The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

The corporate SCOTUS Justices just handed progressives a huge gift. LET'S USE IT!

Earlier this week, when the SCOTUS handed down their decision reducing the restraints on corporate money in politics, it seemed to me to be absolutely the worst thing to happen to our country in a very, very long time. But...

We Need to Fix The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) BEFORE We Develop a National Electronic Medical Records Database UPDATED!

We need to move carefully in establishing a national electronic medical records database, since there really are serious problems as it stands now with healthcare records privacy. The fairly recent Privacy Rule (2006) established under The Health Insurance Portability and...

On Gaza: Say it, Mr. Johndroe. Say it.

Say the word that's always missing from White House pronouncements about the situation in Palestine. Say the word that we never hear when the administration talks about how Hamas is a terrorist organization that wants to destroy Israel. You know...

Is the most recent Palin scandal about her per diem charges a red herring? Help me figure it out.

Some of you may already have seen the WaPo article claiming that Palin overcharged for her per diem travel expenses. If not, take a look:'m concerned about the story because it seems to me it may not have legs,...

McCain only NOW sending 8-person team to Alaska to vet Palin

Yep, you read that right. From Andrew Halcro's excellent blog on Alaska politics, comes this:Vetting the announcementThe campaign of John McCain has sent a staff of eight people into Alaska to conduct background checks and vetting on Governor Sarah...

McCain, Obama Speeches at Their Respective 2004 Conventions on C-Span at 6:30 EST tonight

There's video of the program, part of the Road to the White House series, available on the C-Span website too: is wonderfully inspiring, but you aren't gonna believe how much McCain praises Bush and the Iraq War! Enjoy and tell...

Obama and McCain to participate in Faith Forum Saturday, Aug. 16, at 8 p.m. EDT

(Saturday, Aug. 16, at 8 p.m. EDT, to be aired on CNN, MSNBC and Fox)The forum will consist of an hour of questions to each candidate posed by the host, evangelical Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in Orange County, California,...

It's over: Springsteen endorses Obama

Yes, celebrity endorsements are usually a yawn, but this is Springsteen. According to an article recently published at the ABC News online site, in the announcement, Springsteen said the following:Obama "speaks to the America I've envisioned in my music for...



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