The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

This Bud's for You, Belgians

Dear InBev,This Bud's for you. Don't gloat about it.So it turns out that America's premiere brewing company, Anheuser-Busch, will soon become Anheuser-Busch InBev, thanks to your generous buyout offer to A-B stockholders. Apparently, most of them sobered up when your...

Where the Elite Meet to Tweet

I'm no political junkie.For one thing, a junkie needs a fix just to keep his head from popping off. Then there's the fix itself: pure poison. It accomplishes nothing except to keep the junkie on that yo-yo of tension between...

Please Get Off Your Backside

I thought that might get your attention.The media is lewd, crude, rude, skewed ...and if we have anything to say about it, screwed.Raidder99 and I have spent hours -- nay, days -- setting things in motion to begin a netroots...

Reuters Propels Iraq Flip-Flop Lie

I see raider99 has raised in general form a topic I bring up here in specific form. The posts are by no means identical, though I like raider's thinking very much.You don't have to be an investigative reporter to see...

Will the Real Sen. Obama Please Stand Up

There was a show on TV for many years called "To Tell the Truth." Contestants with fascinating personal stories appeared with two impostors. A panel of celebrities questioned the three people to guess who was the real contestant. The show...

Nazi professors

So yesterday, I go to the mailbox. Nothing inside. Nothing but a folded flier on white paper, badly reproduced, that somebody -- not the mailman -- had stuffed inside.The flier is entitled "The Holocaust Controversy, The Case for Open Debate,"...

What a Democrat Believes

You may call the following my personal manifesto. You may disagree with some or all of what I'm about to reveal about my beliefs. They are personal, but my hope is to describe here something universal, so that you, gentle...

On PaTroll

I've noticed more and more posts directly attacking Obama's character this week at the same time that John McCain has done the same thing. The attacks from McCain and some posters here do bear an uncanny synchronicity of message: Obama's...

FISA Grumblers, Get the Hell Over It

The most important thing Obama can do is win the White House.It isn't filibustering FISA.It isn't standing on principle and poking holes in the air with his index finger.It isn't singlehandedly wiping out the Hanta virus.It isn't acceding to tester's...

Bush's Photo-Op Appeasement of North Korea

President Bush has wasted no time casting his diplomacy with North Korea as a kind of mission accomplished. Today, Bush was all aglow over his foreign policy "success," though his remarks were made sans flight jacket, aircraft carrier and banner.Bush...



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