The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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Big News - Tim Tebow...

Is an evangelist!

I see playing football at Florida as a ministry and opportunity to share my faith even more. It's a chance to be a missionary without the title. (Tim Tebow)

Oh yeah, he's also coming back for his senior year.

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Crazy Eye Donation

It's good to see Krazee-Eyez Killa branching out.  Maybe you've seen his subway ads for the Eye Bank of New York.

What's next Michael Chiklis for the Hair Club for Men?

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Top Ten Albums of '08 - Numbers 3, 2 and 1

Let's get right to it...  Before the new year (mercifully) rings in.

(you'll have to click through for numero uno...)

3.  Fleet Foxes: Fleet Foxes

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Top Ten Albums of '08 - Numbers 6, 5 and 4

Well, I believe I've managed to achieve the slowest roll-out of a top ten list.  You know you're in bad shape when you start before everyone else and you're still on number 7 come Christmas.

Therefore, we're going to speed this up a bit.  Here are my choices for numbers 6, 5, and 4.  (3, 2, and 1 to come)

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Top Ten Albums of '08 - Number 7

7. Girl Talk - Feed the Animals

A relative of mine admitted recently that even though he loved the new Girl Talk album, he couldn't help but think of it as cheating.

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Top Ten Albums of '08 - Number 9

9. Neon Neon - Stainless Steel

I'm sorry but any outfit who can put out an album that sounds like the music I listened to when I was 8, and make it sound pretty fantastic along the way, deserves to be in the top 10 in this very down year for music.

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Prophesy Served Up By SNL

I've been trying for years now to track down the video of the hypothetical 'State of the Union' done by Will Farrell on the eve of the 2000 election, but the best I could ever come up with was a transcript.  If you remember, Darrell Hammond also did one where Gore went over homework that he had given out to the different States while sitting in front of a supercomputer.

I suppose now that it's almost all over, NBC finally feels that it's safe to unearth this eerie piece of prophesy that aired on November 3rd, 2000.

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Top Ten Albums of '08 - Number 10

We'll be working our way from 10 down to one. 

Oh, by the way, just to introduce myself - I'm prophet and I know the future.

Moving on...

10. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend

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