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    Weiner-Spitzer ... Oy.


    With the prospect of a Weiner - Spitzer ticket for NYC Mayor and Comptroller now a real possibility, it's time to say:  "Dear Anthony and Eliot, please go away and let the next generation of Democrats have some career opportunities."  It's only been a day and I am already tired of the snide comments and snarky headlines.

    What do you think?  Is there room for two disgraced politicians on a single ticket?  Will Spitzer help or hurt Weiner's chances and/or vice versa ... Will the NYC electorate look towards Independent candidates instead of the Democrats?  Will Republicans gain ground in the bastion of Liberalism, the Upper West Side of Manhattan?   Why does the word 'pathetic' keep popping into my head whenever I try to think about all this?   Help.  After Bloomberg's last term, you'd think Democrats would be in perfect position to get back into power, and then  ... this.

    What's a good Democrat to do?


    Weiner and Spitzer have been away - did you see anyone interesting pop up in the meantime? And I would have figured a $2 trillion dollar Wall Street meltdown scandal would have made any Spitzer sins seem rather quaint & harmless.


    "Weiner and Spitzer have been away - did you see anyone interesting pop up in the meantime?"

    No, not really, which is what I find so depressing.  But is it a lack of qualified new candidates or political inertia which is keeping newcomers from asserting themselves?   My generation (boomer) has often been accused of hogging the spotlight and trying to hang on well past the time when we should have passed the torch to the next generation.  Is this one of those times?   Kind of feels like it to me. 

    If made to guess, I would have guessed you wouldn't be predisposed towards a governor who was known to use police surveillance for political purposes. But I  have learned I shouldn't guess about someone's opinions on the internet based upon their previous comments. cheeky

    Didn't see it before, seems it's a bit of a he-said/he-said re: Bruno using planes & such for personal perqs (now involves Cuomo & some memo to release). More interested in Spitzer's work re: Wall Street - i.e. sorry, but every NY politician has something I can fret on - I'll back the big achievements anyway. Hypocritical? Maybe.

    Ugh. Not just more personalities with dictatorial leanings but bringing back two with the prosecutorial bent as well. What is it with NY'ers that we can't seem to run this place decently without such types? (|Actually, in this instance, it's odd that the actual prosecutor can be a nicer, more humble type than the one without prosecutorial experience.)

    I had been so taken by Weiner; he gave these great orations on the Floor of the House.

    And Elliot, well he was prosecuting bank felons like crazy!

    But Vitter who is a prick, more than just survives down South and Vitter is pure evil.

    Issa has made himself a hundred million or more by getting legislation passed that just helps his felonious businesses in his home district?

    I dunno.

    I do like Elliot's Weiners in the meat sections of my grocer.

    Oh well....

    Is anyone really shocked by the latest revelations about Mr. Weiner?  Another politician that lied, apologized, turned over a new leaf and then went out and behaved badly again.  Sure makes the people who forgave him and gave him another chance look like suckers.

    Sorry, I used to like the guy, but he's toast to me.   

    I have to confess that I'm surprised that he would do more or less the exact same thing that he did last time and not think he wouldn't get caught. It's not the immorality that surprises me, but the stupidity!

    What exactly is "stupid"? He's human, he likes sex, he used a half-way means to tickle that fancy. Is it "stupider" to have an itch and scratch it or have an itch and not scratch it? Does "stupid" really apply to sexual desire, or is it something more like "lack of control" or "self-discipline"? If he were French, he wouldn't have to be called "stupid" to enjoy extracurricular sex rather than computer games, though he would still need to reconcile issues with his wife (or just divorce like a Berlusconi or Sarkozy)

    What is it about humans that they worry so much about other people's sex lives?

    I thought Weiner was doing something more important at the moment, like running for mayor - the sexting is oh so last year. Must be a slow day on the campaign trail.


    It's not the sex, it's the lying, the 'I'm sorry, it'll never happen again, I'm a new man" phony redemption story he was pushing, asking the public to forgive and trust him, all the while knowing he was still doing the same sexting he was doing before, THAT'S the problem. 

    I don't give a damn about his sex life and what he does in, or outside of, his marriage.   I think this shows he is not someone you can trust.  His word means nothing. 

    What's stupid?  Asking for forgiveness and then continuing to do the thing for which you're asking forgiveness, then running for public office, knowing full well, you lied about turning over a new leaf and knowing that eventually the truth would come out.  That's stupid.

    #1 - Lying about your personal life has always made sense, especially when it's nobody's damn business. #2 Lying about asking forgiveness re: your personal life? See #1.

    Anyway, Maiello answered it better than I could, so I defer.

    Is it "stupider" to have an itch and scratch it or have an itch and not scratch it?

    It really depends on the nature of the itch, doesn't it?

    Aargh, and I thought you were sending me to a grumble flick :-(


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