The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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Joe Scarborough Dumbfounded by Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY)

I'm loving Rep. Weiner on this issue.  Straight and to the point, he asks a subsequently stunned Joe Scarborough what value health insurance companies are adding to the equation.  Watch (awesomeness occurs at the 5:00 mark, culminating in a lovely pregnant pause at around 5:30):

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A Word About Guns

When I first heard reports of the armed man outside of Obama's townhall in Portsmouth, NH, I had a feeling that we would see an escalation of this behavior.  Today there were estimated to be a dozen armed outside of his appearance in Arizona.

It's a tricky situation.  Technically, these people are acting within their rights.  Realistically, they're bringing loaded weapons to incredibly tense gatherings.  As the tension and the number of weapons increases, so does the chance that something unwarranted occurs.

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A 9/11 Every Two Months

That's what we have in America today in terms of the casualties caused by our corrupt insurance regime.  About 18,000 deaths occur annually in America due to lack of health insurance.  That's 1,500 deaths per month, or a casualty total equalling all of the casualties of September 11th, 2001, every two months.

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Tips for Right-wing Nutbars: Watch Colbert

Last night, Ann Coulter was a guest on Hannity.  During her appearance, in typical Coulter fashion, she made the over-the-top claim that she was just fine with "death panels", which in her interpretation sound more like execution panels, so long as she was a panel member.  Oh, and she apparently has a list of people she'd like to kill, Zeke Emanuel being among them.  Watch:


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But How Will We Pay For It?

I don't have a whole lot of time to write this, but I'm hoping that the core questions I'm going to forward here will be compelling enough to stand on their own.  As I prepare to leave for the day, I'm listening to NPR.  I've been quite busy lately and haven't had the time to read as much as I like, but I've been trying to follow the political developments of health care reform.  It seems to me that this week we've gotten down to a new meme: "How will we pay for it?"

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"You ever hear of Oliver Twiddledee?"

The titular question is one that my old man used to ask me when the going got tough and he could see that I was thinking of packing it in.

"You're going to give up, huh?"

"I don't know, dad.  This is hard!"

"Well, did you ever hear of Oliver Twiddledee?"


"That's because he gave up."

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Is Healthcare Reform DOA?

This Bill Moyers interview is a must-watch for anyone who cares about meaningful healthcare reform:

Washington's abuzz about health care, but why isn't a single-payer plan an option on the table? Public Citizen's Dr. Sidney Wolfe and Physicians for a National Health Program's Dr. David Himmelstein on the political and logistical feasibility of health care reform.

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Makin' the Sausage: Say That Five Times, Fast

I don't think that many people would be all that shocked or alarmed if I were to write that politics can be downright silly at times.  Even so, creative legislators continue to come up new tactics that seem to defy all logic.

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Screw the Planet! Save ME

I hear all the time about how we have to save the planet.  It is in jeopardy.  We must act now or something horrible will happen to it.  What exactly will happen?  I don't know.  People are a bit vague on this point, but they are nevertheless dogged in their sense of urgency.

Where do we get this idea?  In the known history of the human race, we have destroyed a grand total of zero planets.  Do we fancy ourselves planet eaters?  Alas, we are not.



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