation than Social Security. Suspending the payroll tax for Social Security or any portion of it is just as irresponsible and reckless as taking out a subprime rate loan we know we can't pay back. This idiotic idea make this singular accomplishment of the New Deal vulnerable for the first time in its history. How can the President ever agree to such a thing? Why is he doing this? This is just horrendously stupid not to mention wrong. No. No! And Hell NO! This is a rotten idea and plays right into Republican hands. It's hard to believe a Democrat who was sober ever would have agreed to this.
As for the other provisions, all of which are nice things, they can be had later and the Democratic President and Senate have plenty of leverage to get them done. Trading those remaining "goodies" including the unemployment benefits for the three horrific items above just isn't worth it. Not even close.
The best strategy for the Presdient to pursue is simple. He should call another press conference and declare to the nation that after further reflection he agrees with the vast majority of the Democrats in America and that he will not be blackmailed into supporting something that is wrong no matter what angle you look at it from and declare the deal dead. Let all the tax cuts expire and start from scratch. There has never been a time when Congress has failed to extend unemployment benefits in a recession and it may take some cajoling but eventually the Republicans will come along and yes, Mr. President you blame those rotten bastards for the suffering they have caused each and every day they don't come around and help extend those benefits. You don't sit silent and let them characterize the situation with their usual lies and distortions: you fight! The same is true for the debt ceiling which they are going to refuse to support. Perhaps the single most astounding thing ever to come out of Obama's mouth was when he said the other day that he would take John Boehner "at his word." Mr. President, do you know this guy at all? He's a scumbag, a liar and an all around creep. If there's anyone's word you know you can't trust it's that guy! Jeeezus!
And this lie that cropped up yesterday being peddled by Summers that if this bad deal doesn't go through the economy will slump again? Bullshit. If we slump we won't be slumping far cause things haven't gotten much better out here in America boys. If you had a single clue you'd know that already. The reason the Democrats got their asses kicked was mainly because there still aren't any jobs and nobody sees you guys doing anything about it. This rotten deal sure ain't the answer and to try and frighten and blackmail the nation into believintg this rotten deal is the only way or best way to stimulate the economy so things don't get worse is a lie and you know it's a lie.
Just as with TARP that we could all smell stinking no matter how far away we lived from DC, this piece of crap Obama is selling stinks too and needs to be rejected. It's a damn shame he and his buddies in the Republican Party have become so close but sometimes you just have to do the right thing. In this situation the right thing is to tell Obama and the Republicans very clearly: NO!
Here is link to an article appearing over at Salon by Prof. Julian E. Zelizer of Princeton that lays out the very serious issues regarding the horrendous decision to bargain with Social Security taxes extremely well. It is exceptionally worthwhile reading particularly if you think that's not something to get too concerned about.
The repubs as well as the media love to say:
They might as well just say:
If they had not given up, more would have shown up at the polls.
To rush and beck and the rest all of our problems rest with the liberals and the minorities of course but now this propaganda has become part and parcel of the repub message.
SS recipients were denied a little 250 bonus while Wall Street before, during and following the crash bath in billions of dollars of bonuses. That was the Senate's fault and the dems in the Senate for not fixing the filibuster bullshite.
Oh well I am rambling now but your text is pretty clean.
by Richard Day on Thu, 12/09/2010 - 11:36pm
Oh well I am rambling now but your text is pretty clean.
I've got to agree with you there. You are bringing up "Rush and Beck" and "dems in the Senate" and Americans not showing up at the polls.
But Oleeb is very clearly blaming President Obama and his team and no one else, that is what this post is all about. It goes on and on how Obama along with "his buddies in the Republican party" is the main culprit. The title says he is a liar that has lied many times. Oleeb says Not only are the President and his men lying to the nation about all this but it is increasingly clear that they are completely out of touch not only with reality but with the sentiments and desires of the American people, not Rush or Beck. Oleeb calls Obama a hustler trying to sell us on this steaming pile of filth is allegedly a Democrat and says he has a cowardly crew. And that Nobody thinks the President and his people did a good job of negotiating this bad deal. Nobody.
Are you trying to disagree without looking like you are? Most readers would presume you are approve of everything Oleeb said and think that Obama is the problem.
by artappraiser on Fri, 12/10/2010 - 9:55am
Suggestion for Obama, to avoid any future culpability for your failures, which seems to be your main passion and indulgence, in the remaining two years of your term, spend all your time on the golf course.
By doing so you would avoid once again playing the role of a defeated shellacked weakling, cowering before the triumphant GOP forged Twilight of the Progressives,.
The resurgent victorious Republican Götterdämmerung which the GOP claims will sweep away the deficit, lower taxes, create jobs, purge liberals, win the wars and focus government on what it does best... which they don't tell you....use the government to make rich capitalists richer, and by so doing, enriching themselves and The Party. Paying for it all, of course, by burdening the middle class and future generations with the bill, and cutting the safety net for the poor, the disabled, and the ill.
by NCD on Fri, 12/10/2010 - 11:03am
You make a great argument except you waffle on the economic risk you are willing to accept in order to make the stand. To the extent that you affirm the possibility that things could get worse if Obama drew the line in the sand, you minimize it by implying things are already so bad what's a little more misery. If people asking for the fight said it would be acceptable if, in order to achieve a large victory, in the short-term that unemployment rose to 12% or 14%, then maybe I could see asking the president to go for it. But I'm not hearing that.
Moreover, in the end it is not Obama who gets to make the final decision but Congress. Howard Kurtz writes:
I think this was a valid concern on the White House's part. These are afterall the Dems who refused to deal with this issue prior to the election. What makes one think that they'll stay with Obama behind that line in the sand. Afterall, as it is pointed out in blog after blog here and elsewhere, the Dems are just as corrupted by the wealthy elite as are the Republicans. And even if one won't go that far, there are definitely plenty of conservative (and liberal) Dems who will panic about being painted as tax-and-spend liberals if the tax cuts are allowed to expire.
by Elusive Trope on Fri, 12/10/2010 - 11:21am
Trope-Your argument makes no sense at all.
'Obama pre-emptively caved to the GOP because he felt Democrats in Congress would cave, so the sooner the GOP got what they wanted the better for Obama'.
If Obama knew the Democrats would cave in a GOP game of chicken there would seem to be no risk at all in Obama taking a stand and fighting.
It would show he at least stood by his principles, even if the Democrat quislings in Congress did not. As Soros said, he doesn't mind losing, he does mind losing without a fight. Americans respect and want a fighter as President, win or lose, not a giver upper who compromises his principles at at the get go.
You apparently believe the GOP would stand firm on points like the tax cuts for 0.11% of estates (which is the % difference between the Kyl plan and the Reid/Pelosi plan, Kyl - 0.14% of estates, Dems- 0.25%) in the face of 14% unemployment on main street.
I don't think so. Even the Fox News zombies in the GOP base would know something is rotten if unemployment went to those levels, and after giving the GOP the big victory in November The Base might smell the stink of betrayal and wonder where are the jobs the New Breed of Conservatives promised.
The fact is, if the GOP is not howling, like chicken-shit Boehner last week when Pelosi had the vote on the middle class only tax cuts, then you know its not a negotiation, it is capitulation.
Of course, another give away was the reduction in SS payroll tax. The SS payroll tax has never been reduced since its inception, to do so endangers its solvency. The Obama 'deal' on it is obviously Republican Jujitsu to never for allow a 'tax increase' to the old rate, thereby starving the beast of SS and eventually tuning into a welfare program which can shrunken or killed. The deal stinks, and Obama and the party he is supposed to lead as President is diminished by it.
by NCD on Fri, 12/10/2010 - 1:03pm
I think Trope's right that Obama feels that if he leads a hard charge he'll look back and not see the congressional hordes behind him. And a lot of people in Congress likely feel that the White House will abandon them if they fight for anything. It really does seem to be a sickness within the party right now.
by Michael Maiello on Fri, 12/10/2010 - 1:32pm
100% agreed!
Particularly agree with Soros' sentiment about not minding a loss if you fight and lose, but surrender? Fuck that shit.
by oleeb on Fri, 12/10/2010 - 1:55pm
This is true, but that wouldn't undo the suffering people would have to go through in order for even the zombies to smell the rotten something. And that's my point. No one knows exactly what kind of impact this deal would have, nor what the impact would be if we let the tax cuts sunset. We have already seen, however, that American companies have been willing to just sit on huge sums of money and wait things out. What's another year if it means a Repub in the WH and a Repub majority in the Senate.
Which brings us to the issue of whether something had to be done right now to start bringing unemployment down. Apparently this is not as important to you as some other priorities. Yet Obama made a decision that something had to be done now. At the beginning of the article I linked to in the previous post, it starts off with Obama pulling in the Dem leadership and asking them if they had any better ideas. Apparently they didn't.
And I understand the case for drawing the line in the sand and fighting it. I also know just everybody is asking "where are the jobs?" So I undestand the desire to act now with some kind of stimulus, even if it means giving in some things. As it states in the article, even the WH knows there hold-one's-nose items like the estate tax.
One can all too easily envision a better plan, but Congress has shown that getting something else accomplished to stimulate economy was pretty much a pipedream.
I would just add that if it is already a done deal on how the Repubs and their allies will destory SS in the future, what's the point of talking about it? Maybe the people need to be made hyper-aware about why it needs to be sunsetted (is that word?) so that when the time comes, to do otherwise is akin to cutting social security. SS has been under attack before (remember W.'s attempt) and will continue to be. The payroll tax does not necessarily have to end badly for SS as long as the issue is kept in front of the people.
by Elusive Trope on Fri, 12/10/2010 - 2:17pm
What's the point of enabling the Republican plans as Obama would do in this "deal" that sucks? He also did the very same thing with healthcare and they practically hung the Democrats out to dry with it. Why on earth would any sane person repeat the very same strategic error over and over?
This idea that Obama somehow is suddenly concerned with jobs makes me kinda chuckle. He spent the first year blowing Wall Street and the other predatory interests, he conceded so much on the original stimulus that it was not nearly as effective as it could and should have been had he not caved in on that one. Now he's suddenly overwhelmed with concern on jobs? Give me a break. He's merely grasping at straws because most of his half measures have produced half measure results and he wants there to be some improvement so he can get re-elected. I don't think he has much more sympathy for the unemployed and those losing their homes than the Republicans do. If he did he would have proposed and passed a genuine jobs program but he didn't. In fact, he showed a great deal of indifference the past 18 months or so.
And there are plenty of alternatives, but good ol President Surrender First has probably taken those issues "off the table" already as he did when he undermined his own healthcare legislation push. The truth is Obama isn't much of a Democrat at all. As Bill Maher says: "he's a moderate Republican from the 70's!"
by oleeb on Fri, 12/10/2010 - 4:37pm
It's preposterous to imply that if these tax cuts and the other goodies don't happen that unemployment will shoot up to that level so I'm not going to deal with that silliness as though it is serious because it isn't.
The entire argument that the economic recovery depends upon this deal is, as Harry Truman would have said: "a red herring." How come this deal or something like it wasn't what the economic recovery depended upon two weeks ago? Hmmmm? Did things change dramatically since then? Of course they didn't. The White House is lying. Don't you get that? They are saying anything they can to generate support for a bill they know sucks and, by the way, which doesn't even exist at this point. Alan Grayson called the approach of getting support without even seeing a bill, holding no hearings, having no markup and basing the need to pass it on some emergency basis because the world will end if we don't: "legislative malpractice" and I agree with him. That's what it is... among other things.
The point is this: time doesn't end if the Republicans don't get what they want by December 31st as Obama is trying to scare people into believing. That's just absurd. It is not even close to being true. He's trying to avoid being blamed by the Republicans if people don't get their unemployment benefits (which they will even if this bill doesn't pass) and for blaming him for the minor tax increase that most people would experience if the cuts expire. In short, he's being a typical spinless Democrat looking out for himself and not being beneath lying in order to do whatever he thinks he need to, to protect himself. If the man would grow a pair of balls and tell the Republicans that he isn't going to discuss any additional presents for the predator class and lets all the tax cuts expire those same Republicans will have to come back to the table with something different. But he's such a wimp he rattles in fear that the Republicans won't budge. And so what does he do? Out of pure terror he tells the whole world weeks in advance that he'll cave in to the Republicans. Gee, what a surprise they don't budge after that huh? It's just embarassing to have witnessed it and then to watch him be so utterly clueless in thinking that people don't see his capitulation for exactly what it is?
It is just appalling to me that Obama and others who support his very poor strategy haven't learned that caving in to them only encourages them to continue their obstructionist strategy. With each capitulation the Republicans become more, not less strident. Obama's stubborn naivete about somehow winning them over by conceding is the most amazing display of wimpiness I've ever seen of any President. His strategy on everything has failed. This strategy will not only fail, but he's lying to the public about fighting two years from now. What kind of idiot would believe him at this point? Clearly the Congressional Black Caucus doesn't buy his lie on this and frankly I don't know how anyone could.
If just one time he stands up to those scumbags and they finally understand that he's no longer going to be bullied then the Republicans will come to the table and negotiate in good faith and not before. Not only is this not the best deal that could be reached, but this is a rotten deal and it isnt a choice between this and a double dip by a long shot. That's just malarky and if you really believe that I feel sorry for you. It's the oldest trick in the book and it called: he is lying to you about that. Obama is a weak person, a weak leader and a bad one. His judgement is terrible when you consider how he has botched every single one of the biggest pieces of legislation during his tenure: the stimulus, TARP II, Healthcare, Cap and Trade, DADT and now this piece of crap that is not only bad but contains time bombs that will go off right at the next election and will only help Republicans! You'd have to be a complete fool to agree to something like this.
As for the White House's concern that Democrats on The Hill would cave that's always got to be a concern particularly when the leader (Obama) is such a coward. He instills zero confidence in our side and breeds contempt and confidence in his adversaries when they see what a cream puff he is. If he showed the slightest bit of backbone it would encourage and inspire Democrats but he does the exact opposite. Leaders lead. Cowards capitulate. Sadly, there's no other conclusion but that Obama is a coward. He can say all he wants otherwise. He can convince his shrinking base of die hard supporters otherwise. But he has shown what he's made of to the entire nation and it's clear he's not made of much. Unless and until he finally has the couraage to stand up to the Republican bullies and be President instead of a someone just keeping the seat warm the number of gullible people who still think he's something other than a wimp is going to rapidly disappear.
by oleeb on Fri, 12/10/2010 - 1:52pm
First, I didn't say unemployment would rise to those numbers, heck even without anything being done it is in the realm of possibility that the numbers go down (just very unlikely). What I said was that collectively we need to saying that should it come to that as a result of drawing the line in the sand, we'd be okay with that because of where our priorities are at.
True. Which is kind of the point. In fact they haven't changed in a long time. The unemployment numbers have stagnated. They're not coming down below 9%. And what people saying is that should be the top priority. Get people back to work. Get the economy humming again. Over and over and over they keep saying that.
Now, one can believe that the economy is going to get better without a further stimulus, or one can believe that if it has any hope at all of recovering there is going to be in need in some stimulus. Once the Republican take control of the House, there is no chance of something in the form direct stimulus getting passed. If the tax cut are allowed to expire, that will be all they will focus on, along with their buddies in the Senate. Up til now, Congress has not been open to any more direct stimulus and it is very very unlikely they would suddenly be able to push something through the Congress. Although I would be curious what kind of stimulus package you think is doable during this session of Congress.
So without the compromise there is a good chance that unemployment benefits would be the only thing passed. Hardly enough to move the economy in any significant way. If one believes the economy needs some stimulus, then one is ensuring continued bad days. My guess is that the economy would continue to limp along not getting significantly worse but not any better. And the people have made this clear that that is not acceptable.
Another significant piece of the puzzle is the businesses who are sitting on their loads of cash. I do believe that many large business have held off making significant investments back into the economy in large part because they wanted what exactly happened in the 2010 elections. Now with the tax breaks they can get things humming knowing it will reinforce the meme that tax cuts creates jobs. Which is not good, but the alternative is that they continue to sit on their cash and we get a continuing stagnant economy, or as you say the continuing "depression." Which brings us back to whether that is acceptable or not.
So the people will continue to be outraged over 9% unemployment and all they will see is Obama locking horns with the Republicans in a stalemate and groan that is the same old same old do nothing D.C. All the while the Republicans will be saying "if only we got our tax cuts." People won't care that Obama is standing up to the bullies. They only want jobs, they want their communities to be economically on the upswing.
I could go on, but really what is the point.
by Elusive Trope on Fri, 12/10/2010 - 5:07pm
You seem hopelessly in the thrall of conventional thinking.
The point is wasting time wondering if we are prepared for a stalemate to cause negative effects is silly. That isn't going to happen and if it did it would be the fault of Republicans and our side should make that clear instead of hiding like they normally do.
Here's the plan:
1. Fight the Republicans so at least people will know who is and who is not on their side!
2. Quite chasing the pipe dream of bipartisanship through preemptive capitulation. It only encourages more obstructionism.
3. Quit wringing our hands about what the Republicans will do and start doing the right thing confident that in the end when we act right the people will recognize that and not be fooled by the usual Republican lies.
4. Play to win instead of always playing not to lose. Obama's refusal to engage the enemy makes Gen. George McClellan who headed the Army of the Potomac look like George S. Patton!
5. Quit trying to please everyone and stop servicing the crooks of Wall Street and the Corporate Board Rooms and start looking out for the little people first and last!
6. Whaever you do quit aping the Republican trickle down policies that don't work and start implementing the policies we know work which are the New Deal type programs that nominal Democrats like Obama don't want.
by oleeb on Fri, 12/10/2010 - 5:33pm