Barth's picture

    When there is no time to blog...

    There is, thank goodness, Rachel Maddow to pick up the slack. And slack picking up is required this weekend, and probably the next two what with the demands made on a person's life outside these posts. (There is barely such a world, but when it intrudes on my cyberlife is really does so with a bang).

    So I temporarily take my leave of you with this observation
    from the article in Rolling Stone that people talked about without reading but which should be read for things aside from the Sally likes Johnny stuff that got us all so riled up.

    It should be read for the questions it raises about the counterintelligence effort in Afghanistan and its connection to our efforts against the Taliban, and, more signficantly, Al Qaeda.

    It should be read, even just for this comparison:

    Dispatching 150,000 troops to build new schools, roads, mosques and water-treatment facilities around Kandahar is like trying to stop the drug war in Mexico by occupying Arkansas and building Baptist churches in Little Rock.

    Your temporarily departing blogger leaves you as confused about Afghanistan as in last October. Maybe that alone says something. Maybe not.

    Watch Rachel every night or find a way to watch her podcast. Start with this, from last night.

    See ya on the other side.

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