by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Admit it. Many of us never really accepted the presidency of the person inaugurated in January, 2001. This blog, or whatever it was we did back then, insisted on referring to the occupant of the White House as "President" Bush since how he came to occupy that office was so bizarre and so wrong.
Still, when the country was attacked later that year, we turned to the only President there was and some of us even applauded at the speech he delivered to a joint session of Congress a week or so later (even if we thought of the speech more the product of Michael Gerson, and only reasonably well delivered at that.) We wanted a President that week and he was the only one available.
The current President was, in dramatic contrast, duly and fairly elected. He won states Democratic candidates had not won for many years, and his margin of victory in some states approached and vastly exceeded in several significant places the generally accepted definition of a landslide (winning 60% of the votes cast). Somehow, though, and we know why, his presidency has been rejected by those who did not support his candidacy.
The disrespect shown to, the hostility to and the direct rejection of President Obama has been there since almost the beginning. He is foreign, he is disloyal, he is (omigod) a Muslim (or he's not "as far as I know"). He is referred to by public officials as "Obama" and sometimes, "Barack" and not "the President" or "President Obama," making a mockery of the close friends of the man who became President in November, 1963, who refused to call the man they knew as "Lyndon" as anything but "Mr. President" or President Johnson.
And now we have the most incredible of them all. The President asks to speak to a joint session of Congress about the most pressing issue before the country today and the Speaker refuses to invite him. Something about important votes that night, or security considerations. ("Ummm, sorry Frank. I know the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor yesterday, but you haven't given us much notice. Maybe you could come later in the week?")
There was a debate scheduled that day? Put it off. Delay it an hour (it is being held on the west coast where 6pm would be a better time than 5pm anyhow). The President wants to speak to a joint session. There is only one answer to that request. Even if he were "President" Bush. Especially if he is President Obama.
And, of course, the President gave in. He always does. He was not born in Kenya, but he grew up in Hawaii. They do not flip the bird at drivers who cut them off in Hawaii, but, of course, drivers to not cut one another off in Hawaii.
Here, on the mainland, we revel in how mean we can be to one another. The Majority Leader of the United States House of Representatives, ostensibly representing people whose homes, lives and jobs were ravaged further by a natural disaster announces that whatever assistance the government can provide them will have to be offset by cuts to programs which assist other people . The Congresswoman who purports to represent the district where these words are written chimes in with the same message, and then denies it when angry victims of a terrible storm (aided by a foolish decision to try to protect them from the noise caused by traffic) question her about priorities and loyalty.
Put all the spin on this that you want. They didn't say it has to be offset now or the real issue is whether the government should continue to pay for research into developing an electric car. We know better, because you have told us your views of government, ad nauseum: You want it to keep the Canadians on their side of the border and otherwise shrink it to a size where it can be drowned in a bathtub. You do not like government helping other people with what you consider to be your money even if it was "your money" and the chicanery you employed to get that money, which threatened to send people into the streets without their homes and children to go to bed hungry.
Me, my, mine. The mantra of those who have and want more. Why should they have to pay taxes to fund schools if their children are all grown? Why should they care if some elderly person who is not one's own parent or relative cannot afford medicine, or even food?
The New York Times waded (oh; wrong word) into a story that concerns your blogger and his neighbors, about the massive destruction of our commuter railroad, something essential to many who commute from Orange and Rockland Counties north, and importantly, west of New York City. We are, of course, within the are that pays a sales tax to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, a public agency (in that goofy New York sort of way that pretends to isolate it from politics) that operates bridges, tunnels and mass transit in the area, other than those which run between New Jersey and New York.
The issues about the MTA and its general lack of regard to its west of the Hudson customers are not worth discussing here, at least today. what is worth reading, though, are many of the comments below it: the brutish, piggy nastiness of the Santelli/Cantor crowd whose mantra is that if it is not important to me, it is not important.
Try, for instance, "Bill"'s announcement that he does not approve of the choice others made as to where to live:
Just because you can travel a hundred miles each way for work each day, by rail or by car, doesn't mean you should.
or, "OT":
perhaps they should have considered more carefully the risks associated with living 100 miles from their place of work.
or, the guy from South Carolina who describes us as
commuters who wish to continue their lifestyle of big city wages and small town expenses
Well, Bill, it is 55 miles each way for me. Maybe the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge is not really necessary as with some of the subway stops in residential portions of Brooklyn. How come some of us pay a toll to cross into and out of Manhattan, but the Brooklyn, Manhattan and Williamsburg Bridges are free? Whose idea was it to build two new large office buildings at the World Trade Center?
And, Mr. Cantor, or Mr. South Carolina, tell me how the people in your states would fare were it not for a military establishment we pay for with our taxes. Nobody has the right to live in the confederacy and take advantage of wealthier states who subsidize their life style.
No. Let's not go there. This is the debate that was largely inaugurated by the New Deal.
It is the insistence, as a first consideration, upon the interdependence of the various elements in and parts of the United States of America -- a recognition of the old and permanently important manifestation of the American spirit of the pioneer....
If I read the temper of our people correctly, we now realize, as we have never realized before, our interdependence on each other; that we can not merely take, but we must give as well; that if we are to go forward
To some people this is an evil socialism. To others it is the only way that government can properly function. There is, Mr. President, no middle ground in this debate much as you love trying to find one. The pigs among us always want one thing: what is good for them personally and immediately. They compare the federal government to running a private household because that make sense to them. The federal government has no responsibility beyond their individual needs.
The rest of us, the vast majority of us, know better. If Pat Robertson and Michelle Bachmann see the hurricane as a sign from God, maybe it is God's way of saying that the stimulus being proposed is way too small. Here is a hurricane which will require that you spend more money fixing up what you had and, in the meantime, create a few jobs for people who desperately need them.
And we know this, as President Kennedy explained to the people of Arkansas in October, 1963:
which is more wasteful: the waste of life and property and hope or a multi-purpose project which can be used by all of our people? Which is more wasteful: to fail to tap the energies of that river, to let that water flood, to deny this chance for the development of recreation and power, or to use it and to use it wisely? Which is more wasteful: to let the land wash away, to let it lie arid, or to use it and use it wisely and to make those investments which will make this a richer State and country in the years to come?
These projects produce wealth, they bring industry, they bring jobs, and the wealth they bring brings wealth to other sections of the United States. This State had about 200,000 cars in 1929. It has a million cars now. They weren't built in this State. They were built in Detroit. As this State's income rises, so does the income of Michigan. As the income of Michigan rises, so does the income of the United States. A rising tide lifts all the boats and as Arkansas becomes more prosperous so does the United States and as this section declines so does the United States. So I regard this as an investment by the people of the United States in the United States.
Choose a side, Mr. President. We know you have, but that you don't like having to do so. We will be listening whenever you are permitted to address them and when all the Santellis and Boehners and Cantors and McConnells start whining, we will know better.
The American Spectator's Mathew Vadum wrote that allowing the poor to vote is like giving burglary tools to criminals. The Right is making it's stance against the poor and working class very clear.
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 09/03/2011 - 3:32pm
We have a President who wants us all to sing Kumbaya,
Where's Rodney "the cant we all get along" King
It's all about the banker class; the poor and working class works for them.
The democrats didn't get Huey Long, we got Baby Huey instead; WTF just happened
"It's the homeowners, stupid"
While we remain upside down on our investments, we have no money to invest in America.
Don't tax me, so you can have the government stimulate the economy.
"Help me; help you" We the upside down homeowners, are the consumers the country needs. DOH
by Resistance on Sat, 09/03/2011 - 6:01pm
Here's a link to some of the accomplishments thus far of the Obama administration.
Since Obama is a public servant and you the consumer are not satisfied, who is your replacement for Obama?
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 09/03/2011 - 8:09pm
We are in a class war, Obama is on the bankers side.
The bankers brought us to the edge of financial ruin, why is it the peasant class has to defend and bail them out? The workers were forced to bail out capitalism?
The peasant class has to pay more taxes, to pay for Obama's stimulus plan.
The only reason Obama had to have a stimulus plan, is because he sold out the homeowner class.
Both the Democrats and the Republicans have no intention of putting the people ahead of the banker class.
Why then do you support someone you know, doesn't really give a crap about you or me, you're only the second fiddle in their eyes. only needed when they want your votes so they can continue to get the spoils?
Do you think the bankers need more help or do you think the people need more help?
Obama and the democrats believe in trickle down, help the bankers first and everything will work out for ????????????? the banker class?
President Obama continues to take the bankers side.
Did we get a Peoples health care plan or a health industry plan?
Did we get a peoples drug plan or an industry plan?
So why don't you tell me how we remove the chains of servitude to the banker class?
We bail them out and protect them, so they can continue to enslave us?
A vote for Obama continues to kick the people to the curb for the benefit of the banker class.
A vote for Obama continues Obamas pandering to an influx of cheap foreign labor.
A vote for Obama assures more Free trade at the expense of US manufacturing and the importation of cheap foreign goods.
Obama has no intention of helping homeowners; a wrecked economy serves his banker/corporate friends agenda. Having been bailed out, they see no need to help the middle class.
Notice the working class has NO LEVERAGE, NO VOICE design, through fraud and lies.
Wage disparity continues. The haves (Obamas friends) and the have- nots ((Obama and friends) servants)
Capitalism thrives on cheap labor.
Globalists love cheap labor
Obama is a globalist.
Why would you vote for someone you know, is going to cut your throat?
WTF.... What future? Low wages, compete on a global scale and win the race to the bottom?
Make SS so weak, you can't afford to retire? A sure way to make the US work force compete against one another, making us more competitive in the World market.
To benefit whom? The banker class or the working class?
A vote for Obama assures the banker class, gets the first fruits.
Find an FDR Democrat to run or watch the workers stay home. We will not put the knife in anyones hands we know is going to cut our throats.
The Arab Spring should be wake up call, to those in power. The people are growing tired.
The banker class led us to the precipice and I'm afraid they've been saved at our expense. We of the working class are expendable. WRONG
by Resistance on Sat, 09/03/2011 - 9:41pm
.....Find an FDR Democrat to run
I asked you first :)
Who is your alternative?
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 09/03/2011 - 9:48pm
It should have been obvious, Not who...... but what?
What is it going to take, to replace this corrupt banker/class leadership?
Whose going to turn over the tables of the greedy money changers?
I'm telling you, the people and the present government are heading for a conflict.
The tea party is just the tip of the iceberg.
Can't you sense the outrage?
Do not be lulled into a sense of security.
The banker class raided the treasury already, you of the working class are on your own.
Banker class: "Obama make sure you cover our rears until were gone, then you can fly Air Force One over to the Caymans, where you will be greeted with flowers and celebration. The ungrateful working class will have to realize how good they had it, when we were the masters; but don't wait to long, look what happened to Hosni Mubarak."
by Resistance on Sat, 09/03/2011 - 10:18pm
This "President Obama represents the banker class' shit leaves me, and most Americans, cold. It is a relic of the long discredited both parties are about the same meme.
They are not. I have my issues with the President, but his heart is in the right place and he knows that he has been dealt a very poor hand. His temperament is often the right one, buta almost as often leaves him (and us) open to be rolled.
The great Rachel Maddow has also summarized the accomplishments of this adminsitraion and they are substantial:
But he got elected only because of the gross incompetence of the previous administration. The feckless, stupid and defeatist Carter administration gave us Ronald Reagan and his mantra about the evils of government. The result is convincingly set forth today by Robert Reich:
So save your "money changers" rhetoric for the teeny group of Daily Worker readers who lap that crap up. The rest of us need to talk to our friends, neighbors and relatives and show them what has happened to them since we started down this Reagan path.
by Barth on Sun, 09/04/2011 - 1:50pm
Excuse me, you Kool-Aid drinker.
This corporate shill President Obama is just slightly better than his republican counter part?
We've had enough of your BS, you keep putting before the people whatever the banker class tells you, YOU DUPE.
Close to 100 years ago the workers figured this out and dummies believe they have the system figured out.
Unions have been destroyed by both the Democrats and the Republicans. Do you even have a clue why DUPE/Tool?
Unless the workers figure it out soon, the capitalist will consolidate and take every right the workers have ever gained.
But since the Kool-Aid has blinded you to the reality, you continue to live in some fantasy world, where in your dream; the workers will live happily ever after.
You keep spreading your lies, and baseless hope.
You lull the working class into your fantasy, and the capitalist rob us.
Why should anyone listen to you; it’s clear you are “too blind and unthinking to see it”
Ask yourself why did we ever allow our good paying jobs to be outsourced?
"The Republican and Democratic parties, or, to be more exact, the Republican-Democratic party, represent the capitalist class in the class struggle. They are the political wings of the capitalist system and such differences as arise between them relate to spoils and not to principles."...."…..Deny it as may the cunning capitalists who are clear-sighted enough to perceive it, or ignore it as may the torpid workers who are too blind and unthinking to see it, the struggle in which we are engaged today is a class struggle, and as the toiling millions come to see and understand it and rally to the political standard of their class, they will drive all capitalist parties of whatever name into the same party, and the class struggle will then be so clearly revealed that the hosts of labor will find their true place in the conflict and strike the united and decisive blow that will destroy slavery and achieve their full and final emancipation.
Of course I suspect you'll attack someone who did more for the workers, than some capitalist shill?
The working class needs Unions in order to have a voice. Our capitalist system wants to destroy the Unions, Capitalists are only concerned with profits and lower wages and few benefits makes them more profits.
A vote for Obama, assures a continuation of the agenda of the capitalists; allowing them every opportunity to further destroy the working middle class.
IMHO..... YOU are the weakest link....... and you're too blind to see that.
Why would the working class want to follow a blind dupe/tool, who directs us to vote for Obama, the capitalist tool; who wants more free trade and continues to allow the export of our jobs?
Obama the capitalist; wants to open the border to allow more workers, so that there will be an overabundance of labor, to compete against one another for the crumbs. Great for the capitalists, bad for the workers
Obama; Great for the capitalist/banker class, bad for the workers.
It's obvious which side you’re on Barth.
by Resistance on Sun, 09/04/2011 - 3:07pm
It is obvious which side Barth is on. It's not so obvious to me which side you're on. You're acting more and more like a plant. You're either a clever plant or a not-so-clever dupe (to use your word). Of course Obama is disappointing, but to suggest we would've been just as well off with McCain, or that we'll be just as better off with Perry seems disingenuous, if your interests are really those of the working person. I had originally assumed that we just had a difference of opinion about tactics, and I can respect that. I'm beginning to suspect that you're only pretending to be against abuses by the business class.
by Verified Atheist on Sun, 09/04/2011 - 3:29pm
Another kool aid drinker responds?
If you vote for a capitalist shill, that's exactly what you'll get.
If you want someone who puts workers ahead of the banker class, don't be an idiot;
Vote for the workers party nominee.
You can try and salve your conscience, you can sugar coat it anyway you like; if you vote for one of the nominees of the two capitalist parties, that doesn't make you a friend of labor, You're a sellout.
When the workers had to fight the Pinkerton', I'm sure the cowards tried to reason with the strikers. The cowards saying, "give it more time, management will come around, we wouldn't want to upset what little gains we've made, besides the capitalist will have a change of heart and they'll eventually to do the right thing." WAIT and when your tired of waiting, WAIT some more
Cowards, betrayers, all you who vote for the Banker class over the worker class.
When do you think the capitalists will give the workers their share?
Voting for another lying capitalist shill, hoping they'll come to their senses; MAKES YOU A FOOL.
The traitors who would tell us, it's better to vote for the Capitalist, rather than the workers party nominee, believing their own lies. Misleading others to follow their unwise course. If you vote for a Capitalist over the nominee of the workers party you belong to a sect that sells out Labor. You claim to be for the workers but you vote for the very party that is hostile to labor.
The class war has begun, and you keep telling us, it's better to vote for the lesser of the two banker class masters? Would you deliver us to our foes?
The World Financial market is collapsing and you still trust them to control you? Stop trying to convince me they have my best interest at heart.
The koolaid drinkers would convince us, HOPE in Obama, while the Globalist and banker class, steals our treasure; and no fear of punishment for doing so.
DUMB working class, believing the capitalist gives a crap.
While Obama says we need to look forward, not backwards, and the banker class says thanks for the bailout.
Capitalist: "Let the working class pay the bill. and excuse us while we move our manufacturing overseas, that'll really screw the working class further. Thanks again Obama we like that you'll promote more free trade deals. We don't want Labor to force us, to meet their demands. While your at it can you role back some of the Regulations too?
The Capitalists like, that they have a President, who'll help them "bind the feet and hands" of labor.
Where was the President in the Wisconsin fight?
I guess you and Barth have something in common; you are too blind to see, you're really not a friend of the labor movement. You would promote division, you would vote for a Capitalist over a labor candidate, then claim you really are for labor? BS
by Resistance on Mon, 09/05/2011 - 2:11am
Which is exactly what a plant would say if they wanted the Republicans to win, but perhaps I'm being paranoid. Perhaps you've become blinded by hate so much you honestly can't see the difference between Obama and the Republicans. Granted, it's not as large as I would like, but if you really can't see the difference, if you really believe what you're saying, then you have my pity. If you are sincere, answer me this, who is this "labor candidate" you're talking about?
by Verified Atheist on Mon, 09/05/2011 - 4:54am
These comments are not worth responding to, in my opinion. "Resistance" is either a plant trying to paint this web site as an outpost for whatever communists are left in the world (oh, God, what a flashback some of this rhetoric is) or he/she is Eugene V Debs re-incarnated.
There is much the socialist movement and Debs himself contributed to what we now call the "New Deal" and many of their heroes are in fact heroes of the labor movement. But this was the never the right country for the "workers of the world unite" crowd and it is unquestionably not so today.
And, by the way, those yearning for a "new" Huey Long know not what they seek:
by Barth on Mon, 09/05/2011 - 12:24pm
Behind a pay wall - any suggestion what lurks behind?
by PeraclesPlease (not verified) on Mon, 09/05/2011 - 2:19pm
Yeh, I noticed that after I started to read it. Lemann is tops on this subject these days, but this article does the trick, too, I think:
by Barth on Mon, 09/05/2011 - 3:00pm
just a FYI and everyone else's--
The Reich op-ed is one of 3 lengthy pieces on the Labor topic prominently featured as a group on the front page of their Sunday Review with the title "The Trouble With Work," a full-page illustration and two full pages inside. They are all helpful reading, the others are:
The chart that is linked to with Reich's piece is prominently featured, too.
by artappraiser on Sun, 09/04/2011 - 6:37pm