by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Of all the bullshit lies we've seen justifying our unjustifiable imperialist wars in the Muslim world the latest lie being trotted out is, in my opinion, the most absurd and transparently lacking in any credibility whatsoever. Every lie and deception from the Viet Nam era has now been tried again only this time with an Iranian or other Muslim face instead of being the fault of the nefarious and endlessly powerful and tricky communists of old. Nowadays we have a new lie to contend with: the endlessly nefarious, powerful and tricky Muslims! They've just taken the old anti-commie template of lies and propaganda and placed it over the Islamic world so they can forever continue their bloodletting, death and destruction. How sick! How criminal! And all those who do not make an open stand against such criminal behavior by our government are, via their passivity, approving it.
It is time for people to rise up and openly oppose these outrageous lies and provocations the government and our military are cranking up against Iran to get us into yet another disasterous war against the Islamic world. There simply is no excuse, no reason and no cause for US military action against Iran. None.
The bullshit lie that Iran is now training and supplying the Taliban has to be one of the more desperate and idiotic lies the military has trotted out for the consumption of the stenography corps, oh, uh, I mean the media. Let's see now if the corporate US media will shill for the drumbeat of war against Iran as they did for the other two assinine and pointless Bush wars. How ironic that Obama would be such a weakling that he would allow himself to become so manipulated as to become the President who finally attacked Iran.
If the militarists and other desperate imperialists get their way and we go to war with Iran it will be the death knell for the United States and the republic our forefathers fought so long and hard to establish and maintain. It is our obligation to do all in our power to fight to preserve it. The first step is to oppose any further wars against the Muslim world based upon the sort of lies we see McChrystal so boldly asserting in the media. At least when they were cooking up excuses for war during the Cold War there was a plausible threat in the form of the Soviet Union. But Iran? The Muslim world? What unconscionable and obvious lies!
Here is the lede of the piece running on Yahoo news right now:
General McChrystal Says Afghan Insurgents Trained In Iran
KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan insurgents are being trained inside Iran and given weapons to fight security forces, the commander of U.S. and NATO forces said on Sunday, joining a rising drumbeat of criticism of Iran's role in the country.
General Stanley McChrystal said coalition forces were working to stop Iran from giving material help to the Taliban who have stepped up the campaign to force foreign forces out of Afghanistan in a nine-year conflict.
"The training that we have seen occurs inside Iran with fighters moving inside Iran," he said at a news conference in response to a question on Iran's influence. "The weapons that we have received come from Iran into Afghanistan."
You can find the rest of this pack of lies here:
So does this mean that Shahzad was trained in Iran, too?
by diachronic (not verified) on Sun, 05/30/2010 - 5:14pm
The Shia Theocracy is helping the Sunni Theocracy?
Not very likely. Besides, the main Taliban concentration is in Southeast Afghanistan. The logistics would seem to be terrible for the Iranians to provide aid.
The simplest answer is probably correct -- the Pakistanis are training and supplying the Taliban. In fact, the Taliban are Pashtuns who live in equal proportions on both sides of the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.
by Merrill (not verified) on Sun, 05/30/2010 - 6:10pm
Probably so! You know they are a wilely lot those Iranians! They are capable of almost anything!
Did you know that reliable intelligence indicates Iran is responsible for training and equipping the monsters our kids fear are living in their closets too!
Booga! Booga!
Be afraid! Be very afraid!
by oleeb (not verified) on Sun, 05/30/2010 - 6:12pm
That is what they do. The same arguments.
Oh the commies will eat your kids.
Oh the terrorists will burn your house down.
It's all the same thing.
That is all we need right now. A war in Pakistan and Iran.
by dickday (not verified) on Sun, 05/30/2010 - 7:43pm
by miguelitoh2o (not verified) on Sun, 05/30/2010 - 7:49pm
All them A-rabs bond together.
by Desidero (not verified) on Sun, 05/30/2010 - 8:02pm
Watch yer tongue there, Peeg. That's heresy, I say.
by wendy davis (not verified) on Sun, 05/30/2010 - 8:43pm
The links in the Yahoo! piece are hilarious; they all refer to things McChrystal is saying, not to any big fat reports or anything! Gadzukes; he's just Phonin' It In. Guess he knows that's all that's required. Jaysus.
Diachronic linked to this Scahill piece; makes it look like Kandar is gwine to be big. (I assume what this amount of Military Stuff is for. The ins and outs of the contracts and bidders is either hilarious, disgusting, or both.
Only quibble I have about War as Distraction, Miguel, is that Americans aren't paying any attention to them. At All.
Iran? Who knows? Get those BMadison Avenue ad-men on it, like Saddam stealing incubators from preemies...maybe.
by wendy davis (not verified) on Sun, 05/30/2010 - 8:50pm
Kandahar. Harhar.
by wendy davis (not verified) on Sun, 05/30/2010 - 8:51pm
Wendy, look at Col. Lang's take on McChyrstal: "delusional."
by diachronic (not verified) on Sun, 05/30/2010 - 9:47pm
This has nada to do with distractions. The build-up to an attack on Iran precedes the Obama administration. It's simply coming closer under Dem tutlege; which includes the primemovers in Congress.
Months ago, I read a quote from McCrystal that clearly indicated he saw the advanteges of Iranian cooperation in stabilizing Afghanistan. Again. Now this?
He's spreading the meme: doesn't matter if it's bullshit. Or so "they" think.
As per John McCain, the disinfo psyops folks bank on the targeted audience being ignorant of history and knowing the differences between Sunnis and Shiites.
The above phony "linkages", combined with reports of Israeli and American naval assets being moved into the region and the Petraeus declaration of special ops against Iran, sanctions, Israeli preparations on the civilian Homefront, etc...indicate it's game on.
To what end is still an open question.
by lallarona (not verified) on Sun, 05/30/2010 - 10:37pm
Lang is Sic Semper Tyrranis?
Not enough info there, but it's hard not to like something I think beforehand. ;-}
by wendy davis (not verified) on Mon, 05/31/2010 - 12:30am
Letter to James Howard Kunstler from William Shortino serving with the US military in Afghanistan:
by Rutabaga Ridgepole (not verified) on Mon, 05/31/2010 - 1:43am
Well, Pakistan doesn't have large reserves of oil, so we don't have any incentive to talk about their ongoing support for the Taliban. Besides, they have nuclear weapons, so we don't dare threaten to bomb them. On the other hand, the American Enterprise Institute's strategy has called since 1998 for an invasion of Iraq and then Iran. We're just seeing Obama's people pushing the preparations, the same way Bush's people ramped up the accusations of WMD even before 9/11.
by Acharn (not verified) on Mon, 05/31/2010 - 2:51am
Fixed that for you. They've been training and supplying the Taliban for years, in no small part to provide deniable assets for action in Kashmir.
by Matt Jones (not verified) on Mon, 05/31/2010 - 4:38am
Remember Rep.Charlie Wilson of Texas anyone? He masterminded a covert effort to funnel billions of dollars in arms to Afghan rebels fighting the Soviets in the 1980.
Pakistan was the staging ground for the American proxy assault on Russian troops invading Afghanistan. We poured tons of money into the coffers of the Pakistani government so they could establish the network of mujahideen fighters (enter Osama bin Laden), the myriad of tunnels systems along the Pakistani/Afgan border, weapons, shoulder-launched missiles and so forth.
The Taliban is a Pakistani guerrilla force. McChrystal, just like Rumsfeld claiming Al-Qaeda was working with Saddam, is full of it.
by * (not verified) on Mon, 05/31/2010 - 6:05am
Iran has been the focal point of worldwide terror for decades, since 1980. They have been training and supplying the insurgents in Iraq. They taught them how to make shaped charges (EFP's) that could destroy armor. They are responsible for training and supplying Hezbollah and other factions in Israel and Lebanon. They are responsible for killing Americans around the world, and have been doing it for many years. Why do you doubt that they would train the Taliban? They have been sheltering them along the border for years. You have to be pretty damn arrogant to assert with no evidence that McChrystal is lying or wrong. What the hell do you know? Do you get daily briefings, sat photos, intell reports, etc. ? Are you there, on the ground? Or are you sitting in your mom's basement typing away, telling the world how smart you are?
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Mon, 05/31/2010 - 10:19am
For some background on Lang, look at this:
Obama soon walked back his endorsement of Clapper after reading this.
by diachronic (not verified) on Mon, 05/31/2010 - 1:04pm
Apparently your mom's basement provides you with a lot more than laundry and ham sandwiches, because you "know" so much more about Iran than the rest of us.
For example, you "know" that Iran taught Iraqi insurgents to make shaped charges, because obviously ex-Iraqi Army bomb-makers couldn't figure it out for themselves.
And how do you "know" that?
Your mommy told you!
by George Jurgenson (not verified) on Mon, 05/31/2010 - 1:16pm
You are just a flat out idiot. One wonders if you miss the point deliberately or are just so stupid you really, really cannot grasp the matter at hand.
I cannot believe you waste your own time, let alone that of anyone else on your constant stupid statements, many of which are not relevant and demonstrate a total lack of understanding of the subject matter at hand and of the posts you are commenting on. What a pestilence you are!
by oleeb (not verified) on Mon, 05/31/2010 - 3:58pm
Oh, and as for McChrystal's statements about Iran training the Taliban he offered not one whit of evidence, never has, and never will. Know why? Because he is lying. That's why.
by oleeb (not verified) on Mon, 05/31/2010 - 4:01pm
Thanks, diachronic.
by wendy davis (not verified) on Mon, 05/31/2010 - 4:10pm
If you're not too stupid to be able to read, which is questionable, you can see the evidence about Iranian EFP's. BTW, this is not something that you just 'figure out', it takes specific materials and knowledge.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Mon, 05/31/2010 - 4:49pm
The reason that he has presented the evidence to Obama and not to you is that Obama is president and you are not. Are you so stupid that you think they publicly reveal all information they have, without regard to protecting sources and methods, just to satisfy people like you?
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Mon, 05/31/2010 - 4:59pm
You're welcome.
He has some interesting ideas on the turf wars that disempowered the DNI and empowered the CIA, which I hope to write about soon, too.
Needless to say, I have an immediate bias towards anyone who uses the CIA's sorry history against them.
by diachronic (not verified) on Mon, 05/31/2010 - 5:47pm
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