Blog Posts

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Run for Your Lives

This truly pathetic item appeared today at Daily Kos. The poster calls him or herself a "progressive" but surely that was meant to throw us off the track while getting hysterical over the fact that the President is not spending...
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Free Fall

This is slightly edited from the cross-post at Daily Kos, partly because a few commenters there reminded of two points that should have been made but for the fog in this bloggers head:This is not a news bulletin nor does...
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A Jew's Christmas in the US

To the many people who celebrate a holiday today, I wish you a Merry Christmas. I am allowed to wish you the best for your holiday, and definitely not interested in any supposed war on Christmas. Many of you have...
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Fixing What Has Gone Wrong

It was supposed to be so easy. Sure we have watched our politics debased over forty years, and elected a succession of crooks, incompetents, fools, rich out of touch fellows, self indulgent Democrats acting as Republicans (one actually) followed by...
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Our President

He is not Franklin D Roosevelt and does not have either the control of Congress that the FDR of 1933 had, nor the unified mandate for radical change which the 1932 election provided that President. The Republican Party decimated by...
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This is how it works

I really did not notice the Vietnam War until 1967. I feel guilty about not being aware of it before then, but in fairness, I was 15 years old in 1967 and had other things on my mind. I did...
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November 22

It means only one thing to those of us of a certain age. It was the day of days, the event of our national lives. That it no longer is the focus of every succeeding November 22 tells us that...
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President Truman on tonight's debate

This is a busy week for many people, and even busier for this once a week blogger. The annual memorial to the President who first inspired the guy who writes under this name to become a public servant will, work...
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Whining about bowing and Other Attempts to Demean the President

These goons never miss a moment to demean our President. Never. Politics stops at the water's edge? Not when the President is a Democrat. It is enough to make one think there is a vast right wing conspiracy against our...
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The United States v. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, et al

There were so many other things that seemed to be good subjects for a post this week. Then this jumped out of today's New York Times :Margit Arias-Kastell lost her husband, Adam Arias, in Tower 2. She, too, could not countenance the...


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