The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    File:Medusa by Carvaggio.jpg
                                     PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY


    I found this little story about women on a link today:

    In the 19th century Britain women were expected to marry and have children. however, there was in fact a shortage of available men. Census figures for the period reveal there were far more women than men. There were three main reasons why women outnumbered men. The mortality rate for boys was far higher than for girls; a large number of males served in the armed forces abroad and men were more likely to emigrate than women. By 1861 there were 10,380,285 women living in England and Wales but only 9,825,246 men.

    The laws in Britain were based on the idea that women would get married and that their husbands would take care of them. Before the passing of the 1882 Married Property Act, when a woman got married her wealth was passed to her husband. If a woman worked after marriage, her earnings also belonged to her husband.

    The idea was that upper and middle class women had to stay dependent on a man: first as a daughter and later as a wife. Once married, it was extremely difficult for a woman to obtain a divorce. The Matrimonial Causes Act of 1857 gave men the right to divorce their wives on the grounds of adultery. However, married women were not able to obtain a divorce if they discovered that their husbands had been unfaithful. Once divorced, the children became the man's property and the mother could be prevented from seeing her children.

    Those days are over, right? I mean people do not still think a woman's place is in the home without any link to the outside world except for her lord and master husband.

    And people no longer think that women can be bashed about at work anymore do they?

    And people no longer think that sexual intercourse is something men like and that women must suffer, do they?

    And nobody nowadays actually believes the earth is 6,000 years old do they?


    Well, maybe.

    Conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly took aim at "unmarried women" at a recent fundraiser and in an interview with TPM, saying that they overwhelmingly support President Obama and are all on welfare. Democrats aim to exploit the comments to pressure the more than 60 Republican candidates who have earned Schlafly's endorsement.

    "Unmarried women, 70% of unmarried women, voted for Obama, and this is because when you kick your husband out, you've got to have big brother government to be your provider," said Schlafly, president of Eagle Forum and infamous for her opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment. talkingpointsmemo.


    Here are some other wonderful quotes from Phyllis, whom I thought was dead:

    Feminism is doomed to failure because it is based on an attempt to repeal and restructure human nature.

    Sex education classes are like in-home sales parties for abortions.

    Sexual Harrassment on the job is not a problem for virtuous women

    A woman is a woman but a cigar's a smooooooooooooooooke.

    Okay, the last one was some man's whimsy a hundred years ago. But the other three come right out of this strange woman's mouth.

    Phyllis is still a political force in this country even though she wear's her hair like Mrs. Simpson.

    She has her own PAC thingy and contributes to political candidates like Angle.

    This from Wiki:

    Conservapedia is an English-language Web encyclopedia project written from an American conservative Christian viewpoint. It uses editorials and a wiki-based system to generate content. It was started in 2006 by homeschool teacher and attorney Andy Schlafly, son of conservative Catholic activist Phyllis Schlafly,[3][4] to counter what he called the liberal bias of Wikipedia.[5][6] The project has generally received negative reactions from the mainstream media, as well as from various figures from both ends of the political spectrum, including commentators and journalists.[7][8][9][10][11] It has been criticized for bias and inaccuracies.

    If you ever get bored, go to Conservapedia. It is a romp into never never land. Just make sure you do not find yourself going down a hole and never coming out. I found this excerpt from 'Creationism':

    Those who hold to young earth creationism point out that nearly every culture in the world has a creation story and a flood story. [8][9][10][11][12] Many of these creation accounts and flood accounts have commonalities with the account given in the book of Genesis although gross differences exist also. [13][14][15] The Institute for Creation Research has taken the position that the similarities in regards to creation accounts to the Genesis account demonstrates that the main points of the Genesis account has been preserved. [16] In regards to the assertion that the similarities in flood stories around the world show common origin, young earth creationist particularly assert that there are strong similarities between the Genesis flood account and other world flood accounts. [17][18] Also, there are remarkable similarities between Native American creation myths and the biblical account given in Genesis concerning creation.[19]

    Wikipedia has about 3 or 4 million entries right now. Conservapedia has about three hundred entries. ( I made that up, but Conservapedia has about thirty six thousand pages of lies.)

    This is Phyllis' kid. I mean she is 84 years old with a strong constitution. But her legacy lives on and will live on for decades to come. Creationists are the source of the new slant on science found in the new Texas Textbooks for our children.

    I used to laugh at Creationists and Fundamentalists as being irrelevant. I don't anymore.

    These people are at the core of the teabagger movement, the conservative movement and republicanism in this country.

    But I leave you with a song because we always must look at the bright side of life.

    How will you make it on your own?
    You'll just go on welfare and suddenly find yourself at home
    But you'll go on the dole and still make a living
    It's time you let the dems do all the giving

    Love is all around, no need to taste it
    You can stay at home, the dole will fix it
    You're gonna lose out after all
    You're gonna lose out after all

    Who can turn the world off with her guile?
    Who can find a happy lass, and suddenly make her just feel outclassed?
    Well it's you Phyllis, and you should know it
    With each glance and every little movement you diss it

    Love is all around, no need to taste it
    You can go town, but will not make it
    You're gonna lose it after all
    You're gonna lose it after all

    How will you make it on your own?
    You'll just go on welfare and suddenly find yourself at home
    But you'll go on the dole and still make a living
    It's time you let the dems do all the giving

    Love is all around, no need to taste it
    You can stay at home, the dole will fix it
    You're gonna lose out after all
    You're gonna lose out after all