The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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We Have A Village Idiot In This Country: It's Called Fundamentalist Christianity

Wednesday night, after Pres. Carter's remarks identifying the racism attendant to the teabagger rally in Washington and the other virulent eruptions of the right, Rachel Maddow interviewed a fellow named Frank Schaeffer about what it all means.  She introduced the...
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The Insurance Industry Profit Protection And Enhancement Act

According to Sen. Bernie Sanders, 18,000 Americans die annually because they do not have access to our medical system.  A million people declare bankruptcy annually due to their inability to pay medical bills.  Medical expenses are now the number one cause of bankruptcy in...
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Wilson Should Apologize To The Nation, The President And Then Resign

Rep. Wilson is an embarassment to the Congress and to the United States for his unprecedented display of outlandish and unacceptable disrespect for the President of the United States.  There has never been such an incident in the history of...
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Obama's Little Big Horn: Is There A Lesson?

It appears more and more that if the Congress passes something lableled "healthcare reform" this year it will be the legislative equivalent of the infamous fat substitute Olestra.  Olestra, you may recall, was a product that provided all the fat...
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No Poison Pill On Healthcare Mr. President

We all know that the untrustworthy politicians who comprise the bulk of Democratic members of Congress and the key decision makers in the White House are furiously scheming to ditch the "public option" compromise upon which Obama and Co. sold...
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Question: How Do You Define Robust Public Option?

For me, this is an easy answer.  Here's the honest and best definition of a genuninely robust public option:   Single Payer!   Single Payer!   Single Payer!   SINGLE PAYER!   If Obama wimps out next Wednesday, the...
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Morons Object To President's Speech To Kids!

That's the essence of the story all the corporate media is running with about this speech by the President to the children.  The only people who would make this objection are complete morons and, frankly, asshole right wing, racists.  Given...
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When Your Strategy Is Going Nowhere, More Of The Same Is Not The Answer

I am astounded at the news that keeps leaking out in dribs and drabs that the new tack the Obama administration is going to take after the disastrous 7 month search for the mythical bipartisan Shangri-La is to double down on...
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The Two Stories That Touched Me Most About Senator Kennedy

The past several days of stories, eulogies, anecdotes, moving images, and information about the great Senator Kennedy has certainly been an emotional torrent for me and my entire family as I know has been the case for many, many others around the...
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How To Get The Attention Of DC Democrats? Next Time You Get A Fundraising Call Just Say: NO!

It's very difficult for us little people to get the attention of our oh so wise and "pragmatic" leaders who believe they must compromise away any benefits for the common man and woman in order to tweak the health insurance...


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