The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

One More for Obama Tomorrow

Early word is that at least one of Missouri's six remaining Uncommitted Superdelegates has endorsed Obama, in a story to be released in tomorrow's St. Louis Post-Dispatch....

Good-bye, Hill

Now taking suggestions for "Best End-of-Primary Race Song." I may be giving this too little thought, but here's one to get things rolling.The winner will receive a 2,678-disc boxed set of DVDs reprising the entire campaign....

Four Supers for Obama Today — The Night Is Young

Boston Globe reports Obama has picked up four superdelegates today, bringing him just 44 delegates shy of the 2,118 needed to win, by the latest AP tally. And it's not even 2:30 p.m. Central Time.Can he make it five? Six?Is...

REPOST: Why the Superdelegates WILL Weigh In June 4th

In celebration of the final week of primaries, I ask that you Rec this repost aplenty. And now, without further commercial interruption...They've waited, watching Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama battle through the last remaining states. But I have a feeling...

Hillary Quits Democratic Race to Run for Pope

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Sen. Hillary Clinton announced at a press conference here today that she is abandoning her bid for the Democratic nomination to run for the papacy of the Roman Catholic Church. Her move hands the hard-fought...

Pfleger Was Wrong and Owes Hillary a Public Apology

I continue to support Barack Obama, but what's right is right. Much as it pains me to defend a woman who repeatedly has manipulated sympathies of gender and race throughout this campaign, basic intellectual honesty compels me to side with...

What Did Hillary Mean?: A Definitive Post (I Think)

What did she mean by that yesterday?For the answer, let's look at Hillary's remark in the context of the campaign, the news of the day (Friday), the remark itself and Hillary's own frame of mind. In the end, I think...

Predicted Fallout from Hillary's Assassination Remark

The visceral reaction lingers, but what happens next will be more interesting. Here's my predictions:* The press will be playing catch-up for a few days, downplaying the seriousness of Clinton's remarks at first. They get that people are upset, but...

Clinton's Words Rule Her Out Completely

Read this in its entirety before you scream.In the event that Hillary Clinton's dark vision of the future ever comes to pass (God, forbid it!), history will record the clouded question of her role in the plot.Just as a minority...

A Post About Redundant Posting

I sort of enjoy different takes on a given topic, but can I ask folks here to follow a simple guideline: Check the Most Recommended and Recent posts at right before restating the same basic info. It kind of clogs...


TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Reader blogMitch McConnell is Dead Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogThere is a season, turn, turn, turn... Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogiS cALifoRnIa NeXt? Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogRipper Grants: Apply Now Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogHouston, we have a solution: Gulf disaster demands NASA know-how Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogALERT: Senate Votes Today on Giving Big Coal, Big Oil Unfettered License to Pollute Air Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogA Perfect Storm for Democrats Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogPondering the Cosmos Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogThe Self-PiTea Party Doubles Down Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogDoes Shirley Sherrod float? Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogRace and the Right Wing Agenda Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogThe Magnetic President Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogWho Caught You When You Fell: An Ode to the Right Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogWaiting for <strike>Perot</strike> Palin Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogThis land is my land. Period. Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogPolitics for Dummies Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogBlinded by the Right: How Democrats Can Win Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogHistorians Discover First Draft of Bill of Rights Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogWhy Park51 must rise and stand Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogI Am Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Blog entryRunning Down the Zeitgeist DF315 years 8 months ago
Blog entryIn (limited) defense of Rick Warren Ripper915 years 8 months ago
Blog entryMy Month Long Contribution ChronoSpark615 years 11 months ago
