Blog Posts

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Beethoven ROCKS!!!!!! Listen Live to the 9th tonight

Last night I attended the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra's performance of Beethoven's 9th Symphony and it was nothing short of fabulous!  The St. Louis Symphony is one of the great symphonies in America and every bit of it's excellence was...
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All You'll Ever Need to Know About Gay Marriage

The Governor of Maine issued a somewhat lengthy statement* today upon signing Marriage Equality into law in the great state of Maine.  But near the end, in two short paragraphs, the statement lays out everything anyone really ever needs to...
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Meaningless Milestones and the Damage Done

Here at the much vaunted and quite synthetic 100 days milestone we will be peppered with all sorts of analysis about what the President's performance thus far "means."  All of it will be little more than junk food for your...
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When Presidents Obstruct Justice They Disgrace Us All

President Obama's morally indefensible decision to block investigations and prosecutions of those in the American government who planned and carried out torture both at home and abroad is a clear and disgraceful obstruction of justice.  When Republicans obstruct justice, Democrats are...
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"I Was Only Following Orders"

The President today did a good thing by releasing the Bush regime's "torture memos".  Sadly, at the same time he also chose to avoid doing what he was elected to do: bring change to the country.  Instead, he chose, once...
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The Inevitable Result of Police State Powers? ABUSE!

As today's front page at TPM makes clear, the executive branch of government cannot wield the sort of police state powers it has unlawfully and unconstitutionally claimed for itself without abusing those powers over and over again.  You can find the story...
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Gore Vidal And The Two Right Wings

Bill Maher interviewed the incomparable Gore Vidal this past week on his show on HBO.  Vidal's wit and brilliance are still there despite his advancing age and obvious physical infirmities (he was in a wheelchair).  Seeing this great man for...
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"Because What he's Frittering Away is the Rights we all Have as Citizens"

digg_url = ''; You may have noticed in yesterday's news that Eric Holder, on behalf of the President has ordered the Department of Justice (once again) to continue defending indefensible and quite criminal and unconstitutional activity on the part of...
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Why Haven't we Seen More of Prof. Wm. Black on TPM? Why not Help Focus Attention on What he has to Say?

Why haven't we seen more of or heard more from Prof. Wm. Black of the University of MO, Kansas City on TPM?  There may have been some mention of him, but there hasn't been a whole lot or else I...
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Another Smart Guy in DC figures out Healthcare is Expensive

In an article linked to on the TPM front page, yet another oh so smart guy, Jonathan Cohn, writing in The New Republic amazingly reveals his insightful discovery in a piece titled "The Single Biggest Issue that Could Undermine Reform".  Along with everyone...


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