The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    I awoke, turned on my PC--it goes into this deep sleep as I do--and flipped on the TV. I then went about my business and made some coffee.

    I then had to rush to the TV and find the damn remote (recall when you could just change channels on your set?). Frickin Frazer was on.

    Kelsey Grammer (whom I refer to as Chelsey Grammer) is anathema to me. He is a poison.

    Grammer is attempting to create his own network for fascist pigs feigning false patriotism as well as all the other disgusting crap that the right wing brings with it. Evidently he could not sell Murdoch some new inane presentation for FOX's airways.

    When some son of a bitch shows his true colors as a right wing prick, I attempt to avoid that prick.

    The problem comes into play when I have to accept art over politics. With Chelsey it is soooooooooo easy. He has no art. He has no talent. He has no substance. He is just a prick.

    I recall a time when Laugh-In was my favorite show. I did not view much television in those days. I had school and a job--when I did not have two or more jobs--and so my viewing was limited.

    Then one day I got home, turned on the news and I saw Rowan and Martin in a line waiting to enter some campaign function for Nixon. It was 1968.


    I even missed the cameo's by Nixon singing: SOCK IT TO ME.

    Yeah, I would have loved to have socked it to Nixon.

    I recall seeing a report of  Eastwood showing up at some White House function and that was the end of Clint as far as I was concerned.

    So it's the 80's, and I run my nothing business and I catch A FEW DOLLARS MORE at two in the morning.

    Well that was the end of the end of Clint. Ha!! I caught all three masterpieces from Sergio Leone. Best westerns ever made; before or after. Even with the dubbing and the Spanish back drop, nothing beats these three movies ending with THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY.

    The first Harry Calahan film sucks. But I watch it pretty much every time it comes on. It showed hippies as drug infected law breakers and Black people as criminals who must be bashed and hashed and decashed and smashed.

    This guy from Arizona was going to clean up the NE liberal urban cancer all by himself.

    The second Calahan film made a special cadre of KKK cops the bad guys as Eastwood wished to improve him image.

    It was kind of funny when I read that Sergio thought Eastwood the worst actor he ever directed. Hahahaha

    Eastwood does most with the least. But that is another subject. In the old days Clint would talk of the Jewish Conspiracy and how it controls Hollywood. Hahahaha

    Sounded a lot like Mel in those days; it still makes me laugh.

    Nowadays I am an old man but Eastwood is a really old man and has received just about every single honor Hollywood has ever offered. And when you compare Eastwood's success with Wayne's, there just is no comparison. I mean STAGECOACH is a gem to be sure but most of Wayne's stuff just sucks.

    I mean its just rotten injuns or rotten cowboy crooks or...whatever. Nothing but pretend history, false history, propaganda; who cares? And Wayne decides he is going to teach them Hollywood Communist Jews something and makes one of the worst movies in history: THE ALAMO. I cannot even watch it when I am in the mood for old, bad movies.

    Mel has certainly done some fine work. And I recall in the 70's when Mel shows up on some daytime talk show espousing the virtues of limited government. I knew something was not right about this guy.

    His real colors have shown lately and he just cannot shut up. He is no worse than Chelsey Grammer, but he has no PC at all.

    I will not watch anything Mel is in, ever. I was done with him a couple years ago and I do not care who is co-starring with him and whoever is co-starring with him should be ashamed of himself or herself. Ha

    Dennis Hopper threw me though a loop about twenty years ago. He declared that he became a repub when he finally got off all them darn drugs he had been on. He died a day after my 60th birthday.

    I mean what the hell was I supposed to do, anyway? EASY RIDER was a fuck you card to every single repub I had ever heard.  I am not a James Dean kind of guy anyway so Hopper's early films meant little to me.

    Then in 2008 Mr. Hopper comes on my TV espousing the greatness of Barack Obama. My God. He took care of that conflict for me in a hurry.

    I bring up this personal silliness because TARGET or Targey as we say in Minnesota happened to support a repub by the name of Emmer for Governor of the State of 10,000 lakes as well as some anti-homosexual group.  I am across town from our Target but when you wish to purchase the cheapest goods including TP or pots and pans or tube socks or.....anything really you have to go to TARGET because it trades in goods made by workers earning a dime an hour.

    Well, Minnesota went nuts and immediately began to scream against TARGET's new found repub blood. And Target responded. Oh we are so sorry we have been indulging in this kind of political.....hahahahahah

    I mean Targey thought about all the goods that it sold that were coveted by the Gay Community and marketing told management: CUT THIS SHIT OUT. Hahahahah

    We have some powers as consumers. We can choose to watch or listen or read or buy.  This 'power' worked with regard to Targey. It ain't workin' with beckerhead. Hell it does not work very often. But when it works, how wonderful!!!