The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

SleepinJeezus's picture

What Liberal Media?

We continually hear about the "librul media." And we hear this expressed as a complaint against our mainstream media which is regularly made by conservatives appearing on mainstream media outlets in higher proportions than their more liberal counterparts.It doesn't take...
SleepinJeezus's picture

REMEMBER WHEN? Accountability in Financial Markets

In honor of Bernie Madoff and Jim Cramer, I thought I would reprise the following which was previously published in this blog on TPM: In a photo taken during the pre-Reagan era when banking activities were closely monitored and regulated,...
SleepinJeezus's picture

Ma Joad & The Collapse of the Consumer Culture

(With thanks to stillidealistic, who prompted the following "lengthy wandering" by asking a most important question: "What can we little guys do to be a part of the solution to today's economic crisis?")*****************************************What do we do to address the failure...
SleepinJeezus's picture

Groundhog Cheney Rears Its Ugly Head

  The "still President" Dick Cheney addressed a kindergarten class on Monday, February 2nd after emerging from his undisclosed location. In his prepared comments, he forecast six more weeks of winter. He is seen here responding to a question from one...
SleepinJeezus's picture

From the Archive: Remember When Banking Industry Was Regulated?

In a photo taken during the pre-Reagan era when banking activities were closely monitored and regulated, we see Banking Industry mogul Jesse James auditing accounts receivable in his inbox under the watchful eyes of the regulators....
SleepinJeezus's picture

Paulson, Geithner & Friends "Gang Up" On Economy

I could hardly believe what I was hearing when this financial crisis first broke. Our Treasury Secretary issued a quick response, offering a three-page solution that required immediate application to be successful. Among its points: He needed to have singular...
SleepinJeezus's picture

"May Posterity Forget That Ye Were Our Countrymen"

Posted below are a few indications of where the founders and other wise ancestors would be aligned in the question about pursuing Justice for alleged perpetrators of crimes against humanity and violations of our Bill of Rights. It is difficult...
SleepinJeezus's picture

"You, too, can be a success on Wall Street!"

Click below to learn about a guaranteed path to wealth and fortune designed specifically for the ethically impaired. Enjoy! ...
SleepinJeezus's picture

The "Human Resource" is not an Expendable Commodity

Henry Ford was obsessed with improving the assembly line and standardizing his product as the means to gain efficiencies and cost savings. All inputs to production were carefully studied to ensure that they were acquired at the lowest cost which was then reflected in the lower sale price of the cars he manufactured.

SleepinJeezus's picture

Barney Fife Offers Extraordinary Rendition?

"How can anyone be sure this guy actually worked for the CIA as a clandestine operative?"


TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
LinkPackers support Wisconsin Public Employees SleepinJeezus613 years 10 months ago
Reader blogWHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON? Richard Day2413 years 10 months ago
Reader blogSquaring the circle: Tahrir as metaphor for Egypt acanuck713 years 10 months ago
Blog entryRight Wingers plan infiltration of Madison protesters and they don't care who knows it. Pass it on Ramona1913 years 10 months ago
Reader blogHead's Up People! Walker's "Budget Repair Bill" ain't all about busting Unions SleepinJeezus313 years 10 months ago
Reader blogTaking it to the streets. cmaukonen10513 years 10 months ago
Reader blog"This is what democracy looks like!" SleepinJeezus713 years 10 months ago
Blog entryStaying Allied with Democracies Doctor Cleveland913 years 10 months ago
LinkLetter from Madison School Board supports teachers and defies Governor SleepinJeezus013 years 10 months ago
LinkWisconsin Demonstrates Against Scott Walker's War on Unions Donal1113 years 10 months ago
LinkFed Forecasts Faster Growth as Economy Gathers Steam artappraiser113 years 10 months ago
LinkNo Teachers available! Madison (WI) School District Cancels Classes on Wednesday SleepinJeezus213 years 10 months ago
LinkNYT: Housing crash hitting cities thought to be stable SleepinJeezus013 years 10 months ago
Reader blogGlenn Beck Reveals The Root Of Modern Socialism: The Pop Star Fabian Orion1313 years 10 months ago
Reader blogSound Out to the Mideast: EU or Bust Decader1413 years 10 months ago
LinkGOP led Wisconsin is "Open for Business!" SleepinJeezus313 years 10 months ago
Reader blogDENIAL IS JUST A REGIME IN EGYPT acanuck1213 years 10 months ago
Reader blogSpinning the revolution acanuck1213 years 10 months ago
Reader blogAmerica's future role in the Middle East David Seaton1613 years 10 months ago
Reader blogAmerican Strategists would have us inherit the winds that blow in Cairo SleepinJeezus6513 years 10 months ago
Reader blogARE BERNANKE'S PIPES LEAKING? Oxy Mora1513 years 10 months ago
Blog entryDon't Mess With Switzerland Michael Maiello1813 years 10 months ago
Reader blogWhere's the News? Beetlejuice1213 years 10 months ago
Link"Hey, despots! We've got your back!" Just another (disgusting) day at the State Department SleepinJeezus113 years 10 months ago
Reader blogPeople of Egypt: Let Us Help You Keep Strong, Our Hands in Your Hands. we are stardust1913 years 10 months ago
