The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    dijamo's picture

    How Senator McCain might win my vote

    Since Senator McCain has taken to making rash policy decisions in the middle of debates to try to get someone, anyone to seriously contemplate voting for him, thought I'd give him a hint about how to earn my vote. Meet...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Sat/Sun 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look- Updated Daily

    This post is a clearing house for links to posts that flew by too fast, or didn't get the attention they deserved, or were too good to go away even if they made it to reader rec. If you add...
    Barth's picture


    <em>This is a cross-post from Daily Kos, where it is getting some attention, which is good.  My ego aside, this needs to become part of our national discussion about what has gone on this week.  Those who grew up with...
    Barth's picture


    <em>This is a cross-post from Daily Kos, where it is getting some attention, which is good.  My ego aside, this needs to become part of our national discussion about what has gone on this week.  Those who grew up with...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Fri/Sat 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look- Updated Daily

    This post is a clearing house for links to posts that flew by too fast, or didn't get the attention they deserved, or were too good to go away even if they made it to reader rec. If you add...
    quinn esq's picture

    Ohhhh, Move Over Rover. And Let Jimi Take Over.

    Well, looks like my creative approaches to Economic discussion turned out to be as bankrupt as the Fed's. I offered up "Crash" for the Film buffs, the free foodstuffs angle (Cakes & Pies), went for legal advice on Banks...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Thurs/Fri 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look- Updated Daily

    This post is a clearing house for links to posts that flew by too fast,or didn't get the attention they deserved, or were too good to go awayeven if they made it to reader rec. If you add a link,...
    CVille Dem's picture

    The Rapture -- Our Only Hope

    After watching the mob mentality that has gotten so ugly from the Palin/McCain campaign (make no mistake about the order of the names), I really think that our only hope is that the Rapture myth is true.  For the uninitiated,...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Wed/Thurs 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look- Updated Daily (formerly Aggregate Post)

    This post is a clearing house for links to posts that flew by too fast, or didn't get the attention they deserved, or were too good to go away even if they made it to reader rec. If you add...

    A question about state polls.

    I've been watching the congressional race in ID-1.  I was under the impression that Minnick(D) was running around 9pts down after Palin's announcement (based on a KOS poll).Pollster has posted a few others for the race now and it's confusing. ...
    oleeb's picture

    McCain's home mortgage relief plan

    It really stuck out to me in last night's debate that McCain was calling for mortgage relief by lowering the value of homes to current value vs maintaining the original mortgage amounts when people get in touble on their mortgages. ...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Tues/Wed 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look- Updated Daily (formerly Aggregate Post)

    Note the new title...liam advised me that he didn't think people were looking at this post because they didn't understand the title. I agree, so we're changing it. ANYWAY, this post is a clearing house for links to posts that...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Tues/Wed 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look- Updated Daily (formerly Aggregate Post)

    Note the new title...liam advised me that he didn't think people were looking at this post because they didn't understand the title. I agree, so we're changing it. ANYWAY, this post is a clearing house for links to posts that...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Mon/Tues 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look Updated Daily (formerly Aggregate Post)

    Note the new title...liam advised me that he didn't think people were looking at this post because they didn't understand the title. I agree, so we're changing it. Raider99 can change it back when he returns to duty (if he...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Sun/Mon 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updated Daily (formerly Aggregate Post)

    Note the new title...liam advised me that he didn't think people were looking at this post because they didn't understand the title. I agree, so we're changing it. Raider99 can change it back when he returns to duty (if he...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Sarah Palin: The Drive-By Accuser

    So Sarah Palin thinks that it is time that the American people got to know Barack Obama?  That is her tag-line/excuse for starting up the William Ayers controversy.How about letting the American people get to know Sarah Palin?   Where she...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Sat/Sun Aggregate Post

    This post is a clearing house for links to posts that flew by too fast, or didn't get the attention they deserved.If you add a link, please give a brief description along w/ your reasons for why it deserves a...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Fri/Sat Aggregate Post

    This post is a clearing house for links to posts that flew by too fast, or didn't get the attention they deserved.If you add a link, please give a brief description along w/ your reasons for why it deserves a...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Olbermann: "Rich Lowry Masterbating During Debate"

    I almost fell off my chair laughing...Here's Lowry's post (Keith quotes it in its entirety...this is just to show it does exist!):'s Olbermann's take on it (It's on worst person, starts at 1:32):'s got to be one of the funniest...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Annoyed with Katie; Sarah, You Just Don't Understand

    According to Sarah she was annoyed with Katie Couric because she didn't let her tell Americans how Obama would raise their taxes and McCain would lower them, and how McCain would save health care.  Well, son of a gun and spit on...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Thurs/Fri Aggregate Post

    Hello, again. This post is a clearing house for links to posts that flew by too fast, or didn't get the attention they deserved.If you add a link, please give a brief description along w/ your reasons for why it...
    MrSmith1's picture

    Palin's debate performance proves the old adage:

    You can't cram 90 minutes of talking points into a brain that can only hold 68 minutes of talking points.Right around then, her well-rehearsed talking points became increasingly circular in their logic and she was just throwing out vague phrases mixed...
    quinn esq's picture

    For Crash Fans Only (Sex + Violence)

    Hey, fellow Crash fans. Just dropped by to say hi. Gotta say, I appreciate the way y'all are givin my Cronenberg jones some Main Street juice. Two thumbs - straight to the socket.Seriously though. I think we all like it better when...

    McCain, Palin's Critics, and Georgetown Cocktail Parties

    Takes one who's attended them to know about them, evidently. From today's WashPost, page C3:  "Defending his veep pick Sarah Palin yesterday, Sen. McCain twice made withering references to the sort of critics who hang out at 'Georgetown cocktail parties.'... For...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Can you say "Prick" here?

    This link was up on the main TPM page, and someone on Election Central posted it as well, but just in case you missed it, I just had to do it again. It's the interview McCain did w/ the Des...
