The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    cmaukonen's picture

    Out of the memory hole...Reaganomics

    What Reaganomics got for us.


    Just in case anyone has forgotten.


    There was a reason (or should a number of them) that Reagan contemplated not running for a second term.

    There was a reason why I (still a Republican back then) didn't vote for George HW's second term, too.


    Oh...and here is some additional info you might find enlightening.

    Additional info Republicans might find frightening!

    Great links, C!  They've been bookmarked and I will bring them up next time I visit family members (or get attacked by rightwingers).  Thanks!


    YOU LIE !!!

    sorry...i couldn't resist...that damn internal conservative virus got the better of doctor has me on liberal doses of The Belvenie Peated Cask Scotch aged 17 years...single shot daily and triple doses when i get those uncontrollable conservative urges to make a fool out of myself in a public venue.

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