The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Global file usageFile:Tea Party Protest, Hartford, Connecticut, 15 April 2009 - 060.jpg
                                               RUSH'S ARMY

    I thought I would continue with my class warfare discussion from yesterday.

    My goodness, war broke out right here. I guess there are more at Café that enjoy the concept of the benevolent dictator. Sure they are billionaires, but some of them are nice people. Hahhaah

    This segment deals with out-right racism among the teabaggers--or their leaders/organizers anyway. This little video from MediaMatters got to me:

    Rush is actually calling for secession and for civil war.

    Secession is no longer the rantings of extreme kookism any more; some say the civil war is already on.

    Then he says: It's not our fault, folks. It is the fault of the left years and years ago.

    The caller on this segment notes that elections are not going to 'do the trick'. We need to have secession or something.

    Rush replies:

    We now have a..a... minority rule in this country. We need a revolution; we need secession.

    This is interesting to me. We have had elections from 2006 to 2008 that determined quite demonstrably that a majority of Americans preferred the Democratic Party.

    President Obama was elected by a higher percentage of voters than w bush ever received; or Clinton for that matter.

    So when Rush stutters this phrase (and he does stutter at a point where he is searching for PC words) about minority rule, he can only be speaking about racial minorities.  What he is saying is that the s&^cs and n*&^%*ers have taken over. There is really no other interpretation for his rantings that makes any sense here.

    Especially when you put Rush's statements in context with his usual rants about Obama making reparations and such as well as his birther rants lately. And let us not forget his monumental slams against Hispanics.

    Another grand exponent of racial baiting is Andrew Breitbart.

    Andrew Breitbart (Bravefart) is the fellow who is able to corrupt videos like some producers on youtube make monkeys and puppies speak. He is the one who all but destroyed ACORN and Shirley Sherrod with this method and claims he will skullfuck anyone who disagrees with his methods in the press.

    Bravefart has his own web site:

    And on that web site, Bravefart has his own Joseph Goebbels working for him by the name of Kevin Pezzi; a man has a wonderful take on race relations in this country:

    Native-Americans. Pezzi claims that Native-Americans "should instead THANK US for giving them the freedom to benefit from our superior technology":

    Now that Senator Barack Obama is discussing reparations for slavery, I recall something that my brilliant brother once said decades ago that is applicable to this issue. After the American Indians applied enough political and economic pressure to get American taxpayers to atone for injustices committed a century before they were born (thus setting a bizarre precedent that people can be financially penalized for misdeeds they did not commit), my brother remarked that the Indians, instead of endlessly bellyaching about the evil White Man, should instead THANK US for giving them the freedom to benefit from our superior technology. Without those advances, my brother noted, Indian mothers would still be living in wigwams and crying when their children died of appendicitis. Unless my many teachers were mistaken, American Indians were living in the Stone Age when European explorers first appeared on this continent.

    African-Americans. Pezzi writes of African Americans and slavery: "Yes, that is a great moral injustice, but it is easy to see how we helped the descendants of those slaves by bringing them to the United States":

    The same is true of people who lived in Africa during the years that many of them were nabbed and put into slavery. Yes, that is a great moral injustice, but it is easy to see how we helped the descendants of those slaves by bringing them to the United States. African lives are often brutal and cut short by disease or violence. Many people in Africa still eat "bush meat" (e.g., gorillas, chimpanzees, monkeys, and other primates) instead of obtaining their food from nice restaurants or grocery stores, as African-Americans do. (Here's an insightful perspective that harmonizes with my stance.)

    So should the United States government forcibly seize my money or property to give to African-Americans? There is no way to ethically justify such confiscation. The issue is incredibly divisive. Being forced to pay for a crime you did not commit is so infuriating that it has the potential to ignite a race war. Yet Senator Obama, with his silver tongue and dearth of common sense, is foolish enough to say that "words are not enough" -- implying that our past apologies and trillions of dollars transferred to African-Americans via myriad social welfare programs are not punitive enough; the evil White Man must pay, again. [emphasis in original]

    Pezzi also claims that whites are more racially discriminated against than blacks, writing, "For every vestige of anti-black racism in USA at present, I could mention two ways in which whites are racially victimized by blacks or people favoring blacks":

    Even when I disagree with another black political and civil rights activist, the Rev. Al Sharpton, he can still come across as charming and even huggable. In contrast, Wright seems downright kooky. Much of his fury apparently stems from the fact that there are still traces of racism in this country. Clear-cut evidence of this can be found in some revealing statistics: only about 7% of blacks say they'll vote for McCain, while almost half of whites are willing to vote for Obama. And whites are the racist ones?? For every vestige of anti-black racism in USA at present, I could mention two ways in which whites are racially victimized by blacks or people favoring blacks, such as when I discovered years ago that black students at Michigan State University could pass courses even if they got every question wrong on every test (** see the footnote at the end of this posting). Hence, Wright seems Wrong about racism, so his maniacal speeches make me wonder if he is living in a different world. Evidently Obama is living in that world, too, given that Wright was his pastor for 20 years. How could the Obamas cozy up to such a hatemonger for so long? The answer is obvious. [emphasis in original]


    And let us not forget that Mark Williams, the naked racist is coming back big time after having been summarily excised from the Tea Party Movement:

    You see the Tea Party Movement (as if there were one movement wearing Lipton on their hats) includes wonderful representatives from organizations like The White Citizens

    Council.  Oh we are cleaning all that up some baggers would like us to know.

    My point here today--as if I ever have some real point at all--is to demonstrate that the powers that be do not control us with drugs, sex and TV. They hide their real purposes beneath their programs of race baiting and poor baiting.

    Representative Paul Ryan is actually attempting to fill in a void that has appeared in the repub platform over the last couple of years. Republicans appear to be a party of 'no' with no real plans for the salvation of 320 million Americans.

    So Ryan is presenting an actual plan, a plan that one would think is anathema to the Tea Party Movement.

    Now the average income of your on-the-street tea bagger is around 59 grand. SO RYAN PROPOSES TO RAISE THEIR TAXES ABOUT TWO GRAND WHILE DECREASING THE RICHEST FOLKS' TAX BILL BY $1.7 MILLION.


    No kidding.


    Under the Ryan plan, taxes for the richest 1 percent of Americans would fall by half, on top of making the Bush tax cuts permanent....Households with incomes of more than $1 million would receive an average annual tax cut of $502,000, and the richest one-tenth of 1 percent of Americans would receive an average tax cut of $1.7 million.

    To offset these tax cuts, the Ryan plan would place a consumption tax on most goods and services.

    These taxes would overwhelmingly affect working and middle-class Americans. According to Citizens for Tax Justice, the Ryan plan would increase taxes by an average of $2,000 on everyone with an income under $100,000.

    This is an underappreciated aspect of Ryan's plan. Another underappreciated aspect, and one that's fast becoming a pet peeve of mine, is that there's nothing "smart" or "brave" about it. For some reason, practically everyone talks about how Ryan is the only Republican in Congress who's willing to put his money where his mouth is and tell us exactly what he'd cut out of the federal budget. But he doesn't. His plan merely caps various kinds of spending: there's a cap on Medicare, a cap on Social Security, and a cap on domestic spending. Reduced to its policy essence, that's it

    Now make sure you scan Krugman's take on Ryan's 'plan':

    A supposedly populist movement is now being represented by a party with the primary intent of raising the taxes of the middle class by adding a national sales tax to further burden their lot. But in order to achieve this monumental give away to the rich, someone like Ryan would be underlining that his plan would take money away from the poor, the disenfranchised and the minorities in this country.

    He and others appear to be saying:

    We will raise your taxes but we will really take it to those dirty rotten NAACPers.

    This is just amazing to me.

    The magician attempts to grab your attention with one hand while using the other to fool you into thinking there is some mystical force out there that defies the rules of nature.

    The repubs are simply preying upon our personal biases (the biases we attempt to fight internally every day) with one hand while their real purpose is to pick your pockets.