The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Dean Baker, Plus FDR and New Deal Reading

At the cafe we are fortunate enough to be able to read Dean Baker regularly.  But if you are looking for a nice summary, for others as well as yourself, of his explanations of the stock market and housing bubble bursts, and how...

Labor Secretary Musings

What I'm hearing is Bonior declines when people push him, saying it's time for a younger generation to lead the labor movement charge for the feds.  He has reportedly been pushing Mary Beth Maxwell, about whom I know very little. ...

Obama Omnipresent

Overheard in downtown DC this morning: "They should just put Obama's likeness on the dollar bill and get it over with."  (spoken during a conversation in which the ubiquitous presence of his likeness these days was alluded to.) ...

New York's Next Senator

There were <a href="">rumors</a> floating around earlier today that Caroline Kennedy might be selected to replace Hillary Clinton as New York's next Senator.  I am among the many who have a really high opinion of Caroline Kennedy and would be delighted...

northern Virginia, Fairfax County, 6-12:30 poll shift

Turnout is very high.  We have about 2500 registered in our precinct, which has been trending Dem and went about 60-40 for Kerry.  700 voted prior to today, either absentee or early voting.  At 6 am the line extended another...

Not Recommended

I had a minor "incident" while doing doorhangers today in suburban northern Virginia. A mid-40s male was doing yardwork out front as I approached the driveway in the early evening darkness.  The mid-40s female listed as also living at the address--previously identified...

Setting the Record Straight on "Palin 5.0"

Josh, your 10/20, 7:15 pm blog entry <a href="">"Palin 5.0"</a>, as I read it, is misleading and unfair to Palin.     The blog entry reads simply and in full: "Palin calls reports of hollered threats at rallies 'atrocious and unacceptable.'"   ...

A Thought on Countering the Sleaze

I'm wondering if the Obama campaign has considered doing some TV ads that have Obama standing with police officers, fire fighters, emergency medical folks, etc. as they talk about why they and their organizations are supporting Obama?  At the...

McCain, Palin's Critics, and Georgetown Cocktail Parties

Takes one who's attended them to know about them, evidently. From today's WashPost, page C3:  "Defending his veep pick Sarah Palin yesterday, Sen. McCain twice made withering references to the sort of critics who hang out at 'Georgetown cocktail parties.'... For...

Would Obama Dare Vote "No" on the Senate bailout bill tonight?

McCain's already on record as supporting the bill the Senate is scheduled to take up tonight.  (If Obama has also said he's voting yes, please feel free to disregard the rest of this post.  I haven't heard news to that effect.)  Suppose...



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