The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    MoveOn Public Option Candlelight Vigils to be Held Nationwide Wed. 9/2

    OK, so this just isn't going to be a substantive post. You already know all the reasons why we need the public option, and if you don't, there's not much I can say at this point. But here's a chance to actually do something to help make sure our legislators will listen to us about the public option. 

    MoveOn is organizing candlelight vigils to be held all accross the country on Wednesday night, Sept. 2. The blurb on the MoveOn site says:

    We can't afford to wait
    This Wednesday, we're organizing candlelight vigils to read the names and hear the stories of the people suffering under our broken health care system.
    Attend a vigil in your town...

    More info from MoveOn:

    We Can't Afford to Wait Vigil
    We're organizing "We can't afford to wait" vigils nationwide just days before members of Congress return to Washington, to make sure they know that an overwhelming majority of voters are counting on them to act quickly to pass health care reform.
    Our vigils will put a human face on the urgent need for bold health care reform with a real public health insurance option. We'll deliver an unmistakable message to the media and members of Congress: We can't afford to wait: Public Option NOW!

    There's a handy box on the MoveOn page about the candlelight vigils where you can enter your zip to be shown all the events in your area, and MoveOn is still looking for people to sponsor more events. Click here for more info.

    Don't forget that there's a march on Washington, D.C. in support of the public option planned for Septermber 13 (the right wingers have a march on September 12, the previous day). Legislators will be watching the turnout of these events to determine the level of support for the public option. There must be overwhelming turnout in support of the public option! We've been talking about the public option all August, now let's do something about it!