Blog Posts

Reid sure seems to be ahead in Nevada.

I'm going to open with a big 'ole caveat that our resident prognosticating expert thinks I'm all wet here. But to me, it sure looks like Reid is increasing his lead in Nevada daily. The biggest point of disagreement is the GOP crossover vote - he finds the number from the latest CNN/Time poll to be overly optimistic ... while I find it to be understated.

Am I the only one who missed this?

So, I've been out of the loop for a few weeks (and heading back out again). Spent a bit of time wandering around catching up on my regular spots and came across this post by at 43rd state blues highlighting some WH PR on Obama's plan for how to deal with Bush tax cuts. Am I the only one who hasn't seen it yet?

And the cyberwarfare begins.

Five months after the confirmation of army Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander to be the head of the Pentagon’s new Cyber Command, it would appear that the first evidence of active cyber warfare has appeared. Ars Techica summarizes emerging consensus.

Complete Wikileaks Afghan War Diary and Data. (Updated)

(Update: fixed the link to the online repository .... the link I used has been downloading one of the databases. This link should allow anyone to browse the reports online and has not demonstrated access problems that the main Wikileaks...

Nerds vs. Westboro

Best counter protest EV-VAR! That is all....

Solar power generation takes a big step forward.

File this one under cool stuff that it would be nice if the US had developed. This month in Italy, a new type of Concentrating Solar Power facility was brought online. To me, this is one of the more exciting...

Can we keep red-colored link text in the cafe, please?

Hello. Meta-post here. Directed to the powers that be controlling the CSS, PHP and HTML that rule our blogging/commenting lives on the TPM Cafe site. Sure, I could have just sent an email. And this email may or may not...

Strange goings on in North Idaho.

Disclaimer: nazi stories are so not usually my cup of tea, but this is far too good to pass up - it's all over local front pages here in Coeur d'Alene. In fact, I've really gotta call "SCOOP" on Justin...

Yay! Another 500 barrel oil spill! In Utah this time.

With all love showered on that attention whore of oily disaster, BP, some of her slippery compadres have been feeling a bit left out recently. Well, Chevron officials got together and came up with a plan to rectify the situation:...

Obama did nothing wrong.

From the moment Specter became a Democrat it was no secret that the establishment wanted Sestak to defer his own candidacy. Progressives were rather irate pretty much from the instant it became apparent this would be the case. There were...



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