The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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I, For One, Welcome Our Corporate Overlords!

You know what would really simplify and improve the American political system presently?  I'll tell you: We should all just give our money directly to corporations!  At least, that's what Glenn Beck is apparently advising his audience to do in the form of making political donations directly to the Chamber of Commerce.  Media Matters sums it up:

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The Senate Sucks or Waiting for Obama

Ah, the World's Greatest Deliberative Body.  No, not the courtroom of Judge Judy - the United States Senate.  Once a bastion of the elite and much more a body that represented state legislatures than Da Peehpuhl (as we say here in California), then civilized by the 17th Amendment, it is now the Place Where Good Legislation Goes to Die on the Vine.

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David Seaton - The Most Interesting Blogger in the World

The thing that you have to understand about David Seaton is that you do not understand David Seaton - raconteur, bon vivant and enigmatic political blogger extraordinaire.  For he cannot be simply understood in the pedestrian way you are accustomed to.  He is, after all, the Most Interesting Blogger in the World.

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Great Moments in Cable News: Rick Sanchez Edition

PROTIP: If you're going to take someone to task for their supposed bigotry, it's probably best that your whole argument not devolve into a weird tirade about how Jews run everything... including the company that employs you.

Anyway, peace out to Rick Sanchez, whose Twitterfied brand of infotainment was the final nail in the coffin containing my erstwhile relationship with cable news two years ago.  Cancelled my cable and haven't looked back.

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Maid in California

Meg Whitman has a maid problem.  It's too early to know all the facts, but what Whitman knew and when she knew it isn't what really matters here.  Even if she didn't know, she would still be guilty of one of the great Republican pastimes - the simultaneous persecution and exploitation of immigrants.

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Of Democrats and Dissent

Much has been written, both here at and elsewhere, about the rift between the so-called progressive left and their interlocutors in the halls of power.  So much so, that the arguments seem fairly ossified at this point.  I don't know that I can change of that, but I do have something for the offering nonetheless.

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Megan McArdle Still Doesn't Understand Basic Economics

Brad DeLong is a professor of economics at Cal.  Megan McArdle is a hack in the employ of the Atlantic (for some reason).

Megan, meet Professor DeLong.

The real treat here is that McArdle comes by DeLong's blog to defend her stupidity in comments.  DeLong, again, tries to clue her in.  The fun comes when she finally realizes her simple (yet gargantuan) error and has to finally utter the resounding mea culpa of, "Oops."

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Creeping Fascism Watch: Universities are "Re-education Camps"

So, apparently we've reached the point in our present national decline when our modern day Father Coughlin has decided it's time for full-blown anti-intellectualism:

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Glenn Beck to Hold Event in Anchorage on Sept. 11

Via Roger Ebert, I just learened tha Glenn Beck is set to hold an event in Anchorage, Alaska this September the 11th.  I was able to confirm that tickets are on sale for the event here.



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