The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Another Candy-Ass Unity Thread

Sigmund Freud supposedly said: "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." He meant that we can read too much into things.So, I wonder, who are these people at TPM who just can't resist bashing Barack or Hillary? Democrats?I thought Democrats...

Ripper Befuddled by Intertubes

Forget the previous post below. I'm embarrassed that I misread a release from the Democratic National Committee posted at Fox Business as if it were a Fox Business news piece.The kicking of my own ass continues....

Even Fox Says McCain Befuddled on Economy

John McCain is so out of touch with the reality of America's economic woes that even Fox Business, the business news arm of Fox News, is skeptical of his claims.Today, new economic indicators revealed the jobless claims reached a 22...

I Love Hillary

Recommend please.If there's one thing I've enjoyed doing on this site, it's tearing Hillary a new one.But in recent days, I've had a change of heart, just as some Hillary supporters have had (e.g., Allsburg's apology;) concerning Obama. You see,...

That Way Lies Madness

I used to bash Hillary when I thought it was warranted. No more.From this point forward, I will make no post and recommend no post that airs a past or present grievance against Sen. Clinton. It just doesn't advance any...

How to Heal a Party

There have been multiple, awkward attempts to appeal to Hillary supporters for the sake of party unity, including one by yours truly that was interesting, if not successful. All of them were doomed to failure for two simple reasons.The first...

Oh, Sure, Blame Obama

There are limits to what Obama and his supporters can do to achieve party unity. The onus, however, is on Hillary Clinton and her supporters.Hyper-aggrieved Clinton partisans here tend to blog that 1) it's time for unity even if Obama...

People Get Ready

Not long before Super Tuesday, I made the following entry in blog at I thought some of you, like me, could use some uplifting perspective.There's a train about to leave the station, and it's name is the Obama Express....

Graceless in Defeat

Hillary Clinton proved tonight she loves nothing so much as herself.Rather than admitting defeat and laying down arms, she spit in Obama's eye and dared him to cross her private army of followers.After a few obligatory sentences of conciliation, she...

Obama Starts Tuesday with Another Superdelegate

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports Missouri State Rep. Maria Chappelle-Nadal will endorse Obama today. Nice way to start the day."This is a year that the mere existence of a single candidate, Barack Obama, has inspired people in my district to...


TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Reader blogMitch McConnell is Dead Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogThere is a season, turn, turn, turn... Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogiS cALifoRnIa NeXt? Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogRipper Grants: Apply Now Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogHouston, we have a solution: Gulf disaster demands NASA know-how Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogALERT: Senate Votes Today on Giving Big Coal, Big Oil Unfettered License to Pollute Air Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogA Perfect Storm for Democrats Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogPondering the Cosmos Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogThe Self-PiTea Party Doubles Down Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogDoes Shirley Sherrod float? Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogRace and the Right Wing Agenda Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogThe Magnetic President Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogWho Caught You When You Fell: An Ode to the Right Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogWaiting for <strike>Perot</strike> Palin Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogThis land is my land. Period. Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogPolitics for Dummies Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogBlinded by the Right: How Democrats Can Win Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogHistorians Discover First Draft of Bill of Rights Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogWhy Park51 must rise and stand Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Reader blogI Am Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf Ripper014 years 1 week ago
Blog entryRunning Down the Zeitgeist DF315 years 8 months ago
Blog entryIn (limited) defense of Rick Warren Ripper915 years 8 months ago
Blog entryMy Month Long Contribution ChronoSpark615 years 11 months ago
