by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Republicans are opposed to New START, but the question is why? Well, listen to Jon Kyl, who was on Meet the Press this morning, he does try but ultimately fails to offer any reason for his opposition. I guess he is leading a filibuster in order to stop any discussion of ratification of the Treaty. As noted in the first comment by NCD, below. He attempts to justify killing the New START ratification process. Have things changed so drastically since 1982, when there was basic agreement around the world on the need to reduce nuclear proliferation. Can Kyl and other even give a cogent explanation about their opposition? And even though there are many conservatives who have taken Sen. Kyl to task over his opposition to START, he is unaffected by that criticism? Why? The answer is politics. Otherwise, there is no appropriate answer. Well we know don’t we, they are following through on Jim DeMint’s threat, meaning they have one goal and only one goal and that is to make this President a one term President and they will achieve that goal with any methods, even if it means making the United States more vulnerable and having worse relations with our allies.
Let’s review the exchange between Kyl, Durbin and David Gregory this morning on MTP:
Jon Kyle says there is “No Chance for New START in lame duck session”, he demands weeks for debate, blames Harry Reid, then goes off onto budgets and taxes and says New START not a priority.
Durbin: Respect Jon Kyl, but the reality is the failure to ratify poses a danger to the US and her security. Durbin goes on to say, “While we wait, no inspectors on the ground in Russia, no compliance”. Nobody discusses the damage to relations with Russia, and others who will not bother to enter into treaties with the US because those treaties will die in the Senate.
Administration: Kyl acting in bad faith, Arms Control Association, trying to undermine the President
David Gregory: What is your opposition to the Treaty?
How much debate did last START treaty take? (Three days according to Gregory and the official record), Kyl gives no answer. Kyl of course claims START of 1992, is not the same thing, except that treaty expired in 2009, so not only is it relevant it is an extension of the original treaty and expands methodologies to reduce nuclear proliferation.
David Gregory: “What is your opposition to START? What are you not getting from the Whitehouse to make this deal?” Jon Kyl does not answer this question, he talks about all the reasons it isn’t a big deal to do START yet.
Sometimes power really does corrupt completely. START negotiations began in June of 1982. SALT II was in limbo, suspended when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. START is the brainchild of President Ronald Reagan and his national security team. START was an introduced an alternative framework to implement reductions in strategic arms on a large scale. By 1982, politicians of both parties agreed that strategic nuclear arms reduction were in the best interest of the world and as recently as 2002, when George W Bush, was President, SORT, another arms control treaty, was unanimously approved by the Senate March 6th, 2003. Senator Kyl, at that time had no reservations, but of course he was in charge then and the President was a Republican, so there was no need to play politics with arms control. Currently, Republicans have opted to play politics here rather than to seriously attempt to govern or to do what is right for America and ultimately for the world. The differences between New START and SORT are vast, as SORT has no mechanism for implementation, unlike START, which has had methodologies for implementation since the drawdown analysis in 1996. Nevertheless, Senator Kyl continues to insist that this just isn’t an important issue. Presidents Obama and Medvedev signed the new treaty on April 8, 2010. In May, with a shoddy analysis done by John Bolton in the Wall Street Journal, the extreme wing of the Republican Party has opposed START for reasons that are not entirely clear. Bolton clearly does not believe that nuclear proliferation should end. Soon after Bolton published his critique, Sarah Palin, who rules her constituents from Facebook, wrote on her facebook wall that she too opposes START. Unfortunately, she is never clearly identifies her reasons for opposing nuclear arms reduction. It seems she simply uses her facebook page to inform her followers using typical propaganda techniques, and she prods them to get active and contact their representatives to oppose START. There is only one goal, and that goal is not in protecting America, the goal is to make President Barack Obama a one term President. Many Republicans this and have spoken out recently, like Richard Lugar, John Danforth, and plead with their colleagues not to use this for political gain, but they have been either ignored or chastised. To Kyl and the other, it seems short term political gains are the goals. So when will the Senate address New START? Politics is what lies behind all the real answers here, but since Republicans are putting their party over country here, why are they not paying a political price for this? Currently, there is overwhelming support for ratifying New START. Republicans think it is in their own best political interest to delay START, effectively killing the treaty.
I want to add this, if Democrats had done this either to GHWBush over START I, or to GWBush over SORT, the talking cable heads and radio idiots would be calling Democrat traitorous, treasonous, anti-America, and at the same time yelling “Off with their Heads”. Yet, there seems to be very little serious coverage of START. Clearly, Republicans care only about their return to power via the Executive Branch; they literally would allow an escalation of the arms race until they are able to win back the Presidency. Clearly, Republicans hate America.
Bloomfield, Lincoln P. "Arms Control and International Order." International Organization 23.3 (Summer 1969): 637-655.
Cimbala, Stephen J. "Post Start, Re Start and New Start, Defogging Russian-American Strategic Nuclear Arms Control." Joint Force Quarterly 57 (2nd Quarter, 2010): 94-102.
Diehl, Paul F. "Ghosts of Arms Control Past." Political Science Quarterly 105.4 (Winter 1990-1991): 597-615.
Glennon, Michael J. "The Senate Role in Treaty Ratification." The American Journal of International Law 77.2 (1983): 257-280.
Krepon, Michael. "Assessing Strategic Arms Reduction Proposals." World Politics 35.2 (1983): 216-244.
START was voted out of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on Sept. 16, 2010 with a vote of 14-4.
Three committee Republicans voted with the Democratic majority: Lugar, Bob Corker of Tennessee and Johnny Isakson of Georgia. With those three on board, Dems would need five more for ratification (in the full Senate-67 votes to ratify, 2/3), which seems feasible.
Kyl is a pompous bloviating self inflated GOP nitwit who has never done one thing good for his state or his country. Why Republicans are watching what Kyl says on this is beyond my explanation. Lugar is clearly the leading GOP authority in foreign relations.
by NCD on Sun, 11/28/2010 - 3:52pm
by tmccarthy0 on Sun, 11/28/2010 - 4:13pm
I got in to a bit of a discussion in chat the other day about this sort of thing. I truly do not believe that there will be a nuclear WWIII and here is my reasoning. In all the conflicts so fare, including the two major wars, the fighting was done elsewhere. On somebodies elses soil. In every major conflict the rich and powerful have not only escaped unscathed, but became richer and more powerful.
In a nuclear exchange this would definitely NOT be the case and they and those in the major state governments know this to be true. In fact we have had numerous incidents that not only could but would have escalated to a nuclear exchange but did not and I do not believe for one minute that this was solely do to some inspired diplomacy on anyone's part. What the republicans want is not the curtailment of the ability to launch a nuclear strike against anyone, but the continued use of such as a tool on intimidation against those that they wish to bully for one reason or another. And as a future political tool as well.
by cmaukonen on Sun, 11/28/2010 - 4:02pm
by tmccarthy0 on Sun, 11/28/2010 - 4:22pm
Precisely TMC. And credibility is one thing the republicans do not want him to have. And it's as clear as Black and White.
by cmaukonen on Sun, 11/28/2010 - 4:43pm
by tmccarthy0 on Sun, 11/28/2010 - 4:50pm
tm, thanks for the post. I think we should look closely at the assumption that Obama will lose credibility because of a raw political calculation by a Republican partisan. By fearing this loss of credibility aren't we falling into a pre-arranged debate format orchestrated by the media? The fear of a credibility loss because of Republican intransigence on Start is akin to all the other fears that have been expressed about recrimination from Republicans. Any way you look at it we are engaged in a struggle for the heart and soul of our country. We cannot be disheartened by a perceived lack of the President's creditbility on one issue, no matter how important. To do otherwise is to play within their framework. Kyl's is not an attack on Obama. It is an attack on Kyl's own constituents and American citizens. We need to learn how to dish all of this obstructionism back to Republicans.
by Oxy Mora on Sun, 11/28/2010 - 8:08pm
by tmccarthy0 on Sun, 11/28/2010 - 8:12pm
Aren't the rewards of bipartisanship wonderful! Serves Obama right! He's given the GOPer's all the proof they need he'll capitulate to their whims. Amazing isn't it? They still don't have a majority in the Senate after the mid-terms yet act with all the swagger as if they do. And the Democrats are looking for ways to appease them still!
I wonder when Obama will realize GOPer's have been successful during his presidency in morphing American policy into GOPer political achievement at Democrats expense. Their efforts paid off... it cost Democrats seats for all their efforts. And for the next two years it will be more of the same simply because it works to their advantage.
IMO, it galls GOPer's that Democrats even think they can instigate something as complicated as a nuclear treaty with the's GOPer turf. So it isn't too hard to see they will do everything they can to force the majority to their knees. And if they can't stop the momentum, then they will successfully seed the treaty with such zingers that either the Russians will fiercely object to or be so accommodating would make the Democrats look as if they were giving away the farm.
Either way GOPer antics to either stop it cold in its' tracks or seed it with compromising details will be cannon fodder for the 2012 elections to whisk Obama and Democrats out of office.
It's all about 2012 being a total GOPer victory over Democrats in House, Senate and White House.
And I find that odd because the GOPer's were always dead set against communist one-party rule before the Soviet Union melted down and warned Americans it could happen in America if we weren't diligent.
by Beetlejuice on Sun, 11/28/2010 - 9:28pm
I watched part of the CNN interview of Adm. Mike Mullen, head of the Joint Chiefs today. Maybe he set the stage for a counter attack on Kyl--along the line of the cold war is over-- Kyl is fighting yesterday's war, failing to see how Russia can help us meet our own counter terrorism goals. Are the good citizens of Arizona more vulnerable to a Russian missile fired from Moscow or an Islamic terrorist's dirty bomb making its way acrosss those leaky Mexican borders into Tucson?
by Oxy Mora on Sun, 11/28/2010 - 10:27pm
by Beetlejuice on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 3:31am
Good points. Perhaps so. But are we to take the position that it is impossible to enlighten the populace and change perceptions about the tangible threat of terrorists versus the Ruskies? Is it impossible to explain that the threat of a dirty bomb is greater than the threat of a missile strike from Russia itself? By denying a common interest with Russia in defending against dirty bombs, Senator Kyl is sticking his head in the sand and denying how 9/11 changed the world. Was it the Russians who attacked us or was it the terrorists?
by Oxy Mora on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 7:48am
by Beetlejuice on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 10:52am
Right. They are trying to deny Obama. We need to turn the tables on Kyl.
by Oxy Mora on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 11:33am
by tmccarthy0 on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 9:07am
Pardon me? But your first isn't name is Joe is it?
by Beetlejuice on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 10:15am
Josephina.. er.. wait... umm I guess not, but I was just giving you shit anyway.
by tmccarthy0 on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 11:17am
Although there are several other worthy cases to draw your ire, this one cannot be laid at the feet of Democrats lacking spine. As a treaty, it requires a 2/3 vote of the Senate to pass, and that has nothing to do with filibusters.
by Atheist (not verified) on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 8:16am
by Beetlejuice on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 10:21am
Are there any Democrats not acting as a unified voting bloc on this particular issue? I wasn't aware of any, but there is much I'm not aware of…
by Atheist (not verified) on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 1:30pm
The repubs will do anything, just anything to shoot down Obama's initiatives. Public be damned, the good of the nation be damned...they just do not care.
Kyl is nothing but a goddamn hypocrite and a menace to society in general. And I could say the same thing about 30 or more of his bretheran who caucus with him.
by Richard Day on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 12:49pm