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    Midlife Crises Are Bad Enough In Private: In Public The Shameful Ugliness Is All Too Apparent

    By now I think anyone paying attention understands that Gov. Sanford's life is in full meltdown.  Clearly, here is a man in the midst of a midlife crisis that he is handling very, very badly to say the least.  I've done a little reading on the subject and Sanford shows all the classic signs through his behavior and statements.  Midlife crises are one of the factors that contributes to the higher suicide rate among middle aged men.  In Sanford's case his public and self administered destruction is almost a symbolic public suicide in my opinion.

    These sorts of crises go on all the time in the private lives of millions of couples of course, but in the private lives of regular people one doesn't typically get many of the intimate details as we have so unnecessarily in this case as a result of Sanford apparently having lost all sense of what is and is not appropriate.  Unless you are very close to a couple being ripped asunder in this manner you just hear stories through the grapevine of some guy leaving his wife for the younger woman or otherwise making a fool of himself and destroying not only his life, but that of his wife and children too.

    In this case, Sanford, like many men, hit this crisis and in essence lost all connection to reality as a result of being overwhelmed by the feelings of desperation and urgency that facing one's own mortality brings and which scares them beyond description. It is the fear they are feeling and don't know how to handle that drives all of this grotesque and harmful foolishness.  This fear and the inappropriate attempts to deal with it is the cause of all the tawdry drama, the sacharrin and quite public pining away for one's "soul mate" finally found, the astounding self absorbtion leading to extraordinarily unnecessary and callous statements about his far more significant and lasting relationship with his wife. 

    For some men, Sanford being a prime example, a midlife crisis can become a form of temporary insanity propelled by the terror he feels at suddenly concluding that without some huge and dramtic change, his life will have in some way been wasted and he will have missed his one and only opportunity to fully experience life.  While in the midst of the episode (which can literally last for years) many men's persepctive becomes so distorted they will sacrifice everything that is actually valuable and worthwhile in their lives: their wife and children, their public reputation, their careers, their health, etc...

    For almost all those who go through this pathetic drama, the pain, humiliation, the lies, the hypocrisy and so on are bad, but they at least are spared the worldwide publicity and humiliation that Sanford has brought upon himself and everyone associated with him.  His inability to cope with his feelings (not surprising for a highly repressed, moralistic, authoritarian personality) is responsible for all the seedy weirdness of his actions and statements that has been playing out in the media.  No doubt it is all going to get worse before he exits the public stage and no doubt Sanford has now earned himself a form of immortality because he will go down in history books as having made a bigger buffoon of himself than almost any other Governor ever has in the history of the United States.

    In a sort of voyeuristic way, what is happening with Sanford is something none of us need to know about but because of the public nature of the spectacle it is difficult for many to avert ones eyes and attention to some degree as with a car wreck or some other ugly incident we happen upon that we are simply drawn to look at when brought to our attention though it is none of our business and is nothing but ugliness.  The drawn out character of Sanford's meltdown is taking this whole episode to new lows that in a regular person's life might lead to some form of intervention by friends and family members.  But obviously, Sanford is so self absorbed nobody can reach him at all at this time. 

    In any event, it is no longer funny or even an amusing curiosity.  The ugliness of Sanford's self destruction and unconcsciounable emotional violence he is inflicting upon his family is pathetic, sad, and deplorable on a personal level.  Politically speaking it remains instructive for the general public as the penultimate example of the hypocrisy of the "family values" and "Christian fundamentalist" Republicans particularly but leaders in general.  Perhaps this will lead this generation of citizens to realize that whenever you see leaders so prominently getting on that soapbox it is only in an attempt to manipulate for self advantage.

    I hope that, if nothing else, this pathetic drama by Sanford will lead some middle aged men across America to notice what this guy is doing and realize that if they are going through this sort of crisis and if they are having these feelings that what they need is not a "soul mate" to replace their wives or longtime mates, but therapy and perhaps some medication to help deal with it before they damage everyone around them they claim to love and value.


    "Pathetic drama" is so on the money Oleeb. Yours is the only article I've read on this subject and the only one I will read. It's embarrassing for everyone involved and everyone who has to hear about it.

    Oh I don't know, I kinda started liking governor Sanford of late. I like that he his publicly grappling with the conflicts of his christian faith with the temptations of passion. I really like that he is in love. Makes him human.

    Frankly I find his affair a lot more respectable then Bill's pathetic dalliances. That was a truly a 'pathetic drama' that gridlocked the nation. This is a love story without any real world implications.

    As somebody who had a passionate mid-life crisis during which I found a soul-mate, I can say that there is, in retrospect, something terribly mundane about the process after it's over. There was some great value in the crisis and the regeneration I found in that soul-mate, yet it would have been disastrous to implement the wild schemes we conjured up, especially in the first months. Later, when I heard other men talking about their crises, I was amazed at how similar the stories and the passions were and at how often, when those men left their wives and families, the change turned out poorly. I won't say that I might not surrender if I had an opportunity for passionate engagement now at age 60; I doubt, though, that I would consider it a life-changing event that would hold the secrets of the universe.

    Look. I am past middle age, whatever that is. But when I was younger, once a year, I would go to Vegas get real drunk, lose a grand and everything was fine.

    A lot cheaper than therapy and prescription drugs.

    Despite all of his hypocrisy, seeing he is a 'christian' and all, and being someone whose political views I am in total opposition to, I kinda feel sorry for him.

    I put politics aside in cases like this and view it as an empathetic human being. I agree oleeb his whole world, probably seems like the whole universe to him, is crashing down all around him. He had built a web of lies around himself and was probably living in total denial that his behavior would ever become a public problem.

    He is a flesh and blood passionate human being. For whatever reason the passion no longer existed between he and his wife so he found someone who could fill that void.

    Earlier this week I think Josh posted something along the lines of "Go, be with her". He should take that advice. Resign his Governorship, get the divorce and hop the first flight for Argentina. At this point with his marriage and career in total ruins that might be the only thing that will save him from the abyss.

    I think also that mid-life crisis is often rooted in fear of death, which jibes with what you are saying about not wanting to discover one has lived a wasted life. One thing, though, is when i first heard, not saw, his initial presser, i thought i detected a boastful pride in sanford's voice and tone. His emails (the only two i heard) mentioned his possible run for president, i think, and it triggered a thought about how much of these odd relationships aren't so much about love as power and narccicism, as in "i am not this wizened, old, unattractive conservative fart, I'M A PLAYER!" Add in the boasts/admissions about all the OTHER women who were wooing him, or he was wooing, and it is waaaay more complicated than a tragic love story.

    Christ, what do you think Beemers are for?

    I am leaving for Atlantic City tomorrow to meet up with some friends from all over (VA, PA, CT) to take in a concert...and I doubt we will remember much of it, lol. It was supposed to be a concert involving a band we all love but that band backed out. We seem to enjoy each others company so much we are still going to that concert.

    Good way to avoid mid-life crises is never growing old...whatever that is. Peter Pan had the right idea. ;)

    Too many people conform to societal orthodoxies about how one should behave as we age...I tend not to like orthodoxies and don't adhere to them. Live life to the fullest...the ride is far too short as it is.

    My feeling on Sanford is that he has built this Christian bubble around him in which he bares his soul and all is forgiven. I don't think he understand how the rest of us see him. He is still under the impression that this is going to blow over.

    I know nothing of his wife, but no one is taking into account that she could be a holly terror, literally. I am not suggesting she is, but if she were it might explain his callous 'soul mate' talk. Backlash of a free man. It's just too bad his kids are caught in the middle. I would love to hear someone explain how straight marriage isn't eroding family values in this family.

    Hahahaha! Really laughed out loud, BevD.

    hhahahahaha goooooooooooood for you Libertine.

    You have a good one. ha!!!

    I find myself feeling the tiniest bit sorry for him. I can't stand to watch people humiliate themselves publicly.

    Wow, so if his wife were the Bitch From Hell, it would somehow EXCUSE his disrespecting her publicly??? I figure he has now poisoned whatever journey he thought he was on with his utter narcissism. Their SONS have now heard him behave that way toward his wife and their mother. Yuk, and double yuk. He should have checked into a sanitorium or rehab to have his meltdown. And he should get his boys into counseling, NOT with sanford's "spiritual advisor."
    And, just as an aside, were sanford go to be with ms. maria, their love might pale without the secretive-liason factor.

    Excellent approach to take Libertine! Good for you! I think you're on to something.

    Perhaps you are right but it is hard to know what, exactly, is going on. We are hearing voluminously from him but don't really know the rest of the dynamics. Such things are necessarily complicated. For example, look at how it is clear he wasn't telling the whole truth between first confession and a few days later. I'm withholding my empathy because I am not sure what I would be empathizing with. Sure, it could be that he should chuck it all and go to Argentina, but we don't have the vaguest idea about whether she feels that or if, for her, it was just a passionate affair. In fact, we don't really know anything at all (and shouldn't). What we do know is that a middle aged man in a prominent position seems to be bereft of any good judgment and has been spinning a complicated, very self-focused tale. The point is nobody really knows what the hell is going on beyond Sanford self-destructing and also destroying his marriage and his family. It could be love or it could just as well be nothing but an unrealistic, near psychotic break caused by his fears of growing old and impotent.

    Excellent observation.

    I've never been in a situation like the one Sanford finds himself in but I imagine that he really did travel to Argentina to break it off with his paramour. "Mistress" makes it sound like he was plying her with cash or diamonds or something.

    Sanford is such a maverick that he evaded security protection ALL TIME. He never dreamed that such a slow news week would pick up on the law enforcement good ole boys lookin' for him or Heartbeat-Away-Andre-Bauer kvetching about the Governor's whereabouts.

    I'm not a fan of the Governor's, but this dustup gives more dimension to his one-note personality. I hate that this sordid story has been played out in public and has caused so much anguish for his family.

    I wouldn't chalk up this debacle to a midlife crisis. I think the party in his pants is real, and he will end up with his paramour.

    Discretion is the better part of valor indeed. One of Sanford's primary and ongoing bad judgments has been his total lack of discretion in his remarks for all the reasons you mention and more!

    Orlando -- please save your sympathetic sensibilities for someone actually worthy of them, and of your integrity.
    Mark Sanford is a tonedeaf, sensate someone who is more in love with the idea of a sweeping, epic love than he is a person capable of feeling those emotions. Witness his "soul mate" statements in contrast to his total disregard for Jenny -- as someone he could "try to fall in love with again" and his reference to his children as "those children" rather than "my children."
    There is an archetypal southern male Mark personifies: he who has arrested emotional and sexual development (perhaps as a result of all-male education? or not?)); he, the son of a strong man who died too early, who conforms to the "values" of whatever Alpha Male served(s) as his mentor; and he who does not have a fucking clue about what really matters, though he greedily adopts a value system (in Mark's case, Christian fundamentalism) because it seems to anchor, or solidify his own amorphous, amoeba-like meanderings.
    End of rant. Maybe.

    I don't see any real similarity between the Sanford situation and Spitzer's simple tawdry habit of frequenting expensive whores. There was nothing resembling Sanford's "sparking" or soul mate discovery, etc... Spitzer just liked screwing young women who would do as he commanded for a price. It's kinda the opposite of love isn't it?

    I feel that same kind of sympathy but the deeper he digs the hole for himself the less sympathy I have and the more horror if that's the right description.

    Good insights.

    What I feel for Sanford is more like pity. I don't absolve him of responsibility--or of hypocrisy. But don't you find it the least bit sad that men, and women, are forced into archetypes that are impossible to live up to?

    He may be everything you said. But if so, what a sad life he must lead, trying so hard to live up to his own version of success, insisting that he knows how others should lead their lives to compensate for his own insecurity, and utterly unable to step outside of himself--even for a second--to see how his actions and statements continue to cause pain to those he should be closest too. The fact that he's doing it in public is horrible.

    Well my whole point is that his behavior and reaction to what has unfolded seems so bizarre, borderline psychotic, that he is under extreme stress of his own making. He is probably in his own little personal hell not knowing what he should do next. He seems to be in full panic mode even if he appears defiantly in control.

    Just speculation on my part. There is no way to crawl into his mind but this seems like a legit personal meltdown from what I can see.

    True, it is the opposite of love with Spitzer. I was just musing on the similarities of these epically bad choices.

    I don't know about any of you, but if my spouse announced that he was "trying to fall back in love" with me, I'd be packing his bags before he could finish the sentence.

    What is with these wives of politicians? Why do they succumb to this stand by your man/doormat nonsense. I'm stunned, truly stunned.

    If I'd heard that soulmate comment from my husband, I would have called the locksmiths.

    Thanks guys...

    Looking forward to it. It is a shame that our favorite band is off the bill but it won't stop us from having a helluva time. We are all between 40-55 years-old going on 15... ;-)

    Never behave how you are 'supposed' to. You are only as old as you feel you are.

    Orlando -- the sad life is led, not by Mark and his stunted fellows, but by the women and children who love and trust in his kind. Because he (they) yearn(s) only, really, for an Alpha Male. And in the process of that yearning, he/they totally denigrate and dismiss the WOMEN who held/hold the fort in the alpha male's absence. In fact they resent them. What right does this female have to control the purse strings, the property.... his rightful legacy???? His mother may be a symbol of authority who must be called "Ma'am" but she is also the one who, perhaps because of that convention to ostensibly honor, must be outwitted and rebelled against and TRIUMPHED OVER.
    Hello Freud.
    Therefore, the most important question a prospective mate of this man can ask is: "how do/did you feel about your mother?" Because as hackneyed as it may be, if his feelings about his mother are unresolved, he will choose a wife who has the same power, -- morally and perhaps financially --- except that she is young enough and naive enough not to see the equation. Ergo. Mr. Arrested Development has the advantage, in that he already knows what the unspoken game is, and he already has some honed skills to win it, however under the table.
    It is no surprise to me, at all, in hindsight, that the Sanfords are where they are in relation to each other. Jenny is a we-try-harder-like-Avis kinda woman, who gave her all, in every department -- money, political insight, four children -- to please Mark, to give him what she thought he wanted. But, unfortunately, all that did, in Mark's eyes, was to align her with his own nemesis, his mother --- or her archetypal sisters, the matriarchs of the south who have held title, at least metaphorically, since the Civil War. What Mark wants now, as he wanted when he met Jenny, is a rebellious partner to flaunt recognized authority.
    And, therefore, for all his TMI confessions, he still has not come clean. Because he is not, imo, rhapsodically in love with Maria. But he is unwilling to take responsibility for his actions and, therefore, a divorce, should it come, must be Jenny's decision, so that he may be the soulful victim of passion, rather than the remorseless strategizer of displacing blame.
    In my humble opinion.

    What band?

    I don't think it's just politicians. The difference here is that we hear about it. I feel certain many men have similarly outrageous things to say and that many of them receive the treatment you describe but that many others, perhaps adding to the tragic circumstances receive the sort of reaction Sanford seems to be getting from his wife which is angry, but willing to forgive. I cannot even imagine uttering the kinds of things this guy has been saying and still having any hope of living to the end of the week let alone reconciling with one's wife!

    A hard rock/heavy metal band called Monster Magnet. They were supposed to be co-headlining with a band called Clutch. Our group of Monster Magnet fans are still driving up to 7 hours to get together to see Clutch.

    You may be right. We may never know the full story, but we the part of the story we already know is most certainly incomplete. I do think that, if anything, despite the ongoing willingness to forgive him apparently for the sake of the children, is turning out to be the only directly involved person who garners respect.

    I was referring to his wife above. Somehow lost that word as I pecked away at the keyboard. Oops!

    Here's the deal...The Sanford situation is played out by many, many families all over the country every day. This one just happens to be taking place on the public stage. Had they been able to deal with it in private, they may have been able to get through it, family intact, and I suppose it is still possible that they may survive anyway. Many women will forgive the most bizarre behavior to keep their families intact.

    I don't pretend to understand what it is that allows men (and I suppose the rare woman here and there) to build their happiness on the backs of their children's misery. As far as I'm concerned, he's a piece of crap, but he is Jenny's piece of crap, and she gets to decide what to do with him. In all likelihood, she knows him better than he knows himself right now, and only she can know if there is something there worth saving.

    His constituents have the right to decide if he is fit to continue to hold office. The rest of us ought to attempt to divert our gaze, but like a train wreck, it's hard to do.

    I don't know what governor thought would happen when he parked his state vehicle at the airport, turned off his cellphone, and headed off to cry in Argentina. What I do know is this: the uproar that ensued upon his return is just the latest example of the crass political opportunism he has made an art form.

    In the embarassing round of media blubberfests he engineered upon his return, Sanford has reached out of his conservative base by playing to its endless appetite for moralistic self-flagellation. True to his Southern male archetype, he has depicted himself as a tragic hero, a David for our time who, having suffered a mighty fall, grandly ascends the national stage to offer himself as an object lesson in human frailty. By Sanford's calculation, alienating his friends and humiliating his family is an acceptable price to pay to protect what little political capital he has left.

    Needless to say, the media has rushed to the trough to satisfy its endless appetite for tabloid sensationalism. Not one reporter has confronted him directly with the question: "Governor, you explained your vote to impeach a president by saying he violated his "higher oath" to his wife. Having violated this oath, shouldn't you step down now, and if not why?"

    Sanford has never shied away from using principle to justify his decisions. But in the governor's calculus, principle is fungible political capital to be expended in pursuit of personal ambition. As always, the conversation is all about him. As always, the victims of his convictions are pushed offstage.

    While I feel for the governor's wife and sons, the real victims here are the citizens of South Carolina. Not the pious breastbeating moralizers who, like him, use Puritan orthodoxy to justify personal comfort in the face of widespread misery. The real victims live in the corridor of shame, mired in endemic poverty and the benign neglect of their government and their neighbors. They are laid-off workers who faced expiration of their unemployment benefits until the governor grudging agreed to an eleventh-hour request for Federal assistance. They are the parents and schoolchildren who faced draconian cutbacks in education funding until a lawsuit brought by a child forced his hand.

    Now, we face eighteen months of political melodrama during which nothing will be done to address this state's innumerable problems. We face the prospect of giving the power of incumbancy to a juvenile lieutenant governor who is incapable of providing the leadership we need. And we must live with a state democratic party unable to field a candidate strong enough to make any kind of difference.

    Once again, it's all about Sanford. It's sad, and it's disgusting.

    What is so hard to fathom is that right in the middle of this crisis, instead of calling a friend or a therapist, he decides to share it all with the AP. Why in the world would he call the press at a time like that??

    Another point. Somewhere I was reading that S. Carolina is not a no-fault divorce state. The more he babbles, the more Jennifer amasses marital assets on her side in the event of a divorce. So without any knowledge whatsoever of her feelings, I wonder if she is doing this "I'll take him back" routine either for future assets or for future career choices, such as Gov. of S. Carolina (there is a movement trying to do just that).

    Last point. The Gov and his wife and kids are headed to Hobe Sound, Fl this weekend to spend the holiday with her parents. To me, this comes in second only to calling the AP for dumb things to do to get your shit together. I'm sure her parents are real enamored with him right now and it will just be a lovely 4th of July. Fireworks and all.

    Well and temperately said, BlueMeanie. Thanks for steering past my rant to get from point A to point B.

    I apologize. I should have acknowledged you in my point about the archetype because you made it first and are better qualified to have done so. Thank you for being so polite.

    I thought about appending my comment to the second half of your "rant" (I didn't consider it so, by the way), but decided not to because I wasn't trying to expand on your observation, but make a parallel one. Clearly we are of like mind on this subject.

    Gosh, no need to apologize to me, BlueMeanie. I've allowed myself to become way too personally involved in this and the rants I have written reflect that. I need to back off and allow cooler observations and judgments to prevail.
    Like yours. Because you are absolutely right that is the people of South Carolina who will suffer the real fallout from this mess. Now, and for at least the next eighteen months, which could prove negatively pivotal for way too many.

    Wendy, dear, my apology for intruding on your conversaton. But your comment, alas, is not showing up!

    Did you perhaps "preview" but forget to actually "publish"? Been there. Done that!

    I am so distressed that you, and others, have been wafted off into the ether, following efforts and heartfelt emotion.

    Please, try again, if you dare.

    Why shouldn't you feel sorry for him? I feel sorry for anyone who has so totally and completely screwed up his life.

    Oleeb, this is the best thing I have seen written about Sanford.

    Doesn't it strike anyone else as curious, to say the least, that the object of Sanford's affections could be a blow up doll, for all that we have seen or heard about her? He seems to view her as such a doll, put there for his convenience, when he feels the need. Nothing I have seen would indicate that "Maria" is a real person. As far as I have read, she may be single, married, living with a huge family, living alone, a nun, or, just a blow up doll. I can't remember ever seeing such a one sided romance being given so much attention.

    As far as my own feelings are concerned, so far all I feel is amusement. Sorry, that may well be a fatal flaw in my own persona.

    wwstaebler, your comment is right on. I posted elsewhere Sanford is setting himself up for victimhood.
    And Oleeb, this is a great post. Thanks.

    Oh you both done great! And I feel for all the people in SC. It is a shame that a great place like SC has to suffer this extreme foolishness.

    My spouse was telling me about a website that shows photos of the results of philandering. For example, he said there was a photo of a 700 series BMW spray painted with "I hope she was worth it."

    Now that I can understand. Personally, I wouldn't go that far, but I understand that kind of rage mixed with betrayal. This passivity, well no I don't understand it, not even for the kids, unless you want to teach your sons to be misogynists and your daughters to considered themselves unworthy.

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