The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture





    What in the fuck do the Teabaggers want?

    I came across this rather fine link describing their primary wants and desires.

    Besides smaller government and more freedom—which are trite and meaningless aims, I think the article I found puts this all into context.

    Before I get to that, I suppose I should clarify my last claim.

    There are 310 million people in this country. Now I suppose that if that number was down from the last census, there might be an argument for a smaller government. Say if we had lost fifty million people or something instead of gaining 27 million folks over the last decade.

    My second point would be that 310 million people are not governed by one government. Any more than China is governed by one governmental entity.

    We have 50 state governments as well as some territorial governments. We have urban governments. We have thousands of county governments.

    Third, we have this technological explosion whereby someone in NYC procures some doodad from a business concern in China and sells it to someone in Cleveland.

    NYC must look out for its citizens but it does not have the means to begin to worry about the citizens in Cleveland. So that if the doodad sent to Cleveland kills somebody, it has nothing to do with NYC and its interests.

    Similarly, someone in Miami can sneeze on some oranges and all of a sudden there is an influenza epidemic in Minneapolis.

    Miami does not have the means to do anything about a flu epidemic in Minneapolis.

    We do live on a flat world and on a flatter country.

    There are no means of even beginning to take care of a myriad of issues in a flat country without a Federal Government. And as the world becomes more inter-connected, more Federal type issues come to the fore.

    Enough of that for now.

    Here is the core cause of the teaparty as I see it!

    What does this kaleidoscope of kookiness add up to? According to a recent New York Times/CBS News poll, tea partyers are richer, whiter, better educated, older, more male and more likely to be employed than the rest of America. In other words, they largely come from society's "haves," who now worry, as Thomas Edsall argues in The Atlantic Monthly, that "the competition for resources cannot be resolved by...economic growth," and so are rallying to hold on to their wealth, status, authority and autonomy. Or as one tea party sign put it, Your Fair Share Is Not in My Pocket..

    Now the pollsters and surveyors of public opinion deal with a finite number of themes and opinions or they could never publish anything of any monetary value to anyone.

    And these pollsters must use averages and do very little investigation as to the veracity of the information given them.

    How much do you make?

    Do you hate Negroes?

    Verifying such data would be an impossible task and as Dr. House puts it:


    So the surveys may demonstrate that most Tea Baggers are white and after taking a brief look at videos of the tea bagging congregations, there might be some veracity to a finding that most Tea Baggers are white.

    But surveys telling us how much money these morons have and how much they earn are not verifiable.

    So the best one could conclude from these studies would be that Tea Baggers think they make more money than most other Americans; think they have more material wealth than others and fear that 'the masses' are going to take their Hummel figurines and other important artifacts and give them away to drug addicts who live on the streets.

    I would probably conclude that not many folks who have had their homes taken from them through illegal foreclosure actions would join the Tea Party Movement as such.

    I would assume that those who have lost their jobs over the last four years or so would refrain from wearing American Flags on their heads and vote republican.

    If you debated a teabagger concerning our economy; if you produced verifiable evidence that the republican party exists by and for the international corporations and multi millionaires; he would only think that you are attempting to trick him because you wish to steal his Hummel figurines and give them to Negroes.

    Religious issues enter into all of this; that is for sure. We hear about these Muslims attempting to install Sharia Laws and such....

    But the issue concerning immigrants demonstrates that religion does not have a lot to do with the Tea Bagging movement. Otherwise these supposedly staunch Christians would embrace all of these Christians coming here from south of our borders.

    If Christianity were a real issue here, Tea Baggers would be holding up Hispanics as a demonstration of what God's Plan really means for all of us.

    Thank God Almighty that the Spanish invasion of the New World did not take place when the followers of Mohammed controlled 2/3 of Spain a few centuries before that invasion.

    Can you imagine the immigrant problem this country would be facing if the illegals were congregating inside Mosques instead of Cathedrals?

    The only other countervailing consideration when examining this Teabagger Movement, is guns.

    We already have enough guns in this country—documented and undocumented—to give just about every man, woman and child a gun. Every single one.

    Recent legislative developments in a number of states underline this facet of the movement that really would arm our children.

    If the measure is enacted, Arizona would join Utah as the only states to specifically allow such gun rights. Utah goes one step further, allowing firearms inside campus buildings.

    The move comes as opponents and supporters face off across the country over gun laws, with nine states this year seeking to broaden citizens' rights to tote firearms on campuses.

    Supporters of Arizona's bill argue that a person's constitutional right to bear arms should not be taken away just because he or she is on a campus. They claim that allowing guns there could save lives in the event of a campus shooting.

    But the bill faced widespread opposition from college and university administrators, faculty and law enforcement officials.

    Opponents claimed it would put campus police at a dangerous disadvantage in trying to prevent campus shootings.

    Copyright 2011 Thomson Reuters.



    Schools have traditionally been gun-free zones, but some states are considering loosening or changing laws when it comes to firearms on campus.

    While some say that allowing guns on campus would increase violent incidents, others say that armed students would be better able to protect themselves in crisis situations.

    (Seven states considering granting professors and students the right to carry arms on campus.)

    Now here is a link to a list of 40 shootings in our schools and on our campuses from 1997-2007:,2933,266371,00.html

    And you will notice the words Fox News in the link.

    But I think this gun thing that is so important to the Teabaggers has to do with their fears that the government is going to take away their Hummel figurines and hand them over to drug addicted Negroes. But if they are properly armed, they will not have to worry about this.

    I will wrap this up with a contradiction relating to these teabagging morons who wish to arm our children:

    That’s the message of the New Hampshire GOP, who is pushing a pair of bills that would prevent students from voting in their college town.

    Voting as a liberal. That’s what kids do,” said state Speaker William O’Brien. Students lack “life experience,” and “they just vote their feelings.”

    Sound familiar?  Humboldt County conservatives issue the same complaint when they lose county-wide elections, blaming students at Humboldt State University.


    Obviously college students are so damned dumb and ill educated that we cannot give them the vote.

    So we will just go ahead an arm them instead!

    In conclusion there is no rational way to debate a Teabagger. Inductive logic and deductive logic are not useful tools in this endeavor to bring these people over to your side.

    The run of the mill Teabagger is against abortion under any circumstances; against family planning and against funding programs for poor children.

    The run of the mill Teabagger claims Christianity as the only true religion and wishes to ban entry into this country of Christians from south of our borders.

    The run of the mill Teabagger does not really make that much more than your run of the mill American but thinks he is part of an elite economic class; and therefore he becomes part of a movement that is against his own economic interests.

    The run of the mill Teabagger rants and rails against bailouts for big business but is against taxing big business or regulating big business; caring not that he pays taxes but big business does not.

    The run of the mill Teabagger is against gun control of any kind whatsoever; wishing to arm his children whilst they sit in a Christian oriented classroom.

    The run of the mill Teabagger desires a health care system that would deny him and his family access to health care in their hour of need; thinking that his employer will always provide full health coverage.

    All we can hope for in a sane world is that the Teabagger does not get his way!


    They want (1) to use the government to run your life (no teaching evolution, no legal abortions for any reason, deny climate change, attack gay rights etc-they call it 'values') (2) balance the budget and pay less taxes (2b) The national debt is YOUR debt not theirs, so you pay it off  (3) win the war(s)  (4) bring back Ronnie Reagan and the 80's (5) enforce the law on everyone but themselves and their kin (6) kick liberal ass (7) kick bin Laden ass (8) kick immigrant ass (9) kick gay ass (10) kick UN ass or just ignore them (11) kick Sharia ass (12) kick Al Gore's ass (13) Kiss Koch ass and (14) Kiss Murdoch Faux News ass.

    Sounds about right!

    You want to end the wars?

    Get the Tea baggers on our side. 

    America first.         That will resonate

    Before cutting Social services, stop the offensive war machine.

    Iraq hates us, Afghan hates us, bring our troops home.

    The Tea baggers want to cry about deficits, cut defense.

    A penny saved is a penny earned. Cut the defense. offensive war machine  ..... save the money

    The money saved, would finance the programs our Nation needs. 

    Did the Iraqis pay us back for they're liberation;....... why is it that our expense?

    Why must we cut our wants or needs, so Iraqis can have new schools, new hospitals.


    America first.

    The Tea Party can be used to end the wars.

    You want to cut the deficit,...... end the wars.

    Ya think that could have been a reason they stopped the shutdown nonsense? 

    How long would the Nation have endured a government shutdown, before the people would be asking "Why are we spending money in Iraq or anywhere else?" 


    Well, we don't need no more war; that is the God's honest truth!

    We need one more, as Mr. Maher pointed out last night:

    A Class War.

    Nice Blog, Dickon.

    Hey Bwak, always good to hear from you.

    Yeah, we NEED a class war just like Bill says!

    and just who are People going to shoot in this war?

    Guns do not need to be fired, although the battles between cops and robbers certainly represent class warfare.

    I mean every single time a bank forecloses on someone's home with perjured papers, that is class warfare.

    Every time someone is denied access to a beach, that is class warfare.

    To fight back, the underclass (60% of our population?) needs representation to pass laws:

    Ending pre-exiisting conditions as an excuse for insurers to refuse health care reimbursement.

    Ending exhorbitant pay to the management class in a publicly held corporation

    Ending the tax free existence of corporations.

    Ending corporate funded elections.

    Ending ...

    Well now, this could be a ten page blog. hahahaha

    Bullets do not work in American Class Warfare--or they should not be used.

    Using our government address the issues we face is not warfare.  What we need is a political transformation, an evolution, a paradigm revolution.  But we do not need a war.

    Semantic quibbling.



    Sometimes I think of the TPer's as the Pet Rocks of politics.  They are all the rage until everyone else figures out they are, uh, rocks.

    Heh, Mr. Maher also pointed out that one may know that a rock makes a poor pet. Yet, if one buys a pet rock, that makes one an idiot.



    Maher said that, did he?  Ha!  I don't watch him...don't even know what network he's on.  I'll have to do a search.

    Now don't you listen to her Spot. {c pats rock on head}

    Well a lot of guys wish to get their rocks off, so to speak.

    At least that is what I hear!

    A good 5 cent cigar.

    How about a good cup of coffee for a dime? ha

    Less government, but more laws telling people they can't do things like have abortions and have to do things like teach intelligent design.  Cut the deficit, but don't raise taxes on the wealthy or the corporations and "don't mess with my medicare..."  Get rid of illegal aliens but don't raise the prices at the grocery stores because there are no migrant farm workers left to pick the crops.  These people are simply knee-jerkers, responding as a mob to the rubber hammer of conservative talk radio.


    Well, hard to argue with your take on things Smith!

    That is why this crap about freedom and liberty is...well crap!

    Do what I say and not as I do...police THEM but not me...leave me to my own devices but not THEM;..

    enough to piss off an educated pope!

    hmmm.... so that might trigger a new group: 

    Educated Mass-saying Popes Against Teabaggers Hatred of You - EMPATHY.