by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
by artappraiser on Sun, 02/23/2020 - 9:35pm
Anyone who thinks Biden can win the nomination has been working too long with numbers instead of the alphabet
Hey PP, Seth must have read our thread. We definitely worked much longer with the alphabet instead of the numbers. We're ahead of the curve.
by ocean-kat on Sun, 02/23/2020 - 11:04pm
Runes rule! One ring to rool them all and in the blogsphere bind them. Math is tuff. Runes is ruff. I'll keep my pet rocks.
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 1:13am
Politico report that centrists/establishment Dems depressed/demoralized:
by artappraiser on Sun, 02/23/2020 - 10:20pm
by artappraiser on Sun, 02/23/2020 - 10:58pm
Good Wesley Yang reply to Smith's point #5:
by artappraiser on Sun, 02/23/2020 - 11:21pm
Andrew Yang, 6 hrs. ago:
by artappraiser on Sun, 02/23/2020 - 11:03pm
by artappraiser on Sun, 02/23/2020 - 11:06pm
moved to correct location
by artappraiser on Sun, 02/23/2020 - 11:19pm
by artappraiser on Sun, 02/23/2020 - 11:26pm
Zaid Jilani vs. David Leonardt:
by artappraiser on Sun, 02/23/2020 - 11:51pm
Dems haven't learned the lesson of 5-year-plans, the bane of socialism/Communism. It's one thing to unblock structural impediments in an economy or policy implementation - another to mass orchestrate some common good. Warren has excelled in trying to level the playing field. Creating some magical policies for every candidate to sign off on is goofy. I understand the concept of reach, but when you have to reorganize the economy willy nilly and piss off potential allies for a more methodical, sustainable & less disruptive approach?
I'm happy if a candidate hits say 70% of my preferences. Shitty as I felt about him, Reagan did largely stare down the Soviets vs Carter telling everyone to put on a sweater and learn to live without.
Does Bernie get global warming more than Trump? (or Warren for that matter). Or just plan on spending a lot more? ($16 trillion from his website)
The US has fewer then 300 million vehicles on the road, producing 1/5 our global warming output. For about $35K apiece, we could replace most of those with Teslas or equivalent, for roughly $10 trillion.
Number of houses in US is about 140 million, so high output/quality solar roofs of $40k each would be about $5 trillion - largely doing away with another 30% of our greenhouse gas emissions.
Of course it's not quite that easy - battery tech still needs much improvement and it'd be hard to dig that much Lithium out of the earth, production facilities aren't there to churn out that volume, better charging infrastructure needs to be put in (though with massive investment in solar roofs, it'd be rather ubiquitous)... while the costs might be a lot less (cost sharing) with additional (new development and facilities).
But what's on the debate agenda? getting rid of fracking - which brought us independence from Mideast oil (yes, it produces methane as well, so need to find better ways of mitigating, along with water table runoff). And doing away with nuclear - which is greenhouse gas neutral, and with hopefully much much safer & smaller/modular Class IV reactors in research, would churn out a lot more renewable non-greenhouse energy than solar panels will (and disposing of those panels will be another ecological adventure). But no, instead of "let's solve our global warming crisis", it's back to "let's feed our energy and pollution and class warfare and nuclear fears all at once". Somebody has an agenda, and instead of a moonshot as such an endeavour should be, they want to make it a much more diffuse Great Society effort with no real grownups in the room. Take a look at the part for putting in a lot of roads and bridges - without accounting for the massive greenhouse gases involved in pouring asphalt, cement and concrete. It all becomes a Wish Sandwich. If NASA worked like this we might have hit Venus by mistake.
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 5:19am
"let's feed our energy and pollution and class warfare and nuclear fears all at once" sums it up.
Throw in free college, free medical and free dental for life, loan wipeout, jail CEOs, ..... promising herds of instant gratification ponies to gullible mobs the majority of whom don't even know the 3 branches of government, nonetheless the certainty none of this stuff Bernie hollers about will ever happen.
In Nevada reports were that "the 70,000 member union position that they wouldn't endorse Bernie because he would outlaw the healthcare insurance they battled 40 years to get didn't have much impact as union members said they thought about it and would like their relatives and friends to have it too, which Bernie promised.. "
40 years to get coverage for 70,000, Bernie promises to get it for 330 million, plus unknown millions of "illegals"?
by NCD on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 10:31am
Math is magical - just find the right multiple.
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 11:56am
For 330 million I get 18,857.1 years to do it, Bernie's 4672nd term.
by NCD on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 1:07pm
I shoulda thrown in exponentials or π or something. I get only 439 or so, so his 109th term. Hate to exaggerate.
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 1:26pm
This was already partly addressed in Nov. on late night teevee, I recall:
SNL Spoofs Warren's Medicare For All Plan: Numbers This Big Are Just Pretend, "Money Doesn't Exist"
by artappraiser on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 8:03pm
Just FYI, NCD, I just ran across one you forgot: free child care and pre-K for all, $1.5 trillion over the next decade.
On Medicare for all, I am finally starting to sort out the confusing stats on polls. I just saw a very good recent reference, sorry I can't find, that convinced me that the general public says they are for it UNTIL they are asked if it means outlawing private insurance and requiring Medicare, the amount in support plummets to a minority, So what the majority of Americans really support is a public option.
BUT BUT BUT when you go to activist Democratic party members ot the type who show up and vote in primary causcuses, and they are told it would mean getting rid of private insurance, the results are a majority but not that stunning really
Just not enough support for single payer out there, if only 60% of the Democratic faithful voters are for it! Think of the anger out there if it was even tried--the town halls, etc. They'd bring pitchforks, guns mebbe if Bernie goes back to supporting some gun ownership...
Myself I find it sad that we're not there yet, but it is what it is! Can't force it, people aren't there yet. And I don't think it's ideal anyways--mho, nationalized health service with private supplementary insurance is the best way. After all, that single payer can at times be as bad as any insurance company if what you need is not on their protocol or formulary. Myself, I'd just appreciate anyone trying to organize and clean up the huge mess we got right now....
by artappraiser on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 8:06pm
Annenberg at U of Penn found only 1 out of 3 Americans csn name the 3 branches of our government. When Bernie says free healthcare, free dental, free college and free child care, "paid for by a small tax on Wall Street speculators and billionaires (not millionaires as that would include Bernie) it's easy to convince the low information voter he can do it. Alone. Forget those corrupt Democrats. Don't need 'em.
Bernie is a populist demagogue, Trump a wannabe fascist demagogue. "Only Bernie" will fight the evil "establishment" , "only Donald Trump" will fight the evil "deep state." They are both narcissistic flim flam blowhards. If they are the future of our politics we are in serious trouble.
by NCD on Tue, 02/25/2020 - 12:45am
Just don't know:
by artappraiser on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 6:37pm
Very interesting media insider scuttlebutt:
by artappraiser on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 7:01pm
Nate Silver a few minutes ago...coming to some conclusions but also still seems to be processing:
by artappraiser on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 7:22pm
Rick Wilson has no need for all of yas fucking analyis:
by artappraiser on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 10:27pm
There's a big push by right wingers to create a rift between AOC and the rest of Dem's, incl NYPost putting out a 3 year old video w talk about Hillary (which I thought was fair and respectful), along with blowing up Whoopi's anger (vs the careful tone and message AOC used). And there's nothing wrong with AIC backing "Justice Democrats" with values sh upholds, as long as she's not too much a prick about it (even if one of the opponents is, gasp Black/member of the CBC). (Don't know who's supposed to be primarying Pelosi)
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 11:08pm
Coronoavirus seems pretty invincible, but outside of ground zero you realize the numbers are pretty small and containable, with the treatment pretty straightforward. It's the panic that's to be avoided.
[This has been a barely shrouded analogy from your administrator]
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 11:20pm
Radio Free Tom, like Rick, highlights the story about Bloomberg doing oppo campaign against Bernie:
by artappraiser on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 11:31pm
Not an op-ed, from the Politics section. By Sydney Embers & Nate Cohn (the other Nate's main competitor)
by artappraiser on Tue, 02/25/2020 - 12:44am
Myth vs reality?
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 02/25/2020 - 6:23am
amazing chutzpah to harass him, times have certainly changed. I read the original article and my reaction was: how clueless can you be to be on a campaign staff and to not think someone wouldn't leak that really nasty high school shit like that little private group was talking. If they had a decent mom they'd not only hang their heads in shame but she'd wash their mouths out with soap. I mean, really, I've heard gays talk that kind of game, but they only would dare do it in a dive bar. There are supporters who think it is going to help someone, or something to now attack the reporter? More insane and childish than Trump. Bernie best be getting more grownups around stat!
by artappraiser on Tue, 02/25/2020 - 6:42am
joe says
by artappraiser on Tue, 02/25/2020 - 8:45am
538 Forecasts for all upcoming state Dem primaries, including graphs showing how the forecasts have changed over time Use drop-down list top center to jump to any state.
by artappraiser on Tue, 02/25/2020 - 1:52am
If you don't his background, he's neo-con beltway/swamp guy, still GOP, used ta be head of speechwriting and also a policy advisor for Geo. W. Bush:
by artappraiser on Tue, 02/25/2020 - 6:54am
by artappraiser on Tue, 02/25/2020 - 7:13am
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 02/25/2020 - 7:52am
"Kos", aka commandant Markos his very self, Monday @ Daily Kos: We need to find a consensus candidate
by artappraiser on Tue, 02/25/2020 - 7:22am
by artappraiser on Tue, 02/25/2020 - 9:03am
from Sunday poll, day after Nevada:
by artappraiser on Tue, 02/25/2020 - 9:17am
Reuters/Ipsos confirms! Among African Americans, Sanders surpasses Biden:
by artappraiser on Tue, 02/25/2020 - 11:13pm
Hey Bernie bros:He is stuck splaining past statements, but guess what, DOH! you don't have to go there, you maybe can even "play politics", ey?
by artappraiser on Wed, 02/26/2020 - 12:06am
Like it or not, down-but-not-out Uncle Joe clearly has this thing:
Normally hard-bitten cynical Laura Rozen retreated these two:
by artappraiser on Wed, 02/26/2020 - 9:19pm
For neo-liberals, use any slur handy for Bernie:
by artappraiser on Thu, 02/27/2020 - 10:26pm