The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture



                                     BECKERHEAD, RUSH AND BILLO

    Here I am, minding my own business, attempting to look for a nonpolitical slant on things for a change and I find this gem at Mediamatters:


    Beck praised constitutional provision protecting slave trade. In his 2009 book Arguing With Idiots, Beck reprinted and praised the now-obsolete Article I, Section 9, Clause 1 of the Constitution, which prohibited Congress from ending the slave trade before 1808 and capped taxes on the slave trade at $10 per slave. Beck, without mentioning slavery, interpreted the provision to mean that "the Founders actually put a price tag on coming to this country: $10 per person. Apparently they felt like there was a value to being able to live here."


    The idiot wrote this over a year ago but when the hell would I find the time or procure enough antacids to read beckerhead's book?  And the title is wonderful, is it not? ARGUING WITH IDIOTS.

    Okay, so here is Article I, Section 9, Clause 1 of the United States Constitution:

    The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person

    Now any idiot can see that there can be a prohibition on the 'migration or importation of such persons' after the Year of Our Lord 1808.  And any idiot who graduated from high school should have read SOMEWHERE that 'such Persons' refers to slaves.

    Tenth grade history texts used to discuss this passage at length--I have no idea how the Texas Textbook publishers treat the issue now-a-days.

    Does not Beckerhead have a staff; and what about the publisher of this pile of manure it advertises as a book?

    Are there NO standards in the publishing business any longer?

    I can only posit a scenario where beckerhead or the guy who probably wrote this book in fact, sitting in an easy chair with a glass of brandy and a line of coke pulling out the Sacred Document and thinking: Hell, anybody can read and understand the document upon which our government is based. After all, we live in a democracy and my opinion is just as good as anyone else's.

    So the idiot serendipitously comes upon Article I, Section 9 and thinks to himself:

    Hey look at this. Our Founding Fathers decided to tax all immigrants at the rate of ten dollars a head.

    I mean who needs a sixteen year liberal arts education and three full years of legal study to figure out how our government works?

    I mean beckerhead had a high school degree and almost a semester at Yale and why the hell can't he teach us what is what in the legal frame of things?

    Less than one second of time would have led a publisher's clerk to google or wiki the following:

    Article 1, Section 9

    You do not even have to add the word 'Constitution'.

    Jefferson wished and attempted to cease the importation of slaves before the Declaration of Independence when he was a Virginia legislator.  The year 1808 was arrived at as a termination date in an attempt by the leaders to gather the unanimous consent of the 13 Colonies to help establish a Constitution.

    I could go on and on about the specific wording of this section. I mean Congress was free to stop the importation of slaves after 1808 but was not compelled to do so.  

    TPM and Keith O and many other MSM outlets have been covering this Beck University scam. Basically, you send Beck ten bucks or so and you can have the opportunity to study at a college level. I have no doubt that somewhere out there, thousands send in their money to this scam artist in the hopes of receiving a university degree.

    The instruction amounts to one lie after another lie after another lie concerning the history of this country. And these lies are delivered so ineptly that I would think that professors at Bobby Jones U might even cringe at the lectures being given.

    But then again, thousands of people send in thousands of dollars to purchase  gold coins at twice their market value; further adding to the grand fortunes of Glenn Beck.

    I wonder if it makes any difference anymore with regard to entering into a debate with the right wing in this country.

    I recall a discussion being had with Bill O'Reilly back when rush was thrown off of ESPN.

    Rush, in the midst of a panel of sportscasters, MOST OF WHOM WERE BLACK, made the argument that African Americans make terrible quarterbacks.



    O'Reilly was asked if rush was right and if rush was a racist.

    O'Reilly replied that of course rush was not a racist.

    Bill also added that in his opinion Blacks could compete as quarterbacks in the NFL.

    What the other sportscasters at ESPN should have done was to show rush where he was wrong.


    That Glenn Beck was Glenn Beck's satisfaction.

    That Rush Limbaugh was Rush Limbaugh's satisfaction.

    That O'Reilly was O'Reilly's satisfaction.

    You could never prove to the satisfaction of John Bolton that it would be contraindicated to drop nuclear bombs on Iran or invade Cuba.

    You could never prove to the satisfaction of Sarah Palin that most of the repub talking points would lead to a further gap between rich and poor in this country.

    You could never prove to the satisfaction of Michelle Bachmann that members of the Democratic Party are not traitors to the United States of America.

    The best you can ever do is to be prepared with lists; lists of inaccuracies stated and recorded on MSM.

    Then if you find yourself in a public forum and Bill O'Reilly demands:


     You pull out the list and read it. You proceed to read it out loud regardless of how much Billo yells at you. You proceed to read it out loud regardless of how much members of the audience yell at you.

    Here is a list of ten lies rush told as of 2005:


    Here's another list from the 90's:


    How about beckerhead?


    Or if you need a list of beckerhead's scams--felony thefts go here:


    Or, if you wish to begin a list of beckerhead's false denials of what beckerhead might have said go here:


    O'Reilly is easy. Just read Frankin's books like I have. ·  Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations (Delacorte Press, 1996) ISBN 0-385-31474-4

    ·  Why Not Me? (Delacorte Press, 1999) a parody-journal of the fictional "Franken campaign" for President ISBN 0-385-31809-X

    ·  Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right (Dutton Books, 2003) ISBN 0-525-94764-7

    ·  The Truth (With Jokes) (Dutton Books, 2005) ISBN 0-525-94906-2


    That is the best you can do with these animals; just read back their own talking points.

    I just am sick and tired of people on MSM saying:

    Well there are wing nuts on both sides of the fence. What is a mother to do?

    It just aint true.

    There is no chance of reasoning with the repub party right now or the right wing hate mongers that we find on the radio, that we find on the telly or that we find at the web sites.

    You might as well argue with a door knob rather than reason with McConnell or Boner or Karl Rove or a hundred other repubs and conservative pundits; because none of these people are even pretending to look for the truth about anything. They are all seeking personal financial success and power to help them achieve that financial success.

    I think the repubs are going to win big in November no matter what we do.

    But we might as well take out our lists and start screaming our bloody heads off.