The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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My anger management assignment gone very, very wrong

One of the take home assignments for my court ordered anger management course was to find useful articles to help de-stress your day.  Well, wouldn’t you know it; I came across this piece of garbage (below in black) and had to “sprinkle” the idiot author with my opinions (in blue) of her “tips and tricks”

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Agreeing with Obama. Torture photos should not be released

When I heard that Obama was reversing course on the torture photographs, initially I was extremely disappointed.  I thought that he may be bowing to conservative pressure - or was possibly protecting some Democrats who were in too deep.

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SATAN RESPONDS!! A letter from the Devil to Miss California Carrie Prejean

Miss Prejean:

I am writing this letter to you in response to your comments made to one of my good friends, Dr. James Dobson.

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Wouldn't it be nice if.....

Picture it - 24 hour news coverage of the Attorney General's decision to launch a full scale investigation into the Cheney torture policies and warrantless wiretapping programs.  He has decided that if laws were broken, there will be prosecutions - and there are NONE who are above the law.  Not even Cheney.

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Wouldn't it be nice if.....

Picture it - 24 hour news coverage of the Attorney General's decision to launch a full scale investigation into the Cheney torture policies and warrantless wiretapping programs.  He has decided that if laws were broken, there will be prosecutions - and there are NONE who are above the law.  Not even Cheney.

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SHOCKER!! GOP Christian Extremists kill efforts to bring party back to the mainstream - but STUPID people can still be DANGEROUS!

OK - if you need to understand the level of disdain I have for the right wing of the Republican party you just need to take a look at a few of my previous posts.  I've called them every name - and I think they deserve everything I've leveled at them - and then some.  And in all fairness - I've tended to label all Republicans as right wing Neo-con Evangelical Christians.  But just because most of them happen to suc

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Joy Behar advocates child abuse charges for teaching creationism over evolution - I take it one step further

I saw a clip of "The View" yesterday where the hosts were discussing darwinism vs creationism and what should be taught in our schools and to our children.  First of all - good job to Joy Behar - for not being afraid to stand up to the right wing screech in Elizabeth Hassleback, and for not beating up on Sherri Shepherd, because it would have come across as picking on the mentally challenged.  But that insults the mentally challenged - as they often have the ability to put together rational thoughts, and Sherri Shepherd is a walking ad for forced sterilization. 

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WHEN TORTURE BECOMES TORTURE-MURDER - If right wingers can't be shocked by this - just how dark is their soul?

There are a lot of Republicans that say what we did to the detainees at Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib and other blacksite prisons was not torture.  That represents an increasingly small number, though, as the release of the torture memo's and the imminent release of more stomach churning photo's has made it very hard for them to argue that position and not be seen as an ignorant uninformed fool. But unfortunately - the position they are now taking further illustrates  the darkness that lies within them. If you can be for torture - your soul died a long time ago.


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