CVille Dem's picture

    Maybe It's Time to Have a Blog Delay Function

    I hate to say this, because it goes against the way TPM has always worked, but today's spam posts make me think that perhaps the way around them is to have a review of blog posts before they actually appear on the site.  I know it would mean someone would have to take on that job, but the mess we have today will only get worse if there isn't a little problem-solving to counter-act it.  So as to allow those who blog late at night, I have a suggestion.  A committee of "Trusted Users," (which was a feature when I first came here several years ago).  But those users could take shifts, doing the work of checking out the legitimacy of blogs vs spam -- obviously I am not talking about censorship; only spam elimination.
    I don't know how many legitimate blogs go up in a typical day, but it really would only require someone checking the title, which would eliminate most of the tripe.  Once they would get wise to that, a review of a para or two would let the management know if the blog was real or spam, and put it out there.
    Any ideas on this?

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