Richard Day's picture



    Okay, so Ron Paul who is now going to be chairman on some sort of finance subcommittee is telling us that we need to go back on the gold standard.

    And his son is not so sure that private enterprise should be subject to Civil Rights Legislation.

    And Sharon Angle thought that maybe Social Security is not such a good idea and Tea Party leaders wish to abolish it.

    And Steve King thinks that Negroes do not know how to farm  and that the Fourteenth Amendment should be rescinded.

    And others feel that the states should be able to opt out of Federal legislation.

    And Federal Judges who make money off of health care once in awhile think the new health care legislation is unconstitutional.

    And people like O’Donnell and Jim DeMint think that the First Amendment does not build any wall between Church and State.

    And McConnell and Lieberman among other repubs think that people who do not even live here and are not citizens should be tried as traitors and executed.

    Governor Perry and Senator DeMint think that if a state is unhappy, it can secede when it wants to.

    Others like Angle think that there are actual Constitutional Rights to insurrection.

    Well I would like to think outside the box for once; THAT IS OUTSIDE OF THE COFFIN, for once.

    We are short of money evidently even though our national wealth has reached something around 54 trillion dollars with 1% owning 40% of that figure—that we know of anyway—and the national debt is scaring the fuck out of everybody.

    Now the bad news about being mortal, is that you and I and everybody is going to die. (Except maybe a few like Dick Cheney)

    The good news is that alll of the people in that top 1% are going to die!!

    So I say, let us look to a new source of funds.

    Let us tax dead people from that top 1%.

    I mean dead people don’t really need the money anyway.

    Dead people do not go to movies or to Target or even to the mall.

    Dead people do not have to worry about rent or the cost of food.

    Dead people do not need car insurance, no matter what Geico says.

    Dead people do not even trickle down.

    What the hell can they do with it anyway?

    Now I know that rich people in the past have built mighty tombs and such and they like to stock those tombs with all sorts of gold and silver and other kinds of stuff that Ron Paul thinks are more valuable than $100 bills; but I really do not think that tombing is more important than our national survival.

    And dead people really cannot vote anymore, except in Chicago and New Orleans so where is the harm in all this to our politicians. THEY LOSE NOTHING.

    And besides, dead people are contributing nada to this country anyway.

    And since we as Americans no longer believe in aristocracies, why should the dead person’s children and grand children and great grand children get something for doing nothing?

    I don’t know about you, but dead people do not do a thing for my situation.

    And the dead person’s money could be earmarked for important things like wars overseas and corporate privatization and such.

    That way, we living people could feel less guilty about killing people we never knew and about helping the rich get richer.

    I tell you, this could be a win-win solution to a lot of our problems.

    Hell, most dead rich people stole their money in the first place or made that money off of the blood, sweat and tears of others. They stole natural resources from under the ground that people lived on. They most likely cheated the government on their tax returns. They invested stolen funds on inside information or illegal software. They certainly were never that charitable or they would not have died with all that money in the first place.

    We could be kind to widows and children and such. I mean if some 21 year old stripper married a rich guy in his eighties, well we could let her have a thousand dollars a month or something. I mean that is more than crippled people get on SSI anyway.

    And surviving children could receive a couple thousand a month if they needed to go to school or something.

    Hell, this dead people’s tax fund could even send widows and orphans special Christmas bonuses.

    And we could come up with more politically correct terms for the deceased. Like former persons or something.

    (On a more serious note, someone at the NYT has a better idea:

    America seems to have lost interest in preventing wealth concentration. So why not give up on the estate tax altogether — and tax inheritances as income?

    Previous version published at: Onceuponaparadigm.wordpress.



    And we know that where they're going they won't be needing any money. 

    Well some folks think there WILL be hell to pay. ha!!

    also known as the fire and brimstone tax

    Awesome, Dick.

    That first section that should be the list of charges against these assholes.

    Indict em post mortem, that is what I always say. Then use RICO. hahaha

    Pretty darn snappy.

    This is one of my all time favorites of theirs. 

    Quite a video and I never heard of these guys and it says 1985!!

    Thank you for this.

    Oh,'ve been missing out on some great songs, then!  Oingo Boingo was a fantastic band.  Danny Elfman (lead singer, songwriter) is a genius.  He does a lot of motion picture soundtracks as well.  He also works very closely with Tim Burton ("The Nightmare Before Christmas", the new "Alice In Wonderland").  Here's the full list of his music scores to date.  You'll be amazed.

    The guy is a genius.  And Oingo was awesome.


    LOL! Maybe you should think outside of your mother's basement sometime. Cool

    LOL!  Maybe you should think.  Cool

    You know Roscoe, I have no idea who you are or what this means, but

    I hereby render unto Roscoe the Dayly Line of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site, given to all of him (?) from all of me. hahahaha

    It is a great line. hahahaahah

    Dickon, you are far greater a soul than I.  I hereby award you a very belated "Gets Along With EVERYBODY Award".  I know I'll never have the honor of getting it myself, so I'm pleased to give it away to you, instead.



    If I were twenty or thirty and still lived with mums--which I have not since age 16 really, I might be throwing things at the wall.

    But you have to admit when you take his line into context--it is hilarious. hahahhahahaha

    Being an old man in his jammies, and far from any self shamed reactions, it is funny!!!hahahaha

    Critical thinker no, dumb moron, yes!  The author of this article has his own agenda and is not too smart. 

    Well we all do what we can.

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