The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


    File:Aldo ape.jpg
                                          GLENN BECK





    I like Joan Walsh. OK, I have a crush on Joan Walsh. She shows up from Salon on MSNBC and does what I could never do. She sounds reasonable. She fights the good fight. I get a kick out of her.


    I don't know why Fox News' Glenn Beck, railing against Barack Obama again on his show Thursday, felt the need to reference the 1968 movie "Planet of the Apes," but since I've been instructed it's bad form to call the folks on Fox "racist," it can't be racism. In case you missed it, Beck rolled a fairly dull clip of Obama praising the AFL-CIO for helping him stand up to "special interests," and it drove the Fox star into his trademark apoplexy. He ran up to the stilled video clip and pointed to the "AFL-CIO" in the background behind the president, yelled about the union federation being a "special interest" itself, and then declared: "It's like the damn Planet of the Apes!" (H/t to my friend Taylor Marsh; I clicked around later and found it on a few other blogs as well




    They say don't go

    To the Republican Party

    If you're lookin'

    For a life.



    But beckerhead might be making a point here. I mean Planet of the Apes might have some applicability to the issues of the day!!!




    Heston and three monkeys are seen outside the Wolverton Mountain cave somewhere outside of Los Angeles. We catch them in the middle of some sort of confrontation.


    Heston: And only a fool
    would give a gun to an animal. 
    Beck: Heston, I see you've brought
    the female of your species.                   
    I didn't realize
    that man could be monogamous. 
    Heston: On this planet it's easy.
    Besides, she is good looking and does not 
    speak much.    
    Beck: I'll ask you to reconsider
    the rash course you've undertaken.
    (speaking to a young repubs who are
    helping Heston find his destiny)
    If you're convicted of heresy,
    the most you'll get is two years, but
    if you persist in pointing guns in
    my direction, you'll stand trial for treason.      
    Repub Sycophants: We never meant to be treasonous, sir.
    We were promised free beer and pictures of Laura Bush
    nekked. And we were promised freedom and jobs that paid
    More than at McDonalds and we were promised ....   
    Heston: But up there, in the face of that cliff,
    there is a vast cave,                   
    and in that cave a fabulous treasure
    of fossils and artifacts and documents and 
    peanut butter.   
    Beck: I've seen some of your fossils and artifacts.
    They're worthless.                  
    There's your minister of science.
    Heston: You should be honour-bound to expand
    the frontiers of knowledge beckerhead and instead 
    you persist in misquoting the founding fathers, 
    misinterpreting the documents that once kept us 
    free and .
    Sycophants: Help us, please! 
    Heston: Except he's also chief defender of the faith.                  
    Beck:  There is no contradiction
    between faith and science - true science.                   
    Heston: Are you willing to put it to the test?
    - Taylor, I would rather...   
    Beck:  Take it easy. You saved me from this fanatic.
    Maybe I can return the favor.              
    What is your proposal?  
    Heston: When were those sacred scrolls
    of yours written?   
    Beck: years ago.   
    Heston: All right. If I can prove those scrolls
    Do not tell the whole truth of your history,
    if we could show you some real evidence 
    of another saner PERSPECTIVE from some recent past,
    will you let us off? 
    Beck:  Of course.
    Heston: Let's go up to the cave.
    Heston: Sorry, sycophants. You've got to stay here
    and guard the camp. 

    They go into the caves and Heston shows Beck the fossil proving the earth is billions of years old and that sane people once ruled the airwaves. He also demonstrates that the 14th Amendment grants individuals rights they never had.Heston demonstrates that Black People are people in fact as well as Hispanics.  He continues to show Beck on his blackboard that every single thing Beck has 'proved' over the years are lies.  He also shows Beck four bobble head caricatures of Ronald Reagan saying: deficits mean nothing, ask cheney!!


    Beck: This proves nothing, it is only a rock and that is only a satire upon the greatest ruler who ever lived.

    Heston: If you do not amend your scrolls I will publish pictures of Murdoch taking it up the arse and other pictures of death camps in Australia and Rupert will lose ownership of everything. I will also publish copies of your recent tax returns demonstrating that you made 100 million dollars on these gold ads you insist on making while your readers lost one billion dollars and you will be back doing the weather in Cincinnatti.

    Beck: Well let us be reasonable.

    Heston breaks the black board over Beck's head. Beck cries and says:

    Beck: Okay, I shall amend the sacred papers. But you have got to help me get this stupid monkey suit with all the gold shavings off.


    The end