The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Obama Fires Back at McCain

I love that Barack Obama chose Springfield, Mo., to start firing back at John McCain. I used to live there.Speaking to supporters today in a heavily Republican area  (House Minority Whip Roy Blunt's home district), Obama took aim at McCain's...

Come On, Ya *#@$& Pukes, Get It Out of Your Systems!

Whether you believe commentators who engage in insults here at TPM should be ignored, sued or dissected and fried, it's obvious that nearly everyone (not quite all) her have some degree of temper from time to time (or nearly always,...

Borger Almost Gets the Story Right (formatted)

John McCain's increasing meltdown into jealousy and fury seems invisible to most of the mainstream media, including Katie Couric's fawning piece on tonight's "CBS Evening News," which examined none of McCain's policies and, in fact, barely quoted McCain at all.Gloria...

Borger Almost Gets the Story Right

John McCain's increasing meltdown into jealousy and fury seems invisible to most of the mainstream media, including Katie Couric's fawning piece on tonight's "CBS Evening News," which examined none of McCain's policies and, in fact, barely quoted McCain at all.Gloria...

On Why Obama is RIGHT About War in Afghanistan

I must respectfully disagree with David O'Brien's recent post, wherein he argued Barack Obama is wrong about sending more troops into Afghanistan to "widen" the conflict there. Although the goal of a peaceful world free of imperialism and war is...

Rachel Sklar's Answer to My TPM Post

By Chris PowersMy identity is revealed above for the sake of transparency and also because I decided to call Rachel Sklar's bluff.Rachel, one of the bigwig bloggers at Huffington Post, served up a horribly knee-jerk attack on Barack Obama with...

With Friends Like This, Who Needs Enemas?

Hint: Keep reading, you'll love my ending.Following up on Gary Cohen's post, I decided to register my complaint to Rachel Sklar about her hit piece at HuffPo under the headline "Obama's Revenge: New Yorker Reporter Banned From Press Plane For...

Lieberman Becomes Zell Miller

Barack Obama is prepared to accept defeat in Iraq, Sen. Joe Lieberman said today on Fox News Sunday (see the video here).Lieberman, who described himself as an Independent Democrat, attacked Obama relentlessly and also confirmed to host Chris Wallace that...

McCain's Next Move on Iraq

Now that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has endorsed Barack Obama's plan to withdraw American combat troops from his country over 16 months, what will John McCain's response be?Some are hailing al-Maliki's position as bolting the door closed on McCain's...

SCAMMD: How the Press Escapes Accountability

TPM blogger Eric Kramer was recently kind enough to list the Associated Press board members in his reader post "Horrified by AP Bias."Having tried and failed again today to contact an editor at the Associated Press bureau in Washington, D.C.,...


TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Reader blogMitch McConnell is Dead Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogThere is a season, turn, turn, turn... Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogiS cALifoRnIa NeXt? Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogRipper Grants: Apply Now Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogHouston, we have a solution: Gulf disaster demands NASA know-how Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogALERT: Senate Votes Today on Giving Big Coal, Big Oil Unfettered License to Pollute Air Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogA Perfect Storm for Democrats Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogPondering the Cosmos Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogThe Self-PiTea Party Doubles Down Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogDoes Shirley Sherrod float? Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogRace and the Right Wing Agenda Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogThe Magnetic President Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogWho Caught You When You Fell: An Ode to the Right Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogWaiting for <strike>Perot</strike> Palin Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogThis land is my land. Period. Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogPolitics for Dummies Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogBlinded by the Right: How Democrats Can Win Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogHistorians Discover First Draft of Bill of Rights Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogWhy Park51 must rise and stand Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogI Am Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Blog entryRunning Down the Zeitgeist DF315 years 8 months ago
Blog entryIn (limited) defense of Rick Warren Ripper915 years 8 months ago
Blog entryMy Month Long Contribution ChronoSpark615 years 11 months ago
