The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

When in danger and in doubt

run in circles , scream and shout.

1. Trump's not Putin .Yeah he'll be an undignified President but not a dumb or mean one .Personallly  I agree  with him (and Keynes)that "all goods should be homespun". Maybe clutching at straws but I'm hoping Ivanka will be a "friend at Court" re Global Warming.

We survived worse . Nixonl

2. If we retake the Senate in 2 years  we can save  Roe.

3. We increase the odds of that  if the only demonstrating we do is

to demonstrate our support of Chuck Schumer.



Obama was right on the UN

 resolution condemning the planned next stage in Israel's settlement policy.

The  choices :

(A) support the resolution,i.e. tell Israel  the US want's it to

stop expanding settlements

(B)veto  the resolution i.e tell Israel  expanding settlements is OK

(C )abstain. 

With respect to these choices:(a) is too broad. It starts down a path which leads to the conclusion that

there shouldn't be an Israel. We tried that in 1930. Remember?  Didn t  work.

(b) It isn't

(c) A safe haven.At least compared to A and B.

Last report on 2016


Ignore the date above, I'm posting this on Dec 18.

No doubt there'll be further changes as some supervisor in Des Moines  finds 83  votes

behind a poll worker's ham sandwich . But these are the last numbers  I'll supply.

 You won't have Flavius to kick around anymore.


Obama 2008         69 million, 499 thousand votes

Obama  2012        65,      "     916 thou

Hillary    2016        65       "      845   "

Trump   2016         62      "       979     "    ,

Bush      2004        62    million   

Scott , who?

Trying to square a circle  I hope/believe  Ivanka is convinced of  global warming ,thinks it will seriously blight the lives of her children and intends to side track  Pruitt's intention  to block efforts to  ameliorate it. If he doesn't  cooperate, this time next year we may be asking "Scott, who?" .

As the world's leading expert on the care and management of Donald Trump ,she intends to "rifle shoot" at this objective not diluting  her effectiveness by any other involvement in "ecological" concerns from cleaning the Passaic to  protecting endangered alligators.

Hillary's vote , Dec 13

Highest popular votes in past years.

Obama 2008         69,499,000

​Obama  2012        65,916,000

Bush      2004        62,000,000


Not much changed

 This year,  noon  Dec 13* 

Hillary                    65,759,000 

Trump                    62,916,000

*From  Cook Political Report  2016 National Popular Vote Tracker.  

Compared to yesterday's

Hillary                     65,757,000

Trump                     62,913,000

Have I got a plane for you!

Thank goodness our President Elect includes among his qualifications   being manifestly better equipped than the US Air Force to   evaluate an  "Air Force One" category aircraft  . And ,lucky us! ,is  in possession of his very own such plane  which, in exchange for never paying any taxes-or something- he'll generously agree  to lease to the Air Force as a stopgap while he  artfully re-negotiates the existing Boeing  development and delivery deal.

Let's see. What was the amount of that Trump university settlement ?

Just wondering.

When the dogs stopped eating the dog food.

Ocean-kat asked 'Why did HIllary do better than Feingold in Wisconsin. But why did he lose and so did she.As she did elsewhere even though she did better than many other democrats on the ticket '

Bernie was right that Hillary was  somewhat  to the right of many of his supporters. AOBTW of Russ Feingold and of many others of our candidates this year. She did better than him and them ,not despite being to their right but because of it.

One more time. Yes Hillary was further right than Bernie. And his supporters.But that wasn't what cost her the election.

November 6 2018

is when we're going to start fixing this mess.

Some suggestions

1. If your congressmen is a Democrat but a  real jerk ,never to soon to start planning to upset him. In 2022.

2. Demonstrate , intelligence.Of course we'll want to show how deeply we object  to  the evil legislation coming down.  Obtain permission, tell the Chief that you the Town Council to congratulateto  him on how well he handled the demo. Sympathize with the Cops who are stuck out in the cold with you.  Don't block traffic

Any friends who voted for Trump?


Who cares why the bad people did. We won't invite them to our next birthday partyl

 But why did your friends do it?

Ah, irony!

that woman spending........years locking up the Establishment's support and it  turns out that the electorate doesn't   trust the establishment



Don't know.The combination of  the Establishment and the electorate gave "that woman"  a  healthy popular vote margin of more than 2 million. (Or will do once the missing 20% of California finally appears.)



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