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    NPR Exec whacked, stated fact, tea party racist stacked. Truth no defense?


    Robert Schiller, erstwhile N(ot) P(rogressive) R(adio) fundraiser shitcanned.  Punked by Breitbart's videographer, (cf. Acorn, Planned Parenthood, and whenwilltheyeverlearn) Caught saying:

    "The current Republican Party is not really the Republican Party. It's been hijacked by this group that is ... not just Islamophobic but, really, xenophobic," Ron Schiller said in the video, referring to the tea party movement. "They believe in sort of white, middle America, gun-toting — it's scary. They're seriously racist, racist people."

    As usual in poitics, telling the truth is terminally impolite.

    That said, a little confidence in one's convictions is never a bad thing.  They could have simply held their heads high, and asked, along with Kool Moe Dee. "How ya like me now?"

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