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    Vice President Jor -El

    Someone whose views I share writes:

    I admit to making jokes about Vice President Gore. They are all hereby withdrawn with sincere apologies to him and anyone I presented them to. This is from tmrw's NY Times and, while I have decided that this winter's weather means we are all doomed and it is too late to do anything about it, what he says is well worth reading. It goes beyond the climate change issue, too, noting that

    changes in America's political system -- including the replacement of newspapers and magazines by television as the dominant medium of communication -- conferred powerful advantages on wealthy advocates of unrestrained markets and weakened advocates of legal and regulatory reforms. Some news media organizations now present showmen masquerading as political thinkers who package hatred and divisiveness as entertainment. And as in times past, that has proved to be a potent drug
    in the veins of the body politic.

    A great American.

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