The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


               File:Mythbusters title screen.jpg


    You hear some strange myth in the urbanhood;

    Who will test it out?


    Jamie's stache is weird, Andy's beard less rude

    Who'll remove all doubt?


    They will make no idle boasts

    Tests are run by our two hosts

    Blow up steaks? Or Shoot fish in a barrel?

    Who does it all?


    Should we knock the hide off an old baseball?

    Who do you call?


    This here myth is now just toast

    That myth true from coast to coast

    Who's on the ball?


    You're handed a line; don't sit and pine



    Hear bout mentos &  coke?

    How high will it swirl?

    Run on water? Or fall & soak?

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

    Who's on the ball?

    If you've had a dose of a freaky boast
    You'll just email

    Let me tell you something
    Bustin' makes them feel good

    Jamie and Andy don't coast

    They don't rely on idle boasts

    Don't get caught alone, oh no
    When some bull comes through your door
    Unless you just want some more
    I think you should email

    Who you gonna stall

    Ghostbusters - Ray Parker, Jr.

    I love Mythbusters. You know one of my generation's icons who died so so young sang:

    Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose

    When I am feeling a little better than that from the point of relative despair, Mythbusters represents real freedom to me.

    The two gentlemen who started it all have years and years of experience blowing up planes, trains, automobiles and giant squids for movie makers.

    So they test urban myths any way they want to. I mean they need the normal urban permit to blow things up in non residential areas and such, but according to them they just put on whatever kind of show they want.

    I saw both of them on Keith Olbermann one night. Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman  testified that when they received the chance to pilot a series, they were not sure they would get but one chance to do so. Jamie thought the two would flat out run out of ideas after two or three shows.  They just completed their eighth season. Ha!!

    I love this show. I don't care if they are catapulting a dummy two hundred yards, shooting guns out of the hand of pretend cowboys or putting candy in giant bottles of coke; IT'S FUN TO WATCH!!

    But that is really not the subject of today's blog. My aim is to highlight the results of a Mythbusters show that never aired. This dynamic duo finally got censured; the Discovery Channel just decided that the two had gone too far.


    Evidently, early one week they prepared three cages of three rats each.

    The number one trio was fed good rat food.

    The number two trio was fed not so good rat food.

    The number three trio was fed cardboard.

    Then they shut down the warehouse on Friday.

    When Adam Savage arrived on Monday the first cage demonstrated three fat rats.

    The number two cage demonstrated three skinny rats.

    The number three cage demonstrated one really fat rat.

    Hahahahahahahahaha. (Apologies to the ASPCA, but come on...they're rats for chrissakes!!!)  hahahahah

    If you look at the clip of Andy, the myth they were debunking involved the one your mother told you in the grocery store. You want Fruit Loops and Mom says: that  cardboard box the Fruit loops came in has more nutrition than the actual Fruit Loops. 

    It is not like Andy planned to turn rats into cannibals. (Okay, if Uncle Timmy cooks and eats Aunt Jennie one day out of desperation, Timmy is a cannibal. But a rat that eats other rats? Sounds like a rat to me. But then again I am not a mammalogist!!)

    Now I am sometimes accused of attempting to reconcile ideas that have nothing in common whatsoever. But is that soooooooooooo bad?

    If w bush could have a nation thinking that Saddam had something to do with 9/11/01,  or that the most patriotic thing an Americans can do is go shopping; well I can surely compare rat tests to developments in the teabagger movement!

    Regardless of the current spin, we all know that Curly Rand Paul wants to destroy Social Security, completely gut the 14th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution, remove the food stamp program, erase the Estate Tax so that generations of idle aristocracy will finally own 100% of America, reestablish the gold standard, allow ICBM's at gun shows, excise the EPA along with most of our other Federal Agencies and shut the courthouse doors for most Americans.

    So do Sharron Angle and many others from the so-called Teabagger Movement.

    Now do all Teabaggers believe in these proposed measures? No.

    But the Teabagger Movement includes Nazi's, Skinheads, fascisto militias, flat taxers, flat out racists and a lot of just plain angry repubs.  Read more at Wonkette.

    To a great extent:

    Their sincerity notwithstanding, this is a confused group of misled people.

    Sharron and Curly Rand say different things and write different things to their real constituents and do not like to be quoted by the so called Main Stream Media.

    What Sharron and Curly Rand and so many others are really doing is feeding this eclectic group of miscreants Fruit Loops.

    I really believe that most of the right wing nuts will never see their dreams come true

    The DOD does not really like to see ICBM's in the hands of the ravel.

    The economic oligarchy of international corporations will never allow a return to the gold standard.

    Half of the teabaggers would never go for an end to Social Security or Medicare.

    I can go on and on and I usually do. I am just saying that the real right wing nuts who are actually running for office can only offer Fruit Loops to their troops. No meat and potatoes and certainly no fruit or vegetables.

    But Dick Armey and repub leaders are cutting off even the fruit loops. They are reigning in much of the idle threats by people like Angle and Curly because these threats threaten the existence of the repubs as a viable party in this country.

    So Dick Armey and the other repub leaders have only cardboard to feed this strange movement and hope that these peasants accept that cardboard in pellet form.

    But one day, the repubs may find that when they return from their weekend partying that some cannibalism has taken place and that just one big fascist nazi rat remains within their grasp.