by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I have been blogging way to much lately, but I cannot seem to keep my fingers from touching keys.
Now we have a political Cosby-like scandal appearing,
I checked and Jolly has 'touched upon' the Miss USA Teen peeping Tom scandal at In The News.
But damn.....
I am watching Rachel following Chris Hayes.
I was supposed to get to L&O SVU.....
But damn.....
These women are coming out of the woodwork and exposing T-Rump for sexual assaults...
NYT first hit it, I guess but I pay for Washpo.
You can hit Huffpo or Politico or whatever link you like.
And Rachel says the entire Trump engine is doubling down on Bill Clinton's felonious conduct and everybody is pissed. I mean really pisssssssssssssssssssed.
So Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow Trump will continue to call for Bill Clinton's indictments as well as Hillary's indictments and for NYT's indictments and for Washpo's indictments and....
I cannot help that I cannot stop laughing.
Even though I should not laugh at all.
All these women have been assaulted by powerful men but have they been assaulted by less powerful men?
I am just astounded by all of these disclosures; and I mean since the Cosby files?
We have many women here at Dagblog and I am looking for their experiences.
But Trump was (and most probably is) a predator that might have been typified at L&O SVU over the last 18 years.
This aint funny.
And yet Trump's denials and Trump's offensive posture is sending my emotional self reeling.
I really intend to discuss this matter with my daughter and my daughter-in-law.
I want my son to look into ways in which to better protect his three daughters and decide with his wife the best path to inform those little tots of the dangers in the world....
I am really bothered by all of this.
To spend time telling you all how much I hate Trump is beside the point.
We, as a people, must no longer ignore this anti-female activity that I surmise has gone on for millennia.
Polls seem to be almost as an aside in all of this.
I cannot even think of a song except to go back to Peracles a few years ago: Is it on point.
SLATE does a good job here:
by Richard Day on Wed, 10/12/2016 - 10:35pm
Here is Brit Hume (whom I despise) discussing how absurd these allegations of sexual encounters are and how they are all bullshite.
Well, this was decades ago and blah blah blah.........
And yet, here are these terrible things Bill Clinton did decades and decades and decades ago...AND THESE ALLEGATIONS ARE NOT BULLSHIT?
anyway here is the link:
Oh and Brit (the shit) laughs hahahahahahahah following his man on the street's expose or anti-expose or whatever.
That Brit is a hypocrite is beyond dispute. hahahah
At least I feel free to laugh at this sombitch.
by Richard Day on Thu, 10/13/2016 - 12:43am
Jeepers. The floodgates are indeed open. Dear Lord, what a jerk.
by MrSmith1 on Wed, 10/12/2016 - 11:02pm
This is amazing Mr. Smith!
Exclamation points do not do the job. hahahahahah
What a jerk, what a pig and what a felon.
And I will never and have never defended Bill Clinton.
The next three weeks shall reveal many things, I would predict.
by Richard Day on Wed, 10/12/2016 - 11:16pm
Great post.
The Dems should ask Trump, if Jabba the Ailes is too sexually perverted for Fox News, and cost them tens of millions for whipping his thingy out, WHY THE F DID YOU HIRE HIM?
by NCD on Wed, 10/12/2016 - 11:49pm
I just got off the phone with my son and daughter-in-law for twenty minutes.
And we discussed many wonderful things, but I did bring up the issue of assault and my daughter-in-law demurred. I did not press the subject.
But I gave her latitude on this subject but I did discuss the issues concerning their daughters.
These two are in a wonderful spot; even though they worry about mortgages and jobs and income and....
This couple is seeing, first hand, the development of children. They are witnessing personalities develop and they are overseeing the interaction between these three souls.
Life is gooooooooooood.
The world is made up of more than people like Ailes and O'Reilly and Trump and Bill Clinton and....
I am ranting again.
the end
by Richard Day on Thu, 10/13/2016 - 12:23am
"Lay down, lay down.." - seriously, Dick? Even Melanie isn't immune from the Trump effect?
I think Trump should win the Nobel for over a year of anti-gravity.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 10/13/2016 - 12:43am
Anti-gravitus. hahahahahahh
God Almighty, I hate this guy
I actually spent twenty minutes on the phone with my daughter-in-law explaining why Hillary aint that bad of a girl. hahahah
Well put Peracles.
by Richard Day on Thu, 10/13/2016 - 1:07am
It's getting to the point where I'm no fun anymore? how about that Peracles. hahahah
Yeah I guess lay down does not work?
I used to tell my daughter when she was so young; all men are pigs. hahahahahah
She ended up with this wonderful man for the last 15 yrs?
GODDAMNITALL I told you I could not find the right song so find the right song you bastard. hhahahah
by Richard Day on Thu, 10/13/2016 - 2:08am
At least you weren't telling her you'd "date" her if she weren't your daughter. Even in backwoods redneck land they don't *brag* about incest - it's still considered shameful, lower than sheep and chickens.
No, I imagine what was going through Donald's head was more along the lines of this:
What the victim saw was more:
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 10/13/2016 - 7:16am
Peracles, I really am flabergasted by Trump.
I do not know how to do this.
I am watching this prick on Cable spew out more and more lies....and yet, all these words are for naught.
People in this country do not give a shit about what he is talking about now.
His backers will always back him.
His haters (like me) shall always hate him.
I do have this question:
Why would anybody making less than 100 grand a year, send him money?
Hell, I have no money anyway but I would not even send money to Hillary.
But really, there are poor folks sending Trump 60 bucks?
the end
by Richard Day on Thu, 10/13/2016 - 1:15pm