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    Another Sleepy Friday Afternoon at the Haikulodeon



    Here's this week's heap of haikus:



    The two legged things
    sit on the four legged things
    and run in circles?!


    (Thanks to Kristina Rebelo for the use of the photo.)



    A rosy outlook
    can still have thorny issues.
    My advice? Wear gloves.


    Winter reminder-ku:

    Though snow has fallen,
    remember, it has fallen
    but it can't get up.


    An eager puppy,
    tail wagging, strains at his leash.
    So many new friends!


    When you think of friends,
    round their 'rough edges', and put
    smiles on their faces.    


    Stuck. Like in cement.
    His life's going nowhere, and
    the stage has left Dodge.


    Skies with quiet clouds,
    boardwalks sparsely peopled with
    Old folks lost in thought.


    ( I forgot to post these during peak foliage time ... )

    Maples, elms and oaks
    burst with yellow, red and orange;
    the forest ablaze!


    As the earth prepares
    to take its winter snooze, the
    foliage blushes.




    A tangled mass of
    branches peer into the stream
    searching for lost leaves.





    Bottle openers are
    useless ... till you need them.  Like
    Condoms in wallets.



    Oh sturdy vine, on
    which we all depend, wither
    not at season's end.


    A tiny bird pecks
    at what it thinks is food, and
    man thought smoke-able.


    Do not suffer fools,
    gently educate them and
    elevate their souls.


    Purple swirls may make
    you dizzy, but old love songs
    may well make you blue.


    And so it begins;
    the cold month that ends each year.
    Be mild, December.




    To be committed
    is to fly through each sunset
    in search of the dawn.

    (Thanks to Kristina Rebelo for the use of the photo.)


     tanka haiku:  

    Now that I am old,
    I don't have to ask for help,
    nice folks will offer. 

    Of course, what they offer is,
    seldom what I really need. 


    Immortal souls that
    live in mortal bodies ... That's
    one of God's jokes, right?



    ( still one of my faves ... )

    haiku: A garden pathway
    lined with purple violets
    absorbs all sadness.



    Double haiku:

    They used to say, "See:

    ya in the funny papers" ..

    Now, it's understood.

    We are ALL in the

    funny papers ... But the world's

    no longer funny.




    Of a sanguine mind,
    he always disagreed with
    the cynical blokes ...





    Don't become smitten
    with young maids you have bitten;
    there's too much at stake.





    The ecdysiast
    that men find teasiest, zips
    up the easiest.





    This'll float your boat;
    Naked Gondoliers is what
    makes Venetians blind.




    Tomorrow is my
    birthday ... One more year gone by.
    Where's my slice of cake?


    Mick Mars of Motley Crue has Ankylosing Spondylitis, the disease which I was diagnosed with back in 1985.   Mick and his band-mates have graciously donated an autographed guitar to auction off on E-Bay, with 100% of the proceeds going to benefit the Spondylitis Association of America, recently named one of the Top Ten Non-Profits in the United States.   The bidding on the guitar only continues until tomorrow, so get your bids in TODAY!  


    You got that right, I fell asleep early on Friday and slept all night.  Enjoyable read. 


    To a December Child

    But not cold hearted



    Sometimes I use caps

    I wish to be recognized

    Emphasis my plan


    We began winter

    Early this year; November

    November was BAD


    December is WORSE

    December is much much WORSE

    But...I have a home


    Actually my goals

    Are all wrapped up in pay days

    Less so in seasons




    Thanks, DD.   As always, you inspire me. 

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