The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

ClosetLuddite's picture

Identity blogging

So why is this system using the information from my FaceBook account (like my real name) for comments attribution but showing my ClosetLuddite avitar?  Wouldn't it be nice to be able to log in as my TPM identity and keep...
ClosetLuddite's picture

Newt is (gasp) right about _anything_?

As it turns out (and I may have to shower after typing this), he is! Our dear friend Newtie the Gingrich has very enlightened views (at least in the abstract) about prison reform.  I did a quick Google to see...
ClosetLuddite's picture

Oh fer cryin' out loud!

I was checking my local news here in sunny Wisconsin and came across this tidbit.  Luckily this idiot doesn't represent me.  I didn't figure it'd be long before some moron (no offence to morons) decided our DoC officials are pussies...
ClosetLuddite's picture

In defense of war

There is (and Kant backs me up on this) justifiable war. There are things that misguided societies decide for one reason or another are correct that are so far from just and right that it becomes the moral obligation...
ClosetLuddite's picture

I'm thinkin this new Engine need a tuneup

After being denied access to the blogs from my DoDSlave account I created this one and it lets me in but I still can't post.  It seems to want to send my posting to the editors for review or something.Maybe...
TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Blog entryImport Your TPM Cafe Posts to dagblog Michael Wolraich9914 years 2 months ago
Reader blogI'm thinkin this new Engine need a tuneup ClosetLuddite414 years 5 months ago
Reader blogIn defense of war ClosetLuddite3214 years 5 months ago
Reader blogOh fer cryin' out loud! ClosetLuddite2514 years 5 months ago
Reader blogNewt is (gasp) right about _anything_? ClosetLuddite214 years 5 months ago
Reader blogIdentity blogging ClosetLuddite1214 years 5 months ago