The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture



    A bunch of academics got together at Berkely, believe it or not to discuss the social ramifications of the new Tea Party Movement.

    You know sociologists as well as a good portion of academics specializing in psychology really enjoy algebra:

    Macro-Micro Model of Participation in Political Action: The Tea Party and Cognitive Biases in Information Consumption and Processing. Hypotheses were tested using qualitative data obtained from interviews with two groups: protest participants from various Tea Party protests (protesting group, N-15) and non-protesting Tea Party "supporters" (supporting group, N=3). Results show that strongly held pre-existing beliefs (particularly economic and political individualist ideology) heavily impacted levels of dissatisfaction with government policy and choices of information consumed.

    I love it when academics or pundits start discussing ‘class warfare’ because class warfare—to my mind—goes on in every urban center over the entire globe. I just saw a some foreign expert on Fareed today who noted that about 500 million people are ‘doing all right’ around this third rock from the sun and about 6 billion aint doin so good.

    But what I get sick of hearing is bullshit from some damn pundit discussing this brand new phenomena of the Tea Party.

    The fact is, in my humble opinion that this country has been at war with itself since its inception. There were as many Loyalists and Revolutionaries in the colonies back in the latter half of the 18th century.

    We always refer to the Civil War as being a conflict involving brother against brother, but it was the same four score and seven years prior to the Battle of Gettysburg. Witness the fact that Ben Franklin’s own son was a Loyalist governor of one of the colonies who continued to side with the Brits.

    There is a new book out taking another look at Watergate; which is always fun as far as I am concerned.

    There certainly are good arguments for seeing Richard Nixon as a pretty good president as well as other arguments that he was a war mongering corporate oligarchist.

    But it really cannot be disputed that Tricky Dick was a felon who really needed a pardon from President Ford, whether he deserved it or not.

    Then in 1972, Anderson unearthed a blockbuster story: a memo written by a lobbyist proving that Nixon had intervened in a giant antitrust case involving ITT, a telecommunications conglomerate, in exchange for ITT donating $400,000 to his re-election campaign. Another Nixon scandal erupted. In the middle of the hullabaloo, Charles Colson, a top White House aide (who in his current bio refers to himself as Nixon's "hatchet man"), met with E. Howard Hunt, a former CIA officer who had become a Nixon dirty trickster, working as part of the secret "Plumbers" unit that would soon be caught breaking into the Watergate. According to Hunt, Colson told him that Nixon was enraged by Anderson and that the reporter had to be killed in what should look like an accident.

    To pull off this job, Colson recruited G. Gordon Liddy, who had recently joined the Nixon campaign as an operative. As Hunt and Liddy have acknowledged, the two trailed Anderson. They sought advice from a CIA physician who had been involved in the agency's efforts to assassinate Fidel Castro. The duo considered various plots: placing poison in medicine Anderson was taking, placing LSD on the steering wheel of Anderson's car (in the hope he would start tripping and crash his vehicle), staging a fake mugging in which Anderson would be fatally knifed. But before any plan was hatched, according to Hunt, Colson told him to call off the hit.

    As Feldstein notes in his book, some Nixon aides have questioned whether the murder plot occurred—despite the fact that Hunt and Liddy in later years publicly discussed it in great detail. Hunt believed that the order to kill Anderson came directly from the president. Colson, who after serving prison time for a Watergate-related charge founded Prison Fellowship Ministries, has always claimed that he and Nixon had nothing to do with this lethal conspiracy.


    These individuals who were part and parcel of the Nixon Administration were ruthless criminals; murderers; thieves; perjurers; burglars and flat out terrorists. And Liddy likes to brag about it.

    I saw some panel discussion on CSPAN years ago and Liddy was talking about the felonies he committed during his four year stint in prison following his conviction for the Watergate Burglary (which was probably one of the smaller felonies that man ever committed.)  In prison he was committing felonies and he bragged about it in his book and in interviews.

    And it is so easy to find instances, after review of even a small portion of the three million incarcerated slaves we have in our prisons, where convicts never perpetrated one percent of the evil that was perpetrated by people like Hunt and Liddy and  Sturgis and a slue of other members of the Nixon Administration.

    And a lot of the younger members of that administration like Rummy and Cheney went on to perpetrate even more heinous felonies over the following thirty years following the demise of Tricky Dicky.

    Now the more informed, and that would be the majority of this site’s readership,probably already know this but in 2007 E. Howard Hunt’s son released an audio tape of a death bed confession given to him from his father.

    Now Hunt was an octogenarian when he died and dementia does kind of settle in over the years. At least that has been my personal experience. But this audio tape that has been replayed on the radio within the last month and is available all over the web is really disheartening for those who think we live in a democratic/republic.  The tape relates information that HAS NEVER BEEN REPEATED ON MSM; at least on cable.

    On his deathbed early in this century, Hunt confessed that he knew of plans by rogue CIA agents to assassinate Kennedy, but claimed he decided against becoming a conspirator.  Hunt’s son—St. John Hunt—recently disclosed that his mother told him his dad was in Dallas “on business” on November 22, 1963.

    This is nuts. He has LBJ conspiring to kill JFK.

    But this information concerning the conspiracy to kill Jack Anderson is really something to behold. AND OF COURSE LIDDY BRAGS ABOUT IT!!!

    There are terrorists in prison right now, with or without trials, who completed fewer steps toward a conspiracy—within the definition provided by law—than Hunt and Liddy and those people will never see the light of day; ever!!!

    Here are some more links for those that are not versed in these matters or have simply forgotten over the decades like I have:

    Watch video:

    Now, I personally think it is a waste of time to research the Kennedy Assassination again. Bugliosi spent a couple of years doing that as have others and as far as I am concerned I don’t care anymore.

    So what is my point?

    There is a real war going on in this country whether we like it or not. And when we see people like Karl Rove it helps to understand that this man learned everything he knows when he campaigned for Nixon under the tutelage of Donald Segretti.

    And I do not see how you can properly understand what has taken place in this country over the last three decades without a full understanding that many of the most important actors in this creation of our corporate oligarchy started their careers in the Nixon Administration.

    And to these people, like cheney and rummy and rove, the gloves were off as they say in the sport of boxing. There are no rules, there are no laws, there are no moral standards, there are no religious tenets…all bets are off as far as playing fair goes in the election process.

    And of course, we are all fully aware that the election process never ends.

    When you understand that Jack Anderson had the facts on Tricky Dicky going back twenty years before Watergate, I think you have a better idea of how politics works in this country.

    ITT needs to get out of criminal prosecution for felonies committed by its officers, so they just donate $400,000.00 to CREEP.

    Some other asshole corporation needs a break so they make a loan to Nixon’s brother and the D. A. in charge of investigating it drops all charges.

    And thirty years later Rove gets seven or more D.A.'s fired because they refused to prosecute democrats for crimes that had never been committed or at least proven.

    I already did a long blog on Governor Perry who just this year he set up an innovation fund with taxpayer’s money in Texas and every one of the beneficiaries of that fund contributed to his campaign for reelection in Texas on what looks like a percentage basis. Kind of a political tithing was at work.

    In one of these links, Hunt swears he advised President Nixon about how dangerous Liddy was and Tricky Dicky told him that he realized that Liddy was Hitler but ‘he is our Hitler.’

    It does not take a genius, or someone with ‘special access’, or someone with a lot of money to discover some of the thousands of sins committed by our government.

    Hell you can google: Nixon is a crook…and  find enough materials to read on a daily basis for an entire year.

    You can substitute Cheney for Nixon, or Rummy for Nixon or Rove for Nixon and receive similar results.

    The information is right there.

    And I am stuck listening to morons on the Sunday News Programs spending hours telling me that if the repubs get more votes, they might take over one or both Houses of Congress next week.

    And these experts waste the viewers time when the largest attempts at bribery along with the most severe extortion attempts in the history of this country are taking place that will have quite an adverse affect upon our elections eight days hence.

    The end.


    "Giving a shit" - it's no longer done.

    I'm with you, Dick. The way people talk about Nixon today, and the way so many educated people trot out their clever dick lines poo-pooing conspiracies, well... it kinda makes me lose hope. I mean, here you have an American President absolutely confirmed, 10,000 ways to Sunday, of every kind of conspiracy imaginable. And yet, they then feel totally clever and educated to poo-poo the idea of JFK being bumped. 

    It's these kinds of softheaded buffoons that led to the fabulous investigations and trials of the Bush-Cheney crimes. Oh wait. 

    See, they just keep giving "the past" a raincheck. And then are shocked when the monsters on the Right come back, emboldened, more criminal, more deceptive, more anti-democratic.   

    It's like with Cheney. People wanted to get all excited about him. But he sat at the center of the cover-up around Iran-Contra under Reagan, and got a pass. And got his first leg up under Nixon, but got a pass.

    So by the time he got into office under Bush, it was no holds barred.

    No one gives a shit. And by that, I mean most of the conventional leaders of OUR side, the educated, liberal, Democrats who run the machinery. 

    The fucking end.

    What can you expect from a country that makes heroes out of Butch Cassidy, Bonnie and Clyde and Dillinger. And in fact the movies about these people were some of the highest grossing one of that type. 

    There is a large portion of this country that has not matured passed the cops and robbers stage one bit and still holds these people in high esteem. To them being a crook is not only OK but in certain cases highly admirable.

    Yeah, you got a real point here. Wyatt Earp was a criminal, plain and simple but he is a hero of mine. Probably because he killed a lot of Confederates after the war was over.

    We celebrate Liddy with his own radio show and pay him lots of money.

    Hunt wrote spy novels and was involved in god knows what kind of felonies throughout his 'career'.

    But Hunt is celebrated. Hell, even in this cabal of felons, trust went out the window. In one of the links Hunt demonstrated a belief that Nixon ordered the death by plane crash of his mother for chrissakes.

    Kissinger killed Allende. I marvelled at articles I have read about whether or not he ordered the kill but jeeeeeeeeeeesus h. christ, the man admitted it in some interview with Rose on PBS. I saw it.

    I really would like to know--and we shall not know for decades after I'm dead--the number of assassination attempts that have been made on certain South American leaders during the Bush Administration.

    America likes winners and a winner is someone who continually breaks the law and continually gets rewarded with little fear of reprisal.



    As an American who for years wanted to believe the rebulicans were the party catering to the mega banks, mega corps etc, while the democrats were the party for the "people", I have finally realized the left-right paradigm is a cruel hoax. I now believe that our governments (left or right) sole purpose is to cater to the globalist while doing everything possible to supress the voice of Americans people. Through this left-right paradigm we fight amongst ourselves while trillions of dollars are given away to the same banks who created the meltdown, and our civil liberties are eroded at an alarming rate. The unconstitutional Federal Reserve is the shadowy financial instrument for the global elite which doles out trillions and then tells the American people we don't have the right to know who is getting the money ? The neo-cons certainly sped up the destruction of our Democracy with the Iraq and Afganistan wars no question. I agree that there is a war going on in this country. I also agree that the modern neo-con influence began under  Nixon. Unfortunately I believe the government stoped serving the people began well before Nixon in my opinion.

    I was a loyal Democrat my whole life. Through the daily atacks on our civil liberties ie Patriot Act and others I was forced to really look at how we got here. Through my research I have discovered things like the Trans Texas Corridor. I was appalled by not only the concept but that a foreign corp would be collecting the tolls ! This is one example of the power of the peolpe who stood up and killed the idea ! This is one small example of how our government has failed the American people. We The People must begin to realize that the wars, erosion of civil liberties, financial meltdown and the current devaluation of the dollar all have a common denominator. Additionally if We The People are not able to get past this polarization taking place our voice will be rendered useless. We are being pilaged by the globalist with the help of past and present administratons. If real change is going to come we must all find some common ground such as The Bill Of Rights and The Constitution and demand change !! It is not about You against Me it is US aginst Them !! Them being any mega corp, mega bank or elected official who puts special interest above that of Democracy. We must not allow the "talking" heads to form our opinions for us. Mainstream media on both sides all answer to the "corporate man" and have no desire to report what is really important, only what will bring ratings ! I believe in America, our People and our Democracy but now is the time to prove to Washington that We The People will not allow our Democracy to fall without a fight. God Bless America !!

    On other days while I find myself in different moods I would argue with your assessment of all this.

    But not today. You are correct in that MSM spouts the propaganda that works best for its owners; corporate America although Ed, Chris (more lately), Keith, Rachel and Lawrence sure do their best to shout out some truths.

    These corporate contributions (aint contribution a wonderful word? But bribe is such a more exact term isn't it?) are never ending. And each and every donor (briber) is recompensed many times over for each penny contributed.

    Wall Street has purchased this coming election and Americans are none the wiser.

    And those contributions had a lot to do with the timidity of the dems over the last two years.

    So, I really cannot find myself in disagreement with what you have to say today.

    I really can't.

    And that causes me great dolor.

    You got great dolor? 






    Actually I always liked the English spelling; dolour.


    We could have dolour days at K-Mart or Wallmart or fuckmart or whatever....



    Dick, I don't mention it much because people already think I'm a loon (and I really don't want to get anyone I know in trouble). But when I was a kid in D.C., I had some friends who's father rose quite high in the Secret Service and had been on duty in Dallas. He and his associates with the shared experience of losing a POTUS tended to wax chatty about it when they got together socially. They believed LBJ set him up too ... something about a bunch of orders they got at the last minute that "could only have come from two people in the world and they didn't come from Kennedy." FWIW.

    I just thought it was a common view at the time, but, nope. The few times I've mentioned I always thought LBJ helped set up Kennedy ... folks looked at me like I had an antenna growing out of my head. I have no clue myself ... so I tend to just STFU about the whole thing, too many crazy conspiracies floating around. But thought you might find the tidbit interesting ... I've never personally known a more credible source and they were talking in a context of completely unguarded candor.

    On a different topic, I stand by my prediction the Democrats hold both houses with reduced majorities come election day. I think the GOP peaked early. But then, I was dead fucking wrong about Coakley.

    And also too. They are all crooks dammit. Also.

    Well Texas was a state owned by LBJ, that is for sure.

    The legislation ultimately passed by LBJ equaled the achievements of FDR. Barth likes to reprint speeches from JFK that demonstrate more than a possiblility that Kennedy could have triumphed with some fine socio economic changes. But LBJ did it.

    It is just that if I have to hear one more bit of testimony concerning the grassy knoll, I will puke on whoever gives that testimony.

    I would agree with you to this extent. All repubs and one third of all dems are on the take.

    No matter how you crunch those numbers, the American citizen is fucked.


    Richard, Nixon was a crook, but the GOP had enough votes to keep him in office in the Senate, and they told him they wouldn't save his ass. Why? The same right wing that hated JFK grew to hate Nixon, see Time from 1971. If Nixon had started a war with say, China, instead of going to China to talk, does anyone doubt the right would have loved him to the max? They hated him, and refused to get him off the hook for the very small time nonsense in the Watergate Hotel. I was no fan of Nixon but get real, the right ran the show then as they do now. No one complained or investigated when Raygun made the no release of hostages deal with Iran, and then sent them banned missiles later, the deal being made before he was even President.

    Nixon went to China, formed the EPA and other unforgivable acts that made him a traitor to the right. I have said before, if anyone thinks it was some victory of truth, justice, Democrats and the American Way to flush Nixon down the tubes it ain't so-the same folks that gave us the JFK assasination, the Vietnam War, Raygun, Iran-Contra, George W. and the impeachment of Clinton helped to send Nixon into retirement.

    I have to agree that there certainly is a 'right wing' corporate panel or something that seems to plan our nation's course; on the one hand negotiating with the republicans and on the other carefully examining the anticipated moves of the dems.

    I know that is what Wall Street has done in this election; pouring tens of millions of dollars into this election. Some of the monies were direct contributions other monies were indirect.'

    These think tanks  like AEI and Heritage may represent the real planning panels that work for the interests of the corporate oligarchy.

    I get a little concerned when conspiracy theories get off mark.

    Up here in this literal neck of the woods there is a strong belief that the powers that be had Senator Wellstone killed. But why was Biden not also killed? Or Kennedy?

    We need some real planners; some serious think tanks working for the left wing in this country. Certainly there is room for manipulation of corporate interests. The oil industry is not always in sync with other international corporate interests.

    We should be playing one coporate pig against the other.

    See, I start thinking about this stuff and I am right back in the theatre watching the Parallax View.