by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
The first round of non partisan voting took place on Tuesday for the primary race for Mayor of St. Pete. The top 2 winners will now run for mayor in the fall election. It is looking very good for the Democrats. Even thought this is non partisan everyone knows which party they have a history with. The currant Mayor Bill Foster came in first who is a Republican and the second place winner was Rick Kriseman a Democrat. But because the third place winner, Kathleen Ford a Democrat Council Women, received a large amount of votes that will likely go to Kriseman in the fall election exceeds the amount of votes that Bill Foster received.
Take a look at this map of the voting returns in the districts that shows in color who got what votes. Pay close attention to all the green dots that was cast for Ford that is scattered in red sections.
This will be the first time since 1975 that a Democrat has a good chance to win the election for Mayor of St. Pete. This just shows how blue the southern half of Florida is turning.
Up date: A new poll just came out on the heels of Tuesday's election that shows Kriseman in the lead.
I actually think the Republicans are scaring a lot of people.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 08/29/2013 - 5:30pm
Demographics is changing and also Bill Foster has made several mistakes as mayor. He pushed and backed a building of a new pier that looked like a giant loop that just got voted down in a recall in this election last Tuesday. I think the locals really wanted something like a boardwalk to enjoy and not worry about impressing the world with a large monument in Tampa Bay for the tourists to take pictures of and walk around. The project was going to cost the City 50 million dollars and was given the nick name of "The Sidewalk to No Where." He also did a big power grab by firing 70 administrators and supervisors, so that 5 city departments are now micro managed by him. This has hurt city services effectiveness with all the cutbacks. He wanted to have a fire readiness fee to increase revenue but the city turned it down and voted for a property tax increase because the fire fee was too regressive and unfair. He simply haven't made many friends with his over the top management style. The next mayor has a lot to clean up after Foster messes.
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 08/29/2013 - 10:27pm
This is good news! Damn!
I used to walk this long street into St. Petersburg.
A lot of history there.
The only thing I would ask involves these new voter laws and their effect upon results.
by Richard Day on Thu, 08/29/2013 - 6:08pm
I don't know if the Democrats have plans for a big GOTV operation for St. Pete in November. I do know that they have helped with money. Foster hasn't gotten much help from the GOP. He may now that it is sinking in that he is in trouble. It was a real shock to Florida GOP when Jacksonville's mayor's seat fell into the hands of the Democrats in the last election. St. Pete and Jacksonville has always been in the hands of Dixiecrats/Jim Crow and GOP after that. I think this race will get some national attention as it gets closer to October. Romney only got 35% of the vote in St. Pete. Rick Scott's purge of voters is too late for November's election this year. I think Holder will nip all that in the bud for 2014.
There is a court cases that is working it's way through the state and Fed courts about the gerrymandering of State and House districts in the I-4 corridor. We have a Fair District Law now in the state constitution that was passed several years ago. This is why we were able to pick up 5 Democrat House seats last November here in Florida. If the courts side with Democrats that these newly drawn districts don't fall under the Fair District Law, then you will see at least 3 if not 4 more House seats go to Democrats from St. Pete to the Space Coast. This is holding up recruitment of some Democrats to run in those Republican held seats. Also when Crist announces he is running that will also get some Democrats to run in Republican held districts.
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 08/29/2013 - 11:21pm