The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Isn't it ironic ...

    (From AP via HuffPo) While Palin explains the deep foreign policy gained because she can see Russia and has now gazed into the stare of Karzai ....back home in Alaska: Parnell, meanwhile, said he has taken over giving many of...
    MrSmith1's picture

    McCain thrown under his own bus?

    Just wondering ... Have the congressional Republicans just thrown McCain under the "Straight Talk" Express? By opposing the bailout, and messing up the works for McCain, (denying him his "shining knight" moment), could they be reluctantly acknowledging a probable Obama...
    acanuck's picture

    When is Canada's financial bailout due?

    The Canadian and U.S. economies are just about as closely intertwined as any two in the world.So, given the ratio of their populations, why haven't we heard about the $70 billion emergency bailout that Canadian legislators have been called back...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Thurs Aggregate Post

    Well, the Wed/Thurs aggregate post flew by so fast, it didn't make it to reader rec, and isn't even available on the back page so I'm reposting.Use this post to keep important posts on the front page. The archives are...

    McCain's Cape Was at the Dry Cleaners

    Time elapsed between the moment George W. Bush was advised at 9:07 a.m. of a second plane hitting the Twin Towers during his reading of "The Pet Goat" at Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida, until he arrived...
    oleeb's picture

    Dire consequences eh? For who? That lie just doesn't pass the smell test

    Bush and all the factotems of officialdom and their lackies (in both parties)are barking and howling and yelping every minute of the day now it seems, to make sure we all buy their line that unless the common people agree...

    Debates? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Debates!

    Topping a day of rapid-fire surprises, John McCain announced he has signed for dual roles in the sequel to Mel Brooks' classic film comedy, "Blazing Saddles." McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin, is also slated for a cameo in the new...

    Debates? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Debates!

    Topping a day of rapid-fire surprises, John McCain announced he has signed for dual roles in the sequel to Mel Brooks' classic film comedy, "Blazing Saddles." McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin, is also slated for a cameo in the new...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Wed/Thurs Aggregate Post

    Hi, Guys...No Raider 99 yet! So it's still me!We're using this aggregate post to add links to posts that have flown by too fast, or didn't get enough attention the 1st time through.ANYONE can add a link here.Add your link...

    Katie Couric: McCain Used 20/20 Hindsight on Regulation "two years ago"

    A few days ago, McCain fans were making much of a Kevin Hassett commentary on that blamed Dems - including Obama - for the current mess.  In his kicker paragraph, he noted that McCain had been a co-sponsor of...

    It Is NOT Just McCain - ALL Arizona Republicans Are On High Alert!!!

    In keeping with this afternoon, I JUST (4:06, AZ Time) received an e-mail from the Arizona Republican Party, titled "AZGOP Alert". Here is the complete text (please read or scroll allllll the way down): **** Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy...

    A Possible Play for Obama

    Recognizing the Republican gambit is to get one debate, at least, nixed, or else try to raise the bar on Obama's performance and lower it on McCains if it does go through by trying to force Obama to argue for going ahead with...

    Why McCain and Obama SHOULD Have a "Re-Purposed" Debate Friday; What We Know

    It has been suggested that it is more important for the candidates to be in Washington on Friday than to debate.  Better to "do" something than to "talk" about it.I strongly disagree, and think that the Friday debate should be...

    Truce, clearthinker?

    clearthinker, I propose you stay off my posts and I stay off yours. I further propose to never insert your name in my posts or make any reference to you whatsoever if you do the same. Seems fair to me....

    Top 10 Reading Assignments for clearthinker

    10. "The Press and America," by Edwin Emery, et al.8. "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran.7. "The Lessons of History" by Will and Ariel Durant.6. "The Causes of War" by Geoffrey Blainey.5.  "The Art of Loving" by Erich Fromm.4. "How...

    MUST READ: A Guide to the Eye of the Storm

    At the heart of the financial meltdown starting to occur is a financial instrument called a credit default swap. If you want to understand how this whole thing began, who's involved and how it's spiraling out of control, you MUST...
    mageduley's picture

    CNN's Campbell Brown goes on a glorious rant - FREE SARAH PALIN!

    This is just too good to pass up. Campbell Brown is fast becoming one of my favorites (and I am not a big CNN fan). demands that the McCain campaign to stop this sexist  sequestering of Palin.  Campbell makes the...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Tues/Wed Aggregate Post

    This space is dedicated to posts that have not made it to reader rec, but deserve another look, either because it flew by too fast, or was perhaps made by an unknown person who doesn't automatically get attention.ANYONE can add...

    If I take out 50 insurance policies on my house - and then it burns down ....

    Should I get paid 50x what my house was really worth - or should I go to jail for fraud?...
    oleeb's picture

    It Ain't no Bailout: it's a Robbery! And we are the victims!

    The more I consider it, the more convinced I am that the common people of the United States have absolutely nothing to gain from the alleged rescue of the financial industry.  There's all this chicken little rhetoric being bandied about regarding...

    George Will - As close to endorsing Obama as his poor conservative heart can stand.

    Real Clear Politics posted this article by George Will. Apparently he's not too happy with 'ole McCain.  The conclusion is great ... but you just have to read the article."It is arguable that, because of his inexperience, Obama is not...

    Right Into the Microphone, Mr. President

    What's missing from the discussion of a $700 billion government bailout of financial markets can be summed up in three words: George W. Bush. Where is the presidential address that lays out the scope of the crisis and the reasons...
    oleeb's picture

    Before we fork over a Trillion dollars I have a question: why is it important that we save these crooks from their own greed, fraud and failure?

    Pardon me for asking, but just why is it, exactly, that it makes any sense for me or anyone I know or run into during my life to bail out the investment banks?  I really would like to know.Let's say...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Mon/Tues Aggregate Post

    Latest aggregate post. It's making it to reader rec everyday...Thanks! Raider will be proud of us!Anyone can post to this...If you see a good post that is not going to make it to reader rec because it flew by, or...
    oleeb's picture

    Direct mortgage relief for average Americans FIRST! Bailout the rich LAST!

    The average homeower in America is being asked to bear an increasing burden in terms of home mortgage costs at the family level.  The same people are being asked to bailout the rauds and con artists of Wall Street which...
