Blog Posts

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Missing President Bush but trying to learn lessons anyway

Do we miss him yet? Republicans surely don't, but maybe the rest of us, motivated by the daily mess created and exacerbated by the least competent person to serve as president since either Andrew Johnson or James Buchanan, do. It...
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One year later

President Kennedy's inauguration on January 20, 1961 is the first Great National Event which I can actually recall. The flights of Alan B. Shepherd and John Glenn, leading to the actual exploration of another celestial body in 1969 also come...
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I came late to the bash Lieberman party. Orthodoxy, or knee jerkism has never much appealed to me and I do not expect or even want politicians to agree with me on every issue. I voted for Presidents Carter and...
Barth's picture

Time magazine nails the health care debate

A great piece which really explains the issue, how backward we have become in this area and what the stakes are. They report:While every American may be entitled to at least adequate health care, he is not getting it, and...
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Citizen Responsibility

If you are of a certain age, you have heard this so many times, you can probably probably feel the beat when it gets played again and again.As we watch a nearly dysfunctional legislative process try to accomplish what strong majorities of Americans...
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The forums created by modern technology allowing for the expressions of pain that some of us feel so often to be heard by those willing to listen provide for sort of an inexpensive therapy, and there is always the chance...
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Filibusters (a special midweek post)

The link here is to the Official Explanation of why, in the current view, the mere threat of a filibuster, is the same as an actual filibuster and why it takes sixty votes to pass a bill in the Senate and not...
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I know.  These pages are meant for the weighty issues of our time, but I have written my diary of the week about such things and now find it is time to contemplate the winter....
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Why are we in Afghanistan?

I do not know what to do about Afghanistan. Though I was in high school when this question arose about another war, I did not know what to do about Vietnam either, but I did learn a few things watching...
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Because it is right

Forty-six years ago, the President of the United States, the youngest ever elected as President, addressed the civil rights issues facing the nation and explained the core reason why they had to be resolved:We are confronted primarily with a moral issue....


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13 years 8 months

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