CVille Dem's picture

    Two For Two: Podesta Answers My Question about Single-Payer -- It's Off The Table

    Thanks to all who went over to yesterday and rec'd my question.  It was ranked as 3rd.  When Podesta answered it (about half-way into the first screen), the answer is clear.  The Health Care proposal coming out of this administration will be insurance-based.  To be fair, this is what Obama ran on.  But considering his conciliation to republicans on issues which actually go against our ideals, is it too much to ask for those of us who are on his side to even be heard and considered?

    Go here

    So, once again, health care dollars will be divided between health care delivery and advertising, bureaucratic paper-pushing, and profit.  We lose.  

    Any suggestions for a grass-roots message to the Obama Administration, or should we give up?

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