by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Michelle Goldberg at Daily Beast decided she would take the time to read Sarah Palin’s book.
Evidently Ms. Goldberg found a section in this mighty literary tome dedicated to feminism:
But reading Palin’s new book, America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith and Flag, it’s clear that in order to claim feminism as her own, she’s had to radically distort its history. In a chapter on feminism that’s sure to be widely discussed, she mischaracterizes the views of nearly every historical feminist she mentions.
Sometimes she does it to defame them, other times to make it seem as if they shared her ideology. As so often with Palin, it’s hard to tell whether ignorance or dishonesty is at work
I read good paragraphs like this and I come to recognize why Ms. Goldberg is paid to do what she does and why I am not. Ha
Palin calls Hilary Clinton part of some bra burning feminist militant group. Now that is what they used to call opinion.
But the proper practice taught in high school was to cite certain evidence such as quotes from the subject or quotes from other writers as you render an opinion.
What Palin is doing is what rush does every day.
I mean rush calls any female liberal a feminazi without really defining the term. He might as well just be calling his foes Nazis or commies which is what he does most of the time anyway.
But palin goes one step further in the vein of beckerhead.
Sarah, according to Ms. Goldberg, just makes shit up.
She ‘cites’ Elizabeth Stanton as a pursuer of women’s rights and colors the legend as being a fervent Christian. I mean this is just a damn lie.
Sarah goes on to claim that Susan B Anthony was a strong anti abortion advocate. Ms. Goldberg does some research and there is not one word in Ms. Anthony’s papers concerning abortion.
And this lie by Palin has to do with an article that appeared in Susan B. Anthony’s newspaper that may or may not have been written by her. But what is worse about all this is that the article was fervently against enacting criminal sanctions that would punish anyone who performed an abortion or sought an abortion.
I think that liberals are screwed up. We cannot win arguments with these people.
And we should just set reason aside. We must become more like them.
Liberals should just buy their own network and make up shit; just like Fox News.
For instance, a ‘news program’ might sound like this:
Welcome to the Americans Sick & Sore Hoping and Tenacious. (ASSHAT)
Today’s news in a flash….
Mitt Romney appeared at a town hall meeting on Friday last. Ms. Lavinski of Potters’ Field asked the former Governor:
Governor, do you ever change your underwear?
Governor Romney replied:
No comment.
An anonymous source today confirmed that Senator Lindsey Graham was caught buggering Tony Perkins in his Senate office closet. This was reported to ASSHAT by another anonymous source who wishes to remain anonymous.
When contacted by ASSHAT, a spokesperson for Senator Graham responded:
No comment.
Today, Representative Steve King (R-Iowa) proposed that Negroes and Mexicali’s who do not own property should not be allowed to vote.
Representative King added: Negroes make crummy farmers.
Todd Palin was asked today as to whether or not Sarah Palin will appear at a local KKK rally in Foxhole, Missouri.
Todd responded: I don’t think so, she has been on the rag lately.
He added: And Miller is an asshole.
Former Congressman Joseph Scarborough wrote a scathing attack on Sarah Palin calling her a worthless money grubbing whore who is destroying the Republican Party…or something along those lines.
President George W. Bush believes that urinating in public is one of the greatest threats to the safety of this nation.
Well that is our news for Tuesday.
And as Paul Harvey used to say:
Richard it is not what she says it's how she says it. In a different reality she would be Prof. Harold Hill selling boys bands to the people of Iowa. She is very good a speaking to peoples personal feelings not matter how ignorant they maybe.
by cmaukonen on Tue, 11/30/2010 - 8:29pm
Aaaaaaaaaah yes, personal feelings, personal prejudices, personal ignorance. hahahaha
And we should do the same. The facts have nothing to do with anything.
My point exactly.
by Richard Day on Tue, 11/30/2010 - 8:36pm
So, instead of being bleeding heart liberals, we should be blathering idiot liberals, and therefore give pound for pound.
Meh....doesn't quite work for me, Dick. But good post, all the same.
by LisB on Tue, 11/30/2010 - 8:48pm
Oh, liberals read books and stuff. Never would work anyway. hahahaaha
by Richard Day on Tue, 11/30/2010 - 8:50pm
That's the facts, Jack.
by LisB on Tue, 11/30/2010 - 9:01pm
present the facts but do it in a way that people can relate to and understand. Think Huey Long.
by cmaukonen on Tue, 11/30/2010 - 9:08pm
Strength through Ignorance! Power to the Morons! Fight Fire with the Cold Water of Reality! (Okay, forget that last one. It just doesn't make sense anymore now that we're a nation of idiots.) So, with that in mind, we've got to ratchet up our make-believe truths! Start spouting whoppers about policies we know nothing about! Rationalize our ignorance by insisting we're just fighting for what The People want! It must be done! And the first step is putting exclamation points at the ends of all of our sentences! Why do that?! Because! We need to create a sense of urgency! America is being driven off the cliffs of insanity by thinkers and elite rationalizers!! We can't afford 4 more minutes, much less 4 more years of educated THINKING!! Especially RATIONAL educated thinking!! Come on, Republicans want to smother your puppies and let your children grow up in a world without basic Cable! Republicans want you and your grandmother to pay for their mistakes, but they won't pay for your grandmother's abortion! The GOP wants to let states secede from the union!! A vote for a Republican is a vote for a weakened America!! A vote for a Republican is a vote for a 35-star flag!! The Founding Fathers wanted our flag to have FIFTY stars!! If the GOP gets their way, Betsy Ross will have died in vain!! And the GOP wants you to drive a foreign-made car!! The GOP hates Detroit!! Not only that, but the GOP is in league with Vladimir Putin! They support putting atomic weapons in the hands of terrorists!! They want New York City to be destroyed by nuclear weapons!! (Sure, most Non-New Yorkers want that, but remember, the radiation from a bomb which destroys New York will undoubtedly affect states as far South as Kentucky!!) And the GOP wants to have illicit sex with either your uncle or your aunt ... or both of them ... AT THE SAME TIME!! (They've done it before, they'll do it again!) The GOP wants our children to die from pollution of the atmosphere!! Why aren't they protecting our children?!! And finally, Republicans want to steal your money from your social security bank account and put it into the pockets of their Wall Street cronies so (they hope), you'll end up on skid row, sleeping in a cardboard box under the overpass, which is owned by Republican landlords!! And NO rent-stabilized cardboard boxes!! Why, these are reasons enough to get angry and let those Republican fatcats know we're coming to take our country back from their litterbox of obstruction! Fight their ignorance with our utter stupidity!
by MrSmith1 on Wed, 12/01/2010 - 4:19am
Gawd Almighty how I love this comment. hahahaha
The Founding Fathers wished for 50 stars and the Founding Mothers just did what the Founding Fathers told them to do. hahaha
I shall continue Mr. Smith to fight ignorance with utter stupidity!!!!
That is what I do best. Although it appears you might be better at it. hahaahahah
by Richard Day on Wed, 12/01/2010 - 9:35am
It's stunning how utterly stupid I can be at 4 AM isn't it? (Some would argue not just at 4 AM, but never mind that.) I think we can still take the utter stupidity and use it for good by starting a group called the Confounding Extrapolists Organization (CEO), where we just go around making stuff up about Republicans by extrapolating positions they hold out to a completely ridiculous conclusion. Kinda like Palin and the Death Panels. I laid out the basics here a few weeks ago:
You're the best Mr Day, I'm just a lowly student of the master.
by MrSmith1 on Wed, 12/01/2010 - 9:55am
Palin's nothing but an old fashioned whore trying to get as many people as possible to pay her for her services before she loses her looks. It is that simple. She's an idiot, but she's not stupid. She's going to make all the money she can off her celebrity status and that is her prime objective. Toward that end, like any whore, she will say and/or do anything as long as the price is right and it doesn't matter whether it is true, whether it is good for the country or whether she even believes it or not. All that matters is whether the customers are still willing to pay top dollar for her services.
by oleeb on Thu, 12/02/2010 - 2:17am
It's that, "for another $100, I'll stay all night," part that worries me.
by Donal on Thu, 12/02/2010 - 9:23am
If I were DD, I'd assign that the line of the day.
by Atheist (not verified) on Thu, 12/02/2010 - 9:45am
And I thought people like you do not believe in anything!!! hahaah
by Richard Day on Thu, 12/02/2010 - 11:16am
Okay, I shall take Atheist's advice:
I hereby render unto Donal the Dayly Line of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site, given to all of him from all of me.
But I have to add: If you want me to leave now I will need $200.00. hahahaha
by Richard Day on Thu, 12/02/2010 - 11:11am
Oleeb, you just encapsulated every single thing I believe about this woman.
Oh but this is hyperbole and furthers the breach in American Politics today!!
by Richard Day on Thu, 12/02/2010 - 11:15am